ACCM College is currently offering a 25% discount on all of our courses!

South Australian Traineeships

Work Ready Apprenticeships and Traineeships

The Australian College has worked with employers in South Australia of all sizes and in all industries to utilise traineeship opportunities to meet staff training needs. Successful and cost-effective programs have been run for clients with hundreds of staff enrolling, to small South Australian businesses with just 1 or 2 trainees.

ACCM College is able to offer subsidised Traineeships under our Skills SA contract for all qualifications on our scope of delivery.

Skills SA, Learner Eligibility and the Upfront Assessment of Needs
What you need to know!

  • Eligibility Requirements for Subsidised Training in SA

    Skills SA has made determining eligibility easy for potential students.

    Just visit here:

    And take the Eligibility Quiz.

    If you have any questions at all, just give us a call!



  • Understanding the Upfront Assessment of Needs (UAN)

    The Upfront Assessment of Needs is an inititiative of Skills SA - Department of Education.

    The UAN is designed to ensure each learner in a Skills SA subsidised program is suitable for the program they wish to complete.

    This in-depth process is designed to look at a range of factors surrounding the concept of suitability.

    Reading and Numeracy Skills


  • Understanding the SRNI (Snapshot Reading and Numeracy Indictor)

     The SRNI is an online application that looks at your reading and numeracy (or math) skills.

    Make sure you review the process for taking some SRNI practice tests that we send to our SA students!  They will help you!!!


    What is the SRNI used for?

    ACCM College will use the results of the SRNI  to determine if you will need additional learning support during your online program.

    Qualifications funded under Subsidised Training require applicants to complete a supervised SRNI.

    ACCM College will monitor the completion of the SRNI using web-video technology/options.

    This requirement is in place regardless of your prior education or employment.

    If you have recently completed a Certificate IV or Diploma-level (or higher qualification) in the last five years please let ACCM know immediately, as you may not need to complete the SRNI.


    What will the results of the SRNI mean?

    If you don’t meet the required "exit levels", ACCM College will work with you to determine what additional support or specific training you may require.

    You will also be asked to take a different exam called the CSPA, to better define your current reading and numeracy skills.


    How does the SRNI work?

    The SRNI is completed using a computer (desktop or laptop) and is made up of two components: Reading and Numeracy.

    ACCM College will observe/witness you taking this exam via a web camera (test supervision is required by the SA government).

    If securing a web camera is an issue, please contact ACCM College immediately.


    The reading component involves multiple choice and some text-based questions. This section asks you to:

    • recognise the correct spelling, meanings and grammatical use of commonly used words.
    • read a short passage and demonstrate your understanding of it by answering the accompanying questions.
    • read and interpret information from tables, charts and other sources.



    The numeracy component involves multiple choice and numerical entry questions, covering areas in basic numeracy which arise in normal day-to-day life.

    • The questions involve basic operations on whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages and simple graphical interpretations, with higher level indicators for problem solving, numbers and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability.
    • There is an in-built calculator in the numeracy section.


    Practice SRNI assessments for Numeracy and Reading

    A practice assessment is available for adults or school students to download so you can experience and complete a mini assessment of your reading and numeracy skills.

    The following link will enable you to register your own unique email address and be sent a link to access it.

    If you do not receive the link within 15 minutes you should check your ‘junk’ folder in your email inbox.

    At the end of the 6 reading and 6 numeracy questions you will be able to see online what you answered correctly or incorrectly and can go back and re-read the question(s).

    There is also an option to restart the practice assessment if you wish to try again before you exit. Once you exit the practice assessment you will not be able to use the link to the assessment you received again and will need to re-register with a different unique email address.


    Access SRNI Practice Material

    ACCM College strongly recommends you give these practice tests a try. It will familiarise you with the process and help you know what to expect.


    Arranging your SRNI Access

    If you haven't already booked your exams as part of the onboarding process, please reach out to ACCM College at and let us know when you are available.

