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ACCM College Student Handbook

ACCM College - Our Student Handbook
Doing all we can to make sure your studies are a success

The ACCM Student Handbook has a single purpose...

Setting our students and Trainees up for success in their studies.

We have created this online source of information to help you.

If you need anything clarified...reach out to us.

If you think something should be added...tell us.

Great things happen when people know what to do...and that is what we want for you.


Hot and Common Topics
This information is either new or comes up often, so we want it front and centre for you to look at

  • Webclass Security Questions

    The Rules of Evidence under the 2015 Standards for Registered Training Organisations require all RTOs to ensure the Authenticity, Currency, Validity and Sufficiency of our student’s work using a variety of methods.

    What is Authenticity?

    The ability to verify that the person who is enrolling, training and assessing is the same person that will be issued with a qualification or statement of attainment.

    For more information on the Rules of Evidence, you can visit our published policy here: under ACCM Quality Assurance (QA) Requirements.

    As part of your enrolment process you will provide the answers to three (choosing from eight) Secret Questions.

    As you progress in your studies, a secret question will be randomly asked while you are answering questions in an assessment.

    This is to verify that it is you answering the questions.

    Please understand, there will have been no cause to doubt that it is you, however the rules of authenticity require us to periodically verify the authenticity of our students in a practical way.

    You will have up to three attempts to answer the question correctly.

    If a you answer the question incorrectly too many times, you will be returned to the enrolment overview page and see a banner informing you to contact the College to have the assessment unlocked.

    Once you have had your questions unlocked by an ACCM staff member, the system will ask you to re-enter your question answers when you log back on.

    If you have any questions at all, give the College a call and we'll do all we can to help.


  • My Subject is in QC - What's that all about?

    ACCM College has a range of quality assurance processes in place.

    This is not just a good business process, it is also a requirement of the National Standards that govern how Registered Training Organisations (RTO) operate.

    Assessed subjects are added to our quality assurance process for a wide range of reasons (including random chance!).

    This means there is nothing you have done wrong or need to do!

    This is an internal Quality Assurance check that may involve one or more of the following:

    • ACCM management review of our internal assessment practices (meaning we want to make sure our Assessor's have done everything right)

    • Secondary review of your Training Record Book / Performance Evidence Record to confirm Vocational Competence (a critical part of a Vocational Qualification)

    • Contacting your Supervisor to discuss your on-the-job performance of the workplace skills required for this Subject (a key component of completing a Traineeship)

    Upon completion of this Quality Assurance review, your Assessment results will be updated accordingly or you will be contacted if any additional information is needed. 

    Again, there is nothing to worry about and there is nothing else you need to do at this time, this is an important Quality Assurance step in the Vocational Training process.

    Please note, it can take up to three weeks, during busy periods, to clear the process.

    If there is a reason to expedite the process, reach out to us at for assistance.

    If you are still concerned, please just reach out to your Student Adviser and they will do all they can to help.

  • What is a Competency Conversation

    Understanding Compliance

    ACCM College has a broad range of Quality Assurance (QA) programs in place to verify the strength of our Assessment materials and to ensure you have achieved the required level of competency in this subject.

    These quality processes are required per our national registration under the 2015 Standards for RTOs and the Rules of Evidence.

    The Rules of Evidence under the Standards require all RTOs to ensure the Authenticity, Currency, Validity and Sufficiency of a student’s work using a variety of methods.

    For more information on the Rules of Evidence, you can visit our published policy here: under ACCM Quality Assurance (QA) Requirements.

    How does the Conversation Work?

    Meeting this QA requirement involves a very straightforward “Competency Conversation”, where one of our fully qualified assessors will conduct a verbal discussion with you regarding several points or elements from your assessment submission.

    If you have been selected for this conversation we will just need to schedule a quick 20 minute call with you as soon as practical.

    There is nothing you need to do to prepare; our goal is simply to verify the skills and knowledge you have gained while completing this subject.

    Once we have verified your identity, you will also be asked to ensure you are logged out of Webclass, and then we’ll discuss elements from your assessment.

    Topics will be drawn from the assessment questions you have already answered in this subject.

    What happens next?

    The results of this Competency Conversation will provide us with verification of your skills and knowledge.

    We may also identify areas where additional learning and assessment is required to ensure competence.

    We look forward to finalising this last Quality Assurance step and keeping you on the path towards your qualification!

  • Webclass Security Questions

    A foundational part of online learning and the VET Sector is the concept of Authenticity.

    This means we have taken active steps to ensure that it is YOUR work being completed and submitted.

    ACCM already does this in a variety of ways, such as a unique password that only you have access to and a formal declaration (found at the end of each subject) that clearly states this is your work.

    As an additional layer of protection, ACCM College uses Security questions.

    These are very much like the Security Questions that may be asked by your financial institution or other online application.

