Complaints, Appeals and Consumer Protection Policy

Reviewed Jun 2020, Updated Dec 2020, Reviewed Jun 2021, Dec 2021, Updated Mar 2022, Reviewed Jun 2022, Dec 2022, Reviewed Jul 2023, Dec 2023

Complaints Policy Statement

ACCM College, through the application of its Complaints and Grievance Policy, will develop and maintain an effective, timely, fair and equitable complaint/grievance handling system which is easily accessible to students and offered at no charge.

The grievance handling system will address any expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of ACCM College’s services and activities, including both academic and non-academic matters, such as:

  • Enrolment and eligibility to enrol
  • The quality of resources and education provided
  • Fee payment and instalments
  • Academic issues, including course content, student progress and assessment results and the non-award of a qualification
  • Failure to deliver contracted services
  • Privacy issues, the handling of personal information and access to personal records
  • The treatment received including concerns about bullying, harassment, intimidation or discrimination
  • ACCM College's Student Training Advisers, Assessors and other staff
  • Another learner of ACCM College
  • Student disciplinary actions taken
  • Administrative or customer service issues

All stakeholders including potential and past students and clients may use the College Complaints and Grievance Policy if they are dissatisfied with any aspect at ACCM College.

Use of the ACCM College Complaints and Grievance Policy does not limit a complainant’s other legal avenues or rights.

Consumer Protection Policy Statement

Students, including those receiving government-subsidised training, have certain rights and obligations. 

Students have the right to a quality of training that meets the standards, regulations and requirement set down by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and under any government-subsidised training program they are enrolled in.

They also must be informed about the collection and use of their personal information, be able to review and correct that information and be able to access ACCM College's consumer protection complaints process.

ACCM also has an obligation to issue the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) certification documentation to students once all invoicing has been settled.

Students' obligations include providing accurate information to the training provider and behaving in a responsible and ethical manner.

This information has also been provided on each course page of every qualification on offer by ACCM College.

Details about the Complaints and Consumer Protection Policies

  • Informal Option to Raise Concerns

    a) An informal process to resolve concerns is offered in the first instance to encourage clients, students, staff and other stakeholders to report any concerns immediately. However a formal system is to be in place for those that do not wish to follow the informal process.

    b) Regardless of whether a complaint is informally or formally raised it will be appropriately actioned in accordance with this policy.

    c) To raise an informal complaint simply raise the matter with your main contact at the College. For most students this would be their Student Training Adviser.

    d) If you prefer not to raise the matter with them, simply ask to speak to a Training Services Manager or a Director to discuss a concern.

  • Formal Complaint Lodgement

    Stakeholders may immediately escalate the issue to a Manager by asking to speak to a Training Services Manager or by submitting the complaint in writing.


  • Ways to Lodge a Complaint

    Contact can be by:

    • Phone: 1 800 111 700 - ask for a Training Services Manager or Director
    • Post: Unit 8, 36-42 Auburn Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
    • Send us an email to with subject line: Complaint
  • Complaint Resolution Timeframe

    a) Receipt of written complaints will be acknowledged immediately upon receipt, but no later than 2 business days.

    b) If the matter cannot be immediately resolved, an indicative time frame for investigation will be provided to the complainant.

    c) The outcome of the investigation is to be communicated to the complainant no later than 5 working days after the complaint, excepting where the complainant has been advised of a longer time frame and the reason for that time frame being necessary.

    d) It is not envisaged that longer than 4 weeks would be needed to investigate and respond to any complaint.

    e) In the unlikely event a complaint or appeal will take longer than 60 calendar days to process and finalise, ACCM will inform the complainant in writing and provide reasons why this additional time is required. The individual will receive regular written updates from ACCM on the progress of their complaint or appeal.