    Please let us know if you feel you need extra support (ie a special need).


  • Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS)

    Success and Wellbeing Services

    As part of our contract with Skills SA, ACCM College has partnered with Interskills, one of six Success and Wellbeing Services in South Australia.

    What does a Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) organisation do?

    Supporting students and Trainees across the full range of possible needs take experience and expertise.

    While ACCM has decades of experience supporting students, the SWS is there to help.

    Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) provides individualised support to students with barriers to training through a case management model.

    SWS aims to increase completions of vocational education and training (VET) courses by students with complex support needs and assist students to transition to further study or employment.

    Success and Wellbeing Services assists students to stay in training and complete their qualification by:

    • helping them to navigate the training system
    • addressing life issues interfering with training
    • addressing study skill support needs
    • obtaining supports available in the community

    While support for students to develop their study skills can be provided, Success and Wellbeing Services does not provide Language, Literacy and Numeracy training.

    Supports can also be provided for a wide range of specific issues that you may be facing, including:

    • Family issues
    • Domestic violence
    • Housing and homelessness
    • Interactions with the justice system
    • Financial stress
    • Mental health and other disability issues
    • Study skills development
    • In-class support needs
    • Transitioning into an adult learning environment from school or after not studying for a long time
    • Transitioning into work after study (post-course support is available for up to 3 months)


    Interskills really wants to hear directly from you

    The Interskills team want to share information about their services and processes directly with Trainees as soon as possible.

    These caring and qualified individuals are always ready to help you, and we highly encourage you to reach out now to introduce yourself and let them know about any special needs you may want their assistance with.

    You can contact Alision directly at or call 1800 779 574 to introduce yourself.

    ACCM College is also able to contact Interskills on your behalf (upon your request) and set up a meeting with one of their team to discuss your individual circumstances and support needs.

  • UAN Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements

    Where a potential need has been identified during the UAN or SRNI process, ACCM College will quickly work with a SRNI Interpreter and/or the Learner Service Support (LSS) to determine what additional support is required.

    Additional training or support may be in the form of:

    • Completing foundation skills “bridging units” which will increase your Trainee’s Reading or Numeracy skills
    • Additional LLN support from ACCM College or external provider


    However, it is important for employers to understand that ACCM College is not permitted to discuss the results of the UAN or the SRNI with them.

    Privacy and Confidentiality requirements mean that only the Trainee/Learner can provide information on the additional support required.

    While ACCM College strongly encourages all parties (the Trainee and the Employer) to discuss the outcomes in a positive and supportive effort, it is the final decision of the Trainee that matters.

  • Potential Outcomes of the UAN

Key Facts About Traineeships

  • What are Traineeships and What Incentives are Available?

    Traineeships are employment arrangements where the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments support and encourage the training of new employees.

    Each state and territory determines the areas it will support as traineeships, and in many cases will subsidise the training costs. Some states and ACT offer generous payroll tax advantages for trainees.

    The Commonwealth Government supports the program by offering employer incentives for employers engaging and successfully completing apprentices and trainees.

    However, only those Traineeships that are on the national priority list are still eligible for Hiring Incentives and other benefits.

    Currently, the qualifications offered by ACCM College are not on the National Priority list and do not attract any federal hiring incentives.

    The Federal Government is currently conducting a national review to determine if a return to prior incentives should be reconsidered.  We will update this page according if this information changes.

    With so many different levels of government involved – traineeships can seem complicated, but they don’t need to be.

    ACCM College specialises in traineeship delivery so feel free to call us and get your questions answered.

  • Eligibility for Traineeships and Declared Traineeships By the State or Territory

    Apprentice Connect Australia Providers determine the eligibility of employees for traineeships.

    The following information is a guide to how the Traineeship system works:

    1. The type of work must be declared a traineeship in the state that you wish to employ the trainee.

    This government website shows the Traineeships Declared, but the College is happy to work this out for you. 

