Staff Professional Development Policy and Procedures

Reviewed Jun 2020, Updated Oct 2020, Reviewed Dec 2020, Updated Jun 2021, Dec 2021, Reviewed Jun 2022, Jul 2023, Dec 2023

Staff Professional Development Policy Statement

ACCM College recognises that maintaining staff expertise and industry and training/assessment currency is a key strategy to ensuring industry relevance of ACCM College courses and maintaining the College's status as a respected industry leader within its areas of expertise.

ACCM College, through the application of its Staff Professional Development (PD) Policy, will: 

  • Identify and offer PD opportunities to all staff 
  • Prioritise PD based on immediate and longer term work requirements 
  • Ensure trainers and assessors maintain currency of relevant qualifications and competencies
  • Set minimum PD requirements for relevant staff
  • Maximise use of industry engagement activities 
  • Implement appropriate procedures to efficiently record, report and analyse the effectiveness of PD activities 
  • Implement mechanisms for the sharing of learning attained through professional development activities.

Staff Professional Development Policy Details

  • Overview of PD Process and Requirements

    PD will have a range of required content areas to ensure achievement of vocational and training PD activities.

    The activities assigned will then inform updates to ACCM College's learning resources and subjects.

    ACCM Staff will have personal responsibility to ensure the required PD activities are undertaken and to ensure that they remain current.

    In addition, staff are required to undertake formal internal and/or external course work to ensure qualification currency.

    Staff completing internal qualifications will be strictly subject to standard assessment processes.

  • PD Requirements for Trainers and Assessors

    Trainer and Assessor PD activities will require minimum participation in PD events in the following areas:

    • Training (where face to face training is delivered)
    • Assessment practice
    • LLND and ACSF
    • Moderation and Validation activities
    • Industry collaboration including validation and currency activities
    • State Training contract compliance (of sections that impact them)
    • Safety
    • Vocational currency

    Ongoing satisfactory job performance requires minimum PD activities to be undertaken and recorded.

  • Trainer and Assessor Qualification and Specific PD Requirements

    Vocational Qualifications

    Training and Assessing staff must achieve and maintain currency in the vocational qualifications they were hired to train/assess in, plus any further qualification fields allocated to them.

    As a minimum each FT Trainer/Assessor must complete an agreed qualification each year.

    Each PT Trainer/Assessor must complete an agreed qualification every 2 years.

    Where the selected qualification is external, ACCM College will pay enrolment fees for up to this time frame. Where the course takes longer it is the employee’s obligation to pay additional fees.

    Trainer and Assessor Skills Currency Activities

    Staff PD 

    Staff PD are mandatory for all staff.  

    Trainer and Assessor PD will include specific requirements to maintain and prove industry currency.

    Industry Topics are key subject matters agreed to with management as being current issues in the industry. 

    While all areas of industry activity and research have value, staff will be asked to focus on those areas where changes have or likely will occur, such as legislation, technology, industry best practices and other areas subject to change.

    Validation / Moderation Activities

    As part of ACCM's normal Validation/Moderation Schedule, each Trainer and Assessor is required to participate in at least one session per quarter (normally 2-3 in most cases).  

    Participation information will be stored on the applicable Validation Page of the Dashboard and also entered into the staff's PD Page.


  • Industry Currency

    Trainer and Assessor PD will include specific requirements to maintain and prove industry currency.

    Industry Topics are key subject matters agreed to with management as being current issues in the industry. 

    While all areas of industry activity and research have value, ACCM staff will focus on those areas where changes have or likely will occur, such as legislation, technology, industry best practices and other areas subject to change.

    The goal of Industry Currency is to ensure that both they and ACCM College’s learning materials reflect current, relevant and meaningful knowledge, skill and expertise in their assigned industry.




  • Identifying PD Requirements From Industry Engagement

    PD requirements will be informed by identifying industry changes that will impact subject content and industry current procedures and practices. Examples include changes to legislation, implementation of technology, new industry standards and practices. As these are identified through industry engagement and other proactive practices, these activities will be allocated to the relevant trainer and assessor as a PD activity. The resulting research would then identify any potential improvements and updates in course materials and assessments.

    Staff may be asked to self-identify PD activities as well as following their manager's input.

    This program will be accessed, updated and monitored within the ACCM College Dashboard.

    During annual reviews, each staff member's PD priorities will be identified and progress reviewed. 

    Movement in award levels is subject to satisfactory performance including achievement of the minimum required PD activities that were identified.

  • Staff PD Policy Relationships

    NSW Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines Clause 16 Professional Development and Continuous Improvement.

    Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 Standard One Clause 1.13 and 1.16

    This Policy is informed by:

    • VET Practitioner Capability Framework by developed Innovation & Business Skills Australia (IBSA)
    • NSW Smart and Skilled Teaching and Leadership Policy
    • Right Way Program developed by Service Skills Australia
    • Code for Professional Practice for Validation and Moderation (2009) National Quality Council
    • An Assessor Guide: Validation and Moderation (Dec 2010) TVET Australia


    Related Policies:

    Independent Validation

    Industry Engagement