  • Complaint Investigation Process

    a) Complaints will be actioned and resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality.

    b) The views of each complainant will be respected and no party to a complaint will be discriminated against or victimised.

    c) The principles of natural justice will be applied to ensure fairness and justice for all parties and a solid basis for arriving at fair, impartial and independent decisions. This will include the complainant having an opportunity to fully present their case and having the opportunity to be accompanied and assisted by a support person at any meetings.

    d) A Training Services Manager will be responsible for full investigation into written complaints.

    e) Where the Training Services Manager determines they are not the most suitable person to undertake the investigation, they are not impartial, or the grievance is about their behaviour, the investigation is to be referred to a suitable colleague (but not one that reports directly to them).

    f) The investigation process will:

    • Seek to verify any factual information
    • Determine any compliance or legal positions (and if necessary seek a formal legal opinion)
    • Allow the complainant and respondent an opportunity to fully present their case
    • Where necessary, or requested, involve meetings on College premises with the complainant or respondent (giving them the opportunity to be accompanied and assisted by a support person)
    • Be recorded in writing (if necessary by a Minute taker)
    • Undertake any other activities appropriate to the purpose of fully investigating the Grievance.


    g) The Director of RTO Operations will record their outcome and the reasons for the outcome.

    h) A full explanation for decisions and actions taken as part of the process will be provided to the complainant. This will typically be by email.

  • Outcomes of a Formal Complaint

    a) After thorough investigation the Training Services Manager (or appropriate ACCM College representative) will advise the complainant (and respondent if applicable) in writing of the decision and the basis on which it was arrived at.

    b) The complainant (and if applicable the respondent) will be advised that there is a Complaints Appeal Process if they do not believe the outcome is correct.

    c) Written records of the Complaint (and Appeals) are to be retained in the College Complaints Register, which is permanently retained.

    d) Improvement procedures arising from every Grievance are to be identified and implemented as soon as practical.

Escalating an Unresolved Complaint and External Review

  • Option to Appeal an Initial Complaint Investigation

    a) A complainant may appeal the outcome of a Formal Complaint by writing to the ACCM College CEO who is the nominated Consumer Protection Officer, with a heading "Appeal of Formal Grievance". Where the CEO was the original decision officer or is involved in the dispute the Managing Director will investigate the appeal.

    b) Before deciding whether to appeal a decision, the complainant should review the written reasons for the original decision and seek further clarification if they do not understand the stated reasons.

    c) The following information should be included in the Appeal document:

    • Explanation of why the grievance decision is wrong or unfair
    • Specifically - if you disagree with the decision because you believe the College misinterpreted the evidence, got the facts wrong, or placed too much weight on a particular piece of evidence, then what facts were wrong and any proof of that
    • If there was bias or lack of impartiality by the decision maker or you were not given full opportunity to state your case
    • Any concerns that the decision ignores legal obligations of the College 
    • Additional evidence in support of the desired decision

    d) The CEO (or Managing Director) will be responsible for full investigation into Appeals of Formal Complaints.

    e) Where the CEO determines they are not the most suitable person to undertake the investigation, or they are not impartial, or the grievance is about their behaviour, the investigation is to be referred to the Managing Director.

    f) The outcome of the Appeal is to be advised in writing to the complainant within 10 business days. or where further time is needed for investigation, within that the anticipated time frame.

    g) The complainant (and if applicable the respondent) will be advised of the External Appeal Processes available to them if they do not believe the Appeal outcome is correct.

  • National Training Complaints Hotline

    Students can register a complaint with the National Training Complaints Hotline

    Phone: 13 38 73 

    The NTCH uses an on-line form for the submission of complaints that can be found here.

    The National Training Complaints Hotline also uses the services of the Translating and Interpreting Service and National Relay Service as required.

  • ASQA Contact Details for Student Complaints

    As the national regulator of Australian vocational education and training (VET) providers, ASQA uses information received through student complaints to ensure that those providers are delivering quality training and assessment services. They may refer you to a more suited agancy based on the type of complaint. See their webpage information.

    Australian Skills Quality Authority contact details are: Phone: 1300 701 801

  • NSW Smart and Skilled Program Complaints

    New South Wales Students enrolled in a Smart and Skilled course can raise unresolved complaints with the State Training Services Customer Support Centre.