    2. The employee you wish to register in a traineeship must be an Australian Citizen or permanent resident.

    They can also be a New Zealand passport holder who has been resident in Australia for more than six months,

    Some states will allow visa holders where the specific visa allows employment and traineeships (including Special Category Visa 444 which allows New Zealand Citizens to work and study in Australia for an unlimited period).

    3. The employee cannot already hold a formal qualification (but see the many exceptions to this rule below).

     See the NSW Traineeship rules (including for New Zealand Citizens).

    Contact us to arrange specific advice from an Apprentice Connect Australia Providers or refer to

    In NSW the Vocational Training Orders that declare a Traineeship are published on the Training Services NSW site.

  • Impact of Past Qualifications

    Previous qualifications are not an automatic disqualifier from being a Trainee and attracting government subsidies and incentives.

    While this used to be a factor, the guidelines have changed a great deal in recent years and it's best to check.

    The rules vary by State and Territory about what is allowable.

    An Apprentice Connect Australia Provider consider and determine the specific qualifications held by any potential trainees, as there are many exceptions and rules.



  • New Entrant Trainees

    To be registered as a New Entrant Trainee, a new employee must be registered as a Trainee within three months of commencing work or within 12 months for part-time employees.

    Federal Employer incentives (if available) only apply to New Entrant Trainees. 

    Payroll Tax exemptions or rebates may also apply based on your State or Territory and specific business situation (please check with your Accountant). 

    For most states the training costs for many New Entrant Traineeships is subsidised by the State/Territory Government.


  • Existing Worker Traineeships

    Employees registered as trainees who have been employed longer than the time frames for New Entrant status are called Existing Worker Trainees.

    Existing employees can be registered as trainees.

    The benefits or reasons to do this vary from state to state:

    • Existing Worker traineeships in ACCM College qualification areas do NOT attract Employer incentives in any state.
    • Payroll Tax rebates and exemptions do NOT apply to Existing Worker Traineeships.
    • In the ACT, South Australia and Tasmania, the training costs for some Existing Worker Traineeships is subsidised. Refer to each state for rules and qualifications subsidised.
    • Registration as an Existing Worker Traineeship prohibits the training to be subsidised under other available subsidised training programs offered by the various states.
  • There is no maximum age to be a Trainee

    Traineeships are suitable for all employees, however some State and Territories do have minimum age requirements for Traineeships.

    For more details on minimum age requirements please contact your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider or ACCM College for specific information.

    Our course materials are based on work place skills, so no matter how old your employees are, they will still benefit from the course.

  • Traineeship Employer Incentives

    Quick Summary: The Australian Apprenticeship Incentive Guidelines have changed

    Always check here for the most up to date guidance!


    For Traineeships that commenced after 30 June 2024

    The Federal Incentives only apply to qualifications on the National Skills Priority list.

    Currently, the qualifications on offer with ACCM College do not attract federal hiring incentives.


    For Traineeships that commenced after 1 July 2022 but BEFORE 30 June 2024:

    $1750 at 6 months from “date of commencement” and $1750 at the six month mark after the effective date of the first date.


    For Traineeships that commenced prior to 30 June 2022:

    $4000 per FT new entrant trainee, $1500 per PT new entrant trainee

    For new full-time trainees of $1500 is claimable at the six month mark of their traineeship, and $2500 at completion.

    For new part-time trainees the $1500 is claimable at completion of the traineeship.


    How are incentives managed?

    Incentives are subject to traineeship eligibility criteria, waiting periods and time limits being met. Your Apprenticeship Support Network provider will assess your trainees eligibility for incentives.

    The information provided on this page is for general information only and should not be relied upon because it is subject to change and may not reflect your exact circumstances. 

    This information is subject to change, always refer to for current information.

    Current as of Nov 2024

  • Payroll Tax Rebate Benefits

    NSW, QLD, WA, TAS and ACT offer an exemption and/or rebate on the wages of New Entrant trainees.

