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Transition, Cessation and Teach Out of Qualifications Policy

Updated Jun 2020, Nov 2020, Jun 2021, Nov 2021, Reviewed Dec 2021, Updated Jan 2022, Mar 2022, Jun 2022, Jul 2022, Sep 2022, Reviewed Jul 2023, Dec 2023

Transition and Teach Out Qualification Policy Statement

The College is committed to ensuring that students are able to complete the most up to date version of any qualification it delivers.

To ensure this happens the College will:

  • Assist current students to complete their existing course within the teach out period
  • Apply for any replacement qualifications as soon as practicable  if we determine to still offer that qualification
  • Map the old to the new qualification and be able to advise existing students on the implications to change to the newer qualification
  • Advise students if we are unable to offer a replacement qualification or will not be automatically transitioning existing students and
  • Allow existing students to change to the newer qualification where offered (subject to any ongoing funding entitlements or fees applicable).


Qualification Transition and Teach Out Policy Details

  • Qualification Updates on the National Training Register

    a) Qualifications are regularly updated on the National Training Register. 

    b) If a qualification is replaced it is called superseded. 

    c) Under the RTO Standards students in the superseded qualification must be completed in that course within 12 months (or as otherwise advised by ASQA).

    d) If the student has not completed they must be closed and a Statement of Attainment issued.

    e) Students may be offered the option to transition / finish their qualification in a newer qualification (if offered by the College). 

    f) The availability of the newer qualification on the Colleges approved delivery scope does not guarantee:

    • That the College will choose to continue delivery of that qualification
    • That if it chooses to deliver that qualification it will not do so in any specific time-frame (recognising development work will be required)
    • That existing students will be offered a transition to the newer qualification.
  • Addition of Newer Qualifications as Soon as Possible

    a) The automatic addition to the Colleges delivery scope of a newer qualification does not mean that qualification will be offered to new students and/or to existing students under transition.

    b) As soon as a newer qualification is published the CEO will review the old and the new qualification and recommend a teach out or upgrade strategy for existing students as a “group”. This will typically involve reviewing timetables and subjects for the older qualification and determining how they would compare to a timetable of the newer qualification. It also involves examining the extent of work required to offer updated subjects. Immediate actions may be to advise students that they will remain in the older qualification with a teach out date or to change the order of modules to ensure that the work that they do complete will be recognised under the new qualification (once on scope).

    c) Where needed the CEO will commence application processes to add the newer qualification to scope as soon as possible, or recommend to the Board why the newer qualification should not be requested.

  • Enrolments into Superseded Courses

    a) If the newer qualification is to be offered in the immediate future the College will continue to advertise and accept enrolments into the superseded qualification on the basis that enrollees will be offered an upgrade to the latest qualification once on scope, at no additional cost, or advised of the time limit to finish. 

    b) Enrolments into the superseded qualification cannot commence 12 months after the date it was superseded, and these will be removed from the website enrolment process. 

    c) If the College determines not to request the newer qualification, or identifies that updates needed for the newer qualification may take significant time or additional resources, the College will immediately stop further enrolments into the superseded qualification. This prevents enrolling students who may not be able to finish or transition on time.

  • Completing Existing Students Due to Complete

    a) Existing students who should be completing within the teach out period under standard enrolment periods will be advised that they cannot receive extensions past the end of the teach out period, and must finish the current qualification.

    b) If these students do not complete in time, or request to transition despite being scheduled to complete in time, and the College agrees to transition them, they will be charged the Transition Fee to transition to the newer qualification.

    c) Students not completed in the superseded qualification and not transitioned will not be entitled to a refund as they will have exceeded their original enrolment term.  A Statement of Attainment will be issued for the units completed.

  • Transitioning Students Not Due to Complete

    a) Students who are not due to complete within the teach out period under their enrolment period will be transitioned free of charge at the end of the teach out period if the new qualification is on its delivery scope and being offered.

    b) Where the College determines it is in the interests of those students to transition earlier (e.g. due to change in subjects) this will be done also free of charge.

    c) In situations where trainees are unlikely to complete during the teach out period and the College is not offering the replacement qualification,  the employer will be advised to proceed with a change of RTO.

  • Deleted Qualifications with No Replacement

    a) Where a qualification has been deleted and no replacement approved, no new students will be enrolled in the qualification. Existing students will be advised that the qualification is now deleted and given a maximum teach out period of 12 months to complete that qualification. At the end of that time they will be issued a Statement of Attainment for units completed. Partial refunds would not typically be applicable unless the enrolment term exceeds the end of the teach out year.

    b) Where a reasonable alternative qualification is available the College may offer that to students as an alternative to completing the older deleted qualification.

Cessation of Training Delivery Policy

Policy Statement

ACCM College only enters into qualifications, programs and regions that it fully intends to service, and often at the specific request of a client in that region. 

If due to government policy changes or other unexpected circumstances ACCM College must cease delivery in any program or region, a structured approach will be taken to ensure no adverse impacts on students and clients.

This Policy is also required to be in writing under ACT Funding Guidelines 2017.

Cessation Procedures

a) Advise the student, client and government training agency (if applicable) of the proposed transition arrangements and provide a status report for all affected learners within 14 days of the decision not to continue to deliver training.

b) A formal Notification will be drafted that advises those affected. The notification to include reasons for cessation and timeframes.

c) Wherever possible the goal will be to complete delivery of enrolled students (even on a no payment basis).

d) If timeframes will mean that the students are realistically not able to complete or the program requires another training provider to be nominated, ACCM College will assist the learner (and employer if applicable) to change the servicing RTO.

e) Issue the Statement of Attainment within 30 days from when the RTO ceases training delivery.

f) Refunds will be applied in accordance with ACCM College's published Refund Policy.