    Phone: 1300 772 104


    Your rights are protected by the Smart & Skilled Consumer Protection Strategy. This brochure explains what you should expect from your training organisation and offers advice, options and assistance if you have a complaint. Contact Smart and Skilled either through their website or call them directly on 1300 772 104.

    Download the Consumer Protection brochure - NSW Smart and Skilled Consumer Protection Strategy.

  • QLD Training Ombudsman

    Queensland based students can make an enquiry or lodge a complaint with the Training Ombudsman -  call: 1800 773 048

    Calls from landlines are free - calls from mobile phones may attract charges. Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:45pm (AEST).


    Write: PO Box 15090, City East Qld 4002

  • For Allegations of Discriminatory Practice

    Australian Human Rights Commission

    Complaints to the Australian Human Rights Commission must be in writing.  Complaint forms can be downloaded from their website.


    Post: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001

  • Complaints Related to Child Protection Policy

    Compulsory reporting obligations relate to raised concerns under the Child Protection Policy.

    All mandatory reporting will be implemented as required under those obligations.


Learner's Rights and Obligations

  • ACCM's Obligations to our Learners

    ACCM has many obligations to provide a quality learning experience to our valued learners.

    However, two are critical obligations in the VET sector

    1.  ACCM College is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment in compliance with the Standards for RTOs 2015

    This means we must maintain the high quality standards expected of RTO's as outlined in our governing regulations.

    2.  ACCM College is responsible for the issuance of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) certification documentation

    This means we are responsible for issuing you the qualification testamur or statement of attainment upon finalisation of your course (once all invoicing has been paid).

  • Learner's Rights

    As the Learner, there are specific rights you must be made specifically aware of under the Standards for RTOs 2015:

    1.  The details of our Complaints and Appeals process which can be found here ACCM's Complaint Policy

    2. The process and policy if ACCM were to close or cease to deliver any part of the training product you are enrolled in.  The specific policy can be found in our Qualification Transition, Cessation and Teach Out Policy

    You can also find these and other policies on our main Policy Page.


  • Learner's Obligations

    As the Learner, there are also some obligations that you have to enrol in an ACCM qualification.

    1.  You must meet any Entry Requirements listed on this page, such as:

    • Required Current Work Situation
    • Experience and Qualification Requirements
    • Formal Entry Requirements
    • Required Work Background
    • Literacy Skills
    • Language Skills
    • Numeracy Skills
    • Digital Literacy Skills
    • Computer and Internet Requirements

    2.  There is also a Student Progress and Participation Policy designed to help you reach your goals.  You can read more about this policy here 

    3.  Learners also have an obligation to behave in a professional manner with ACCM staff at all times.

    If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please give us a call before you begin the enrolment process.

    We want to make sure you are set up for success!

  • ACCM Participation Policy

    One of the keys to our success is the strong communication we maintain with our Learners.

    ACCM has a proactive communication and participation policy with our learners.

    For more information, please read our Student Progress and Participation Policy

Talk To Us About Your Concerns

A final word on the Complaints Policy

We pride ourselves on the quality of services we deliver and we strive to improve even further.

That doesn't mean that from time to time we don't get it wrong. 

Please give us a chance to address your concern.


Academic Appeals Policy

Resolution Institute


ACCM College is a member of the Resolution Institute Student Mediation Scheme

Since 2002, Resolution Institute (formerly LEADR) has administered the Student Mediation Scheme to provide educational and training institutions with an external appeals process. The Scheme allows a member educational and training institution or its student to refer to Resolution Institute as the external review body once their internal grievance system has been exhausted. Resolution Institute appoints a suitably qualified mediator, liaises between the parties as necessary and manages the process.

To initiate proceedings:

  1. Access the Application for External Review form on Resolution Institute’s website 
  2. Lodge the Application for External Review form with payment and supporting documents to Resolution Institute
  3. Resolution Institute will liaise with you and your educational and training provider to facilitate mediation proceedings