    If you are paying or liable to pay Payroll Tax – this can be a significant saving amounting to thousands of dollars.

    Current details on Payroll Tax Rebates for your State or Territory can be found here



    Please click on the picture above to download ACCM College's Payroll Tax Rebate handout.

    This will help explain how this financial consideration is calculated and how it can help employers offset the costs of Traineeships.

    Contact your Accountant or the relevant government body in your state to determine whether you will attract an exemption or rebate, and at what rate and for what period of time.

  • State Government Subsidy Support to Pay for Training

    The cost of the training provided by the College may be subsidised by your State or Territory Government.

    Each State and Territory determines which courses it will subsidise, and to what extent.

    Our courses pages will provide an accurate price or estimate.

    All State and Territories currently require an employer contribution (NSW is currently offering a Fee-Free Traineeship program).

    ACT, South Australia and Tasmania also subsidise the costs for some Existing Worker traineeships.

  • Employer Obligations Under Traineeships

    Taking on a trainee can be a step forward for many businesses to train and grow their key staff for the future. It provides an opportunity for an extra set of hands that is motivated and keen to learn.

    Under the Traineeship Training Contract the employer must provide a workplace environment that supports the trainee's learning, and allows approximately 3 hours per week towards learning activities.  ACT requires a higher level of time commitment of 20% of the Trainee's paid work hours.

    Employers enrolling their employees as students are responsible to:

    • Provide appropriate on-the-job training, support and supervision
    • Ensure their employees have access to the full range of work that is required on-the-job to complete the assessment tasks
    • Notify the College if there are any matters affecting their ability to complete the qualification due to work related barriers
    • Comply with Traineeship requirements if applicable.
    • Sign all Workplace Verification Checklists, Assessment Submissions and Training Plans.
  • The Role of a Supervisor of a Trainee

    As a supervisor you will act as a role model and coach for the trainee. 

    The trainee will look to you for guidance and help in learning to do their job.

    You also have responsibilities to talk to ACCM College about the trainee's progress.

    ACCM College provides you the on-line ability to see their progress 24/7.

  • Trainee Obligations

    Trainees also have obligations under a traineeship arrangement.

    The key obligations that affect their formal qualification are:

    • Regular and active participation in training
    • Seeking help when it is needed
    • Making contact with ACCM College as required to undertake skills assessments
    • Following ACCM College Policies
    • Submitting your original work in assessments
    • Participating in any workplace training provided by your employer or ACCM College.
    • Attending any training or progress meetings with ACCM College.
    • Notifying your employer and ACCM College if you are having any difficulties completing the tasks or workbooks.
    • Notifying ACCM College if you leave your employer during the term of a traineeship.
    • Meeting the ACCM College Student Participation Standards
  • Trainee Rates of Pay

    Rates of pay are a matter for your relevant Award or the National Training Wage. The Department of Fair Work could assist you if you are unsure.

South Australian Student Support Services

  • Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS)

    Success and Wellbeing Services

    As part of our contract with Skills SA, ACCM College has partnered with Interskills, one of six Success and Wellbeing Services in South Australia.

    What does a Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) organisation do?

    Supporting students and Trainees across the full range of possible needs take experience and expertise.

    While ACCM has decades of experience supporting students, the SWS is there to help.

    Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) provides individualised support to students with barriers to training through a case management model.

    SWS aims to increase completions of vocational education and training (VET) courses by students with complex support needs and assist students to transition to further study or employment.

    Success and Wellbeing Services assists students to stay in training and complete their qualification by:

    • helping them to navigate the training system
    • addressing life issues interfering with training
    • addressing study skill support needs
    • obtaining supports available in the community

    While support for students to develop their study skills can be provided, Success and Wellbeing Services does not provide Language, Literacy and Numeracy training.