    It helps make sure it's you.

    When you enrol, you will be asked to provide answers to eight (8) simple questions that will become your Security questions.

    Periodically, as you complete your course work, a pop-up will appear that will ask you to verify one of your Security questions.

    If you have trouble answering them, you will have three tries before the system locks.

    If that happens just give us a call and we'll help you.

    This will help protect your course work and ensure there is never a question about Authenticity.

  • My Subject was Submitted for Assessment - But I didn't submit it?

    ACCM has learned so much over the last 27 years about what actually helps our students in a distance learning environment.

    As you know, part of our ongoing support is to reach out to our students on a regular basis, offering coaching, mentoring and assistance of all kinds.

    This gives our learners a chance to ask questions, obtain help or even just seek reassurance they are on the right track.

    As part of these regular student reviews (by both Student Advisers and ACCM leadership), we also look at the current progress in your tasks to see how you are travelling.

    In some cases we may even submit your task for assessment to help.

    This has been a proven benefit and motivator for our students, as they gain confidence they are on the right track from seeing the results OR they receive valuable feedback to keep them moving forward in the right direction.

    And that timely feedback and confidence has proven to make a difference for our students in reaching their goal.

    There is never any penalty, downside or fee to submitting your work. 

    We love to see how you are going, and our commitment to you is we will do all we can to help you reach your goal.

  • Accessing Course Materials After My Qualification is Finished

    ACCM College understands that many of our Student's really value their learning materials and the useful information it contains.

    We know this because our materials was specifically designed to be useful and meaningful to your careers and learning journey.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to print or save your materials directly from our System.

    If you would like a copy of any of the materials, your best option would be to print from your browser (into a pdf or printer).

    We do caution you that any material you copy or save will become dated over time, especially when it comes to legislation or other frequently updated information.

    Once your course has been finalised, you will have access to your materials for six months past your completion date.

    After that, you may request additional access by reaching out to us at, but that approval will be based on a range of factors including the length of time since the course was completed.

  • Student's Original Work (this includes Group Study)

    All work must be your own work. In all Colleges and Universities, submitting work that is not yours is regarded as a serious offence that can result in your disqualification from completing the course. 

    As a minimum, you and any others involved will be required to re-do a new assessment task. 

    If you work with others in study groups, ensure that your submissions are your own work, and in your own words. 

  • Use of AI Tools

    At the heart of Vocational Education is the concept of Competency.

    Competency means that YOU have met the specific skills and knowledge requirements of each Unit of Competency that forms your qualification.

    To do that, we need to be sure that the competency is fully YOURS as part of our Quality Assurance processes.

    To be specific:

    Everyone understands that having someone else complete their coursework or copying the work of others and submitting it as your own is unethical.

    It also goes against one of the fundamental aspects of Vocational Education, Authenticity.  The work must be yours.

    The exact same principal applies to using partially or fully AI-generated responses in your course work.  The skills or knowledge being submitted is not demonstrated by you if AI technology played any part.

    ACCM College uses a range of detection methods (both human and digital) to identify the use of AI.

    If you have any questions about this requirement, please reach out to your Student Adviser and we are happy to provide more information.

  • Why can't I Cut & Paste?

    The safeguards built into our learning management system Webclass may mean changing the way you prepare or "input" your assessment responses into Webclass.

    We do understand that some students like the ability to first create their answers outside our learning system for a variety of reasons.

    Unfortunately, advancing technology has made protecting the integrity of assessments and the authenticity of student responses a major factor for the entire VET sector going forward.

    Removing the ability to cut and/or paste within Webclass is a major step forward in reaching both of those goals.

    We hope you understand ACCM are not only protecting the integrity of our assessment processes, we are also protecting the relevance and value of your industry qualification.

    These changes will make it much harder for anyone who wants to bypass their education and devalue the very qualification you are working so hard to achieve.


  • How can you get help? Of any kind!

    Help is always available for ACCM students!

    As a starting point, you will have been allocated a team of qualified ACCM College Student Advisers to assist you, with a primary Student Adviser.

    You can always reach them via the email link in your Webclass portal.

    You can also contact them at  02 4225 9881 or 1300 201 881

    Requesting additional support

    In addition to your Student Adviser, you can also seek support by writing to us at

    In your email use the subject line “Request for Assistance” and your name. Include the best contact details and times.

    If your designated Student Adviser is not available, another qualified adviser will assist you. Assistance is normally available immediately - we will contact you within the next business day.

    Why did my Adviser Change?

    Please be aware, your Student Adviser may change during your time with ACCM College.

    As our student population changes (students enrol or complete their studies) it is often necessary to balance the number of student’s assigned to any one Student Adviser.

    This balance ensures that our Student Advisers have the capacity to fully support the various needs of their students and help them progress.

