The SRNI is an online application that looks at your reading and numeracy (or math) skills.
Make sure you review the process for taking some SRNI practice tests that we send to our SA students! They will help you!!!
What is the SRNI used for?
ACCM College will use the results of the SRNI to determine if you will need additional learning support during your online program.
Qualifications funded under Subsidised Training require applicants to complete a supervised SRNI.
ACCM College will monitor the completion of the SRNI using web-video technology/options.
This requirement is in place regardless of your prior education or employment.
If you have recently completed a Certificate IV or Diploma-level (or higher qualification) in the last five years please let ACCM know immediately, as you may not need to complete the SRNI.
What will the results of the SRNI mean?
If you don’t meet the required "exit levels", ACCM College will work with you to determine what additional support or specific training you may require.
You will also be asked to take a different exam called the CSPA, to better define your current reading and numeracy skills.
How does the SRNI work?
The SRNI is completed using a computer (desktop or laptop) and is made up of two components: Reading and Numeracy.
ACCM College will observe/witness you taking this exam via a web camera (test supervision is required by the SA government).
If securing a web camera is an issue, please contact ACCM College immediately.
The reading component involves multiple choice and some text-based questions. This section asks you to:
- recognise the correct spelling, meanings and grammatical use of commonly used words.
- read a short passage and demonstrate your understanding of it by answering the accompanying questions.
- read and interpret information from tables, charts and other sources.
The numeracy component involves multiple choice and numerical entry questions, covering areas in basic numeracy which arise in normal day-to-day life.
- The questions involve basic operations on whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages and simple graphical interpretations, with higher level indicators for problem solving, numbers and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability.
- There is an in-built calculator in the numeracy section.
Practice SRNI assessments for Numeracy and Reading
A practice assessment is available for adults or school students to download so you can experience and complete a mini assessment of your reading and numeracy skills.
The following link will enable you to register your own unique email address and be sent a link to access it.
If you do not receive the link within 15 minutes you should check your ‘junk’ folder in your email inbox.
At the end of the 6 reading and 6 numeracy questions you will be able to see online what you answered correctly or incorrectly and can go back and re-read the question(s).
There is also an option to restart the practice assessment if you wish to try again before you exit. Once you exit the practice assessment you will not be able to use the link to the assessment you received again and will need to re-register with a different unique email address.
Access SRNI Practice Material
ACCM College strongly recommends you give these practice tests a try. It will familiarise you with the process and help you know what to expect.
Arranging your SRNI Access
If you haven't already booked your exams as part of the onboarding process, please reach out to ACCM College at and let us know when you are available.
Please let us know if you feel you need extra support (ie a special need).