    Supports can also be provided for a wide range of specific issues that you may be facing, including:

    • Family issues
    • Domestic violence
    • Housing and homelessness
    • Interactions with the justice system
    • Financial stress
    • Mental health and other disability issues
    • Study skills development
    • In-class support needs
    • Transitioning into an adult learning environment from school or after not studying for a long time
    • Transitioning into work after study (post-course support is available for up to 3 months)


    Interskills really wants to hear directly from you

    The Interskills team want to share information about their services and processes directly with Trainees as soon as possible.

    These caring and qualified individuals are always ready to help you, and we highly encourage you to reach out now to introduce yourself and let them know about any special needs you may want their assistance with.

    You can contact Alision directly at or call 1800 779 574 to introduce yourself.

    ACCM College is also able to contact Interskills on your behalf (upon your request) and set up a meeting with one of their team to discuss your individual circumstances and support needs.

  • Mental Health Support

    Below are a variety of links to mental health services and resources for people around Australia.

    Visit Health Direct to discover other services in your area.

    For assistance 24/7 mental health assistance, call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

    Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service that provides free telephone, video and online counselling 24/7. Call 1300 659 467 or go to Suicide Call Back Service online chat and video counselling.

    The SA Mental Health Triage Service operates 24/7. This service:

    • is the main point of access to state funded mental health services
    • can provide advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis situation
    • is staffed by mental health clinicians
    • will assess and refer to acute response teams where appropriate.

    For further information and other links for mental health services specific to your needs and local area, visit SA Mental Health Services. 

     For further resources for young people (aged 16-24 years), visit SA Children, Adolescents and Youth Mental Health Services.

  • Disability Support Services

    Below are some links to helpful resources for people with disabilities.

    Disability Employment Service (DES) providers can help if you’re looking for work or have a job placement.

    If you’re looking for work, a DES provider can help you:

    • Get ready to work
    • Train in specific job skills
    • Write your resumé
    • Train in interview skills
    • Look for jobs that suit you

    Visit for an extensive list of disability support information specific to your area. 

  • Financial Support

    Visit Department of Human Services for information on helping with Financial Hardships (including interest free loans)

    If you are having trouble paying household bills, getting food on the table or paying your rent or mortgage, there are services that can help.

    This includes interest free loans and financial counselling


    Visit Mission Australia to locate local services, resources and information. Mission Australia can help with:

    • Finding safe and affordable housing
    • Emergency relief
    • Support for disadvantaged children
    • Assistance with budgeting tools and debt reduction techniques
    • Gambling counselling


    The Salvation Army can provide financial counselling and assist in finding services and other support. 

    If you or someone you know is experiencing financial stress, there are services that can help, visit You might be able to access:

    • food vouchers
    • chemist vouchers
    • transport vouchers
    • help with rent or accommodation costs
    • help toward the cost of bills
    • material help, such as food hampers or clothing, and sometimes cash.

    Find your bank's financial difficulty contact details at the Australian Banking Association

    The Financial Counsellors’ Association provides free confidential support if you are experiencing financial difficulty. Call 1800 007 007 Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm.

  • Gambling Support

    Visit Gambling Help Online for counselling, information and support 24/7.

    Visit the Australia Institute of Family Studies for:

    • Links to online counselling
    • Links to find help in your state or territory
    • Get information and support for friends and family
    • Get information about how to talk with someone about their gambling 

    You can also visit Office for Problem Gambling for links to useful resources and information in South Australia.

  • Support for Hearing and Vision Impairment

    Visit the NDIS website to read about the Hearing Services Program and find out if you meet the eligibility criteria. 

    Deaf Connect offers information regarding:

    • Education (Learning Australian Sign Language)
    • Auslan translations
    • Support work
    • Interpreting
    • NDIS support
    • Therapy and family services
    • Information services

    For people with vision impairment, Vision Australia can:

    • Help find services and support
    • Provide information about funding
    • Assist with understanding eye conditions
    • Provide helpful resources

    Visit DeafNav for information about Guide Dogs in South Australia.

  • Reading and Writing Support

    For adults seeking assistance with reading, writing or basic mathematics visit the Reading and Writing Hotline or call on 1300 655 506.