Superseded Course and Transition History

The following content lists the qualifications currently superseded and recent transition history.

Superseded Finance Qualifications
13 June 2023 Teach Out Date

A range of qualifications from the FNS Training Package have been superseded in 2022.

Initially, the teach out date was 13 June 2023, however ASQA has approved an additional extension for all but the FNS40120 Certificate IV in Credit Management of 31 January 2024.

This means that students in this qualification must complete by 13 June 2023

  • FNS40120 Certificate IV in Credit Management - Replaced by FNS40122 

Students in these qualification must finish by 31 January 2024

  • FNS30317 Certificate III in Accounts Administration - Replaced by FNS30322
  • FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping - Replaced by FNS40222 
  • FNS30120  Certificate III in Financial Services - Replaced by FNS30122

Qualifications not completed, must on that day, be closed and a Statement of Attainment will be issued for units completed.



Superseded Finance Qualification - FNS40820 Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking
25 January 2023 Teach Out Date

One single qualification from the FNS Training Package were superseded in 2021, and has been given a Teach Out of 25 January 2023

FNS40820 - Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking - Replaced by FNS40821 

This means that students in these qualification must complete by 25 January 2023.

Qualifications not completed, must on that day, be closed and a Statement of Attainment will be issued for units completed.

No new enrolments are being accepted into this qualification.

Superseded School Based Traineeship Business Qualifications
30 December 2022 Teach Out Date

A range of School Based Traineeship qualifications from the BSB Training Package were superseded in 2020, and have been given an extended Teach Out of 30 December 2022 dates by ASQA

BSB30115 - Certificate III in Business (for school based learners only)  
BSB30215 - Certificate III in Customer Engagement (for school based learners only) 
BSB30415 - Certificate III in Business Administration (for school based learners only)
BSB31115 - Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical) (for school based learners only) 

All four qualifications have been replaced by the BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business

This means that students in these qualification must complete by 30 December 2022.

Qualifications not completed, must on that day, be closed and a Statement of Attainment will be issued for units completed.

No new enrolments are being accepted into these qualifications.

Superseded School Based Traineeship ICT Qualifications
25 November 2022 Teach Out Date

A School Based Traineeship qualification from the ICT Training Package was superseded in 2020, but has been given an extended Teach Out of 25 November 2022 dates by ASQA

BSB30118 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (for school based learners only)  

This qualification has been replaced by the ICT30120 - Certificate III in Information Technology

This means that students in these qualification must complete by 25 November 2022.

Qualifications not completed, must on that day, be closed and a Statement of Attainment will be issued for units completed.

No new enrolments are being accepted into these qualifications.

Superseded Supply Chain Qualifications
20 November 2022 Teach Out date

Two qualifications from the TLI Training Package were superseded in 2021, and have been given a Teach Out of 20 November 2022

TLI30319 - Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations- Replaced by TLI30321

TLI20420 - Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations - Replaced by TLI2041 

This means that students in these qualification must complete by 20 November 2022.

Qualifications not completed, must on that day, be closed and a Statement of Attainment will be issued for units completed.

No new enrolments are being accepted into these qualifications.

Superseded Business and IT Qualifications
30 June 2022 Teach Out date

A range of qualifications from the BSB Training Package were superseded in 2020, and have been given an extended Teach Out of 30 June 2022 dates by ASQA

BSB50618 Diploma of Human Resources Management  - Replaced by BSB50320 
BSB50415 Diploma of Business Administration - Replaced by BSB50120
BSB50215 Diploma of Business - Replaced by BSB50120 

BSB40515 Certificate IV in Business Administration - Replaced by BSB40120 
BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business - Replaced by BSB40120 

BSB31115 Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical) - Replaced by BSB30120
BSB31015 Certificate III in Business Administration (Legal) - Replaced by BSB30120
BSB30415 Certificate III in Business Administration - Replaced by BSB30120 
BSB30115 Certificate III in Business - Replaced by BSB30120

ICT30118 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology- Replaced by ICT30120

This means that students in these qualification must complete by 30 June 2022.

Qualifications not completed, must on that day, be closed and a Statement of Attainment will be issued for units completed.

No new enrolments are being accepted into these qualifications.

Superseded Business Qualifications - 19 April 2022 Teach Out date

A range of qualifications from the BSB Training Package were superseded in 2020, and have been given an extended Teach Out of 19 April 2022 dates by ASQA


BSB20115 Certificate II in Business - Replaced by BSB20120
BSB20215 Certificate II in Customer Engagement  - Replaced by BSB20120

BSB30215 Certificate III in Customer Engagement  - Replaced by BSB30120 
BSB30815 Certificate III in Recordkeeping - Replaced by BSB30120
BSB30915 Certificate III in Business Administration (Education)  - Replaced by BSB30120

BSB40315 Certificate IV in Customer Engagement - Replaced by BSB40120 
BSB40615 Certificate IV in Business Sales - Replaced by BSB40120 
BSB41015 Certificate IV in Human Resources - Replaced by BSB40420 
BSB41715 Certificate IV in Recordkeeping - Replaced by BSB40120 
BSB41715 Certificate IV in Recordkeeping - Replaced by BSB40120 

BSB41515 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice - Replaced by BSB40920
BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management - Replaced by BSB40520 
BSB42215 Certificate IV in Legal Services - Replaced by BSB40620 
BSB42618 Certificate IV in New Small Business - Replaced by BSB40320

BSB50315 Diploma of Customer Engagement - Replaced by BSB50120 
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management - Replaced by BSB50820 
BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management - Replaced by BSB50420 

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management - Replaced by BSB60420 

This means that students in these qualification must complete by 19 April 2022.

Qualifications not completed, must on that day, be closed and a Statement of Attainment will be issued for units completed.

No new enrolments are being accepted into these qualifications.