    SPELD SA is a not-for-profit service providing advice and services to children and adults with specific learning difficulties and those who care for, teach and work with them. 

    The Skills for Education Program (SEE) helps job seekers get the skills they need for the job they want through stronger reading, writing, mathematics and computer skills. 

    Please note that the SEE program is only available to:

    • Australian residents who are not currently studying full-time or working full-time
    • Aged 15 to pension age
    • Registered as a job-seeker, either with an employment services provider or as a voluntary job seeker
    • Have the right to work in Australia through citizenship, residency or visa status

    The Adult Migrant English Program is an online English learning program for eligible migrants. Visit the website to learn more and check your eligibility. 

  • Relationship Support

    1800Respect is a National domestic family and sexual violence counselling service. Visit their website for assistance with:

    • Finding services
    • Safety planning
    • Support for yourself or someone else
    • Assistance with maintaining healthy relationships

    Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA) is a not for profit, secular organisation that is committed to improving the quality of family and community relationships, thus enabling individuals to thrive.  They have more than 70 years of experience providing family and relationship services in South Australia. 

    Their services are based on an understanding of the social determinants of health and operate within a public health framework. Restorative practice and trauma responsive approaches underpin their work, and they pride themselves on their inclusive culture.

  • Homelessness Support

    Visit Homelessness Australia for an extensive list of services available in all states and territories. Please note that Homelessness Australia is not a direct support service, so although they cannot directly support, they know many organisations who can. They provide information on various services available for people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, in all areas of Australia. provides various links to community services for people who are homeless or at risk.

    Homeless Connect SA is a state-wide phone service. you can reach out on 1800 003 308 for assistance. Homeless Connect can:

    • Connect you with relevant services and information to help in your current situation
    • Short-term assistance until you can be connected to a specialist homelessness service
    • Referrals to specialist services including Domestic Violence and Family Violence services, youth services and mental health support


  • Transport Services

    Visit Study Australia to find the link for your state or territory Transport website. 

    These websites will provide information on public transport and any eligible concessions for each state and territory. 

    If you have a disability, you can visit Disability Gateway for information on:

    • Public transport
    • Taxis and rideshare services
    • Community transport
    • Driving and parking your car

    You can also visit for driving and transport services. 

  • Food Bank

    Foodbank provides essential food and grocery relief to more than one million Australians experiencing food insecurity every month.

    The Foodbank Hunger Report 2023 revealed that 3.7 million households in Australia have run out of food in the last year, with the cost of living crisis being one of the main reasons.

    Foodbank works with the entire Australian food and grocery sector including farmers, wholesalers, manufacturers, and retailers who donate and redirect surplus product to us. This enable us to provide over 225,000 meals a day to people in need.

    If you are in a position where a little help can make a big difference, click here for more information,

Three Simple Steps To Arrange Traineeships

1. Speak to us to get details. If you are unsure if your employee(s) qualify - then let us check for you.

2. Let us arrange traineeship registration with your preferred Apprentice Connect Australia Provider.

3. Your trainee enrols online in about 7 minutes using an enrolment link we will send you.


ACCM College specialises in traineeship delivery and is one of the largest traineeship support training providers in our areas of expertise: business, IT, supply chain, finance and accounting.

We keep you informed on your trainee's progress and key milestones to ensure the program runs smoothly. 


Studying at ACCM College

  • Course Support that Students Rave About

    ACCM College helps you succeed in your studies by giving you the support of a dedicated team of Student Advisers with real life industry experience.

    You will have one dedicated Student Adviser who will personally manage your program; and the benefit of a team around them to provide expert assistance in all subject areas.

    Students actively comment about the supportiveness of their Student Advisers, in particular their skills at passing on their knowledge and making even the hardest subject easy to understand.

    Help is available.  Studying online does not mean you are studying alone.

  • Quality Learning Materials that Receive Great Reviews

    Our step by step course materials have been written by our own industry experts to give learners the most relevant and useful information needed.

    The online resources provide industry insight and understanding by simplifying industry jargon and concepts, and focusing on current real world business practices.

    We pride ourselves on providing high quality learner resources that set our learners up for success.

    ACCM College students have the opportunity to give us immediate subject feedback and feedback to the assessor upon submission, so we always have the opportunity to become even better.

  • Access to Course Materials

    All of the course materials are accessed and completed online, allowing learners to complete subjects at a time and place that suits.

    Webclass login details are provided via email within an hour of enrolling.

    On Webclass learners can:

    • Access online learning and assessment materials 24/7
    • Submit assessments, view assessment results and assessor feedback
    • Update contact details



  • No Exams and Lots of Help

    There are no stressful exams.

    Our assessments are thorough, but are self-paced and help is only a phone call or email away.

    Activities that you are asked to do are practical and based on real life workplace experiences and needs.

    You will have a Study Timetable and we will help you keep to it so that you end up with the qualification that you deserve as quickly as is feasible.

  • Regular Contact from Us. Yes - We Call You!

    ACCM is proactive about being in touch. When you apply to enrol, our Service One team will call you immediately and guide you through to finish the enrolment process. They will also contact you weekly for the first 6 weeks to ensure you are on track and comfortable with online learning.

    After your onboarding has been completed a Student Adviser will make contact to introduce themselves as your main point of contact and assistance with your ongoing study.

    You will continue to receive regular phone calls, emails and SMS to check your progress and offer help. If we see you getting behind we will increase our efforts to contact you to ensure you are getting the help you need.

    Study online - not alone, and be supported every step of the way!

  • Start and Study Anytime - Enjoy the Flexibility

    ACCM does not have strict semester dates, giving you the ability to decide when you want to start your study program.

    Once your enrolment is approved your personal login details will give you access to your course materials 24/7 and allowing you the flexibility to choose when and where you study.

    You can also see your personal Study Timetable and have clear goals of when your subjects are to be completed.

Why ACCM is the Training Provider of Choice

  • Maximum RTO Registration Status - Recognising Quality Delivery

    The College is a Registered Training Organisation meeting the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. Our National Provider number is 1441.

    The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the government agency that supervises and approves the licencing of Registered Training Organisations.

    Our Registration Certificate shows that the College is registered to deliver nationally accredited training until 17 January 2030. 

    Read about how we achieved the maximum registration period and what that means.

  • Outstanding Survey Results - National Quality Indicators

    Wow – another year and awesome results in the National Quality Indicators!

    RTOs are required to collect surveys from students and employers. The survey questions are fixed so that comparisons can be made between RTOs from year to year. These are called the National Quality Indicators. We not only get great results – we have done so consistently. 

    Look at the consistent history of excellent results in our latest 2022 Quality Indicator Annual Summary Report.

  • Proven Results From The NSW VET Student Outcomes Survey

    It's great to see this feedback from NSW.

    2021 is the most recent full year data that has been released (as of December 2022).

    This independent data reflects the efforts of NSW Training Services collecting post-qualification data on student outcomes.

    We were delighted to be proven a leading provider in our peer group and across all NSW providers.

    Click here to the data for yourself - NSW VET Student Outcomes 

  • Long Term Client Satisfaction - The Best Evidence of Quality

    ACCM College has a wide range of long term and loyal clients who appreciate the industry expertise, flexibility and quality of the work that we do to deliver traineeships and training to their staff.  

    We excel at understanding the specific needs of each client, so we are able to get equally outstanding reviews from employers in different sectors.

    Don’t take our word for it - see the many Client Success Stories for more information.

  • Student Success - A Measure of the Support We Provide

    Each year the quality of the training and traineeships delivered by the College is acknowledged through the recognition of our high achieving students in the Department of Education Trainee of the Year awards.

    In every year we have had multiple students across different study categories be recognised, and in turn recognise the help and support of their College Student Adviser. Look at these amazing success stories.