    Allowing Advisers to support too many students would impact our ability to guarantee the high level of support our students deserve.

    Please do not be concerned, as every ACCM College Student Adviser is dedicated to your success and trained to meet your needs.

  • Accessing Student Support Services (non-course related)

    ACCM College can help students by referring you to organisations to assist with personal issues that may be affecting your studies.

    Contact details of the external support services available to you are on the Student Support tab on the ACCM College website.

    ACCM College’s website also links to valuable reference materials to improve awareness of substance abuse, gambling & other issues that negatively impact people.

    Visit our website for more information on agencies that can help here

  • Are you worried about completing an online course?

    If you are worried about completing an online course or you are not comfortable using computers (or have concerns about using WebclassM)

    Please give us a call or talk to your Student Training Adviser straight away.

    We want to make sure you are suited for online delivery and set up for success.

    For more information about online learning, click here:

Welcome to ACCM College
You are now on your way to having a Nationally Recognised Qualification delivered by the Australian College of Commerce and Management (ACCM College).

  • Important RTO Details and Information

    The Australian College of Commerce and Management Pty Ltd (ACN 073 576 315) is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO ID: 1441).

    As a Registered Training Organisation, ACCM must meet the high standards of the VET Quality Framework and meet all associated compliance and legal obligations.

    ACCM does not outsource training delivery.

    You deal directly with ACCM College at all times.

  • Flexible Online Course Delivery

    Your course is delivered via online delivery (also called “distance” delivery). That means:

    You access learning and assessment materials “online”. You will have the support of a Student Adviser whose role is to keep you on track and provide assistance along the way.

    You will be emailed log on details for WebclassM, where you can access your course materials.

    You will need to complete the administrative items shown on WebclassM; such as providing identification documents and submitting your initial skills assessment. 

    ACCM College’s course content is delivered in separate subjects. Each subject concentrates on a specific theme and may cover several “units of competency” (these are the “national standards” that apply to your qualification). Each qualification will have compulsory subjects and possible electives to select from. This allows the qualification to be contextualized to meet your needs.

    All of your learning materials are found in WebclassM . There are no textbooks, the content needed is in front of you as you go! Each section within a subject contains the course content and information to learn, followed by relevant questions to test your knowledge.

    Your Course Timetable will tell you the due dates for each subject, and the number of subjects in your course.

    Start with the first subject that is listed on your timetable. Once you have completed all questions within the subject, click ‘Submit Assessment’. ACCM College will then assess/mark your written answers.

    When your first subject has been marked, the results and your original task (with the assessor’s comments) will be updated on WebclassM .

    If your course is workplace-based (i.e. a traineeship), we also work with your employer regarding your progress and determine any on-the-job learning activities that would be beneficial to you.

  • Overview of the Enrolment Process
    The following information will assist you in understanding the steps of the enrolment process:

    The employer authorises the enrolment by forwarding the enrolment email they receive from ACCM to the student.

    This is done on the enrolment page on the College website. You access that page either from the Course page on this website or you may be sent an email that has a hyperlink to the Enrolment page. The Enrolment page links to the College Policy page that includes important information that students must be aware of prior to enrolment such as: Fees, Refund Policy; Privacy policy; USI requirements; Consumer Protection Policy, Support Services and other Student Information.

    Use the Enrolment Application Form on that webpage to Apply.

    Select your state, course and enrolment type. Enrolment types may vary from state to state as we may have contracts under state funded programs which may reduce your fees if you select one of these options.

    Once you select these 3 pieces of information – your course fees are quoted immediately. In addition there is a payment plan calculator linked so you can estimate your fees over a weekly or fortnightly basis. For trainees and other employees where their employer has agreed to pay your fees you are likely to be sent an email that gives you a hyperlink to a customised Enrolment page that has prefilled course and employer details and allows fees to be invoice your employer.

    The Online Enrolment Form: asks for Personal Contact Details; required Statistical information; it links to key policies we want you to be aware of and agree to (like the refund policy); obtains starting information about your literacy and digital literacy skills; and gets your agreement and Privacy consent. In some cases this personal and statistical information may adjust your pricing (subject to state funding rules about past qualifications and other aspects).

    The final step in the Application Process is to indicate how your will pay your fees. You can pay a lump sum up-front (maximum payment of $1500 upfront with later payments scheduled), use a payment plan, or indicate that your employer is paying for the course. The payment plan does require a $100 upfront payment and then a regular payment cycle as you choose. If you are not in a position to immediately make the upfront payment of $100 - delay enrolling until then OR call us to discuss your circumstances.

    Remember if your employer is paying your fees you will either have an application that shows this or you can still select Employer payment and give us employer details. In this instance you will not be asked to pay anything.

    Note: completing the enrolment application does not guarantee you a place. If we advise you that the course is not suited to your needs (or there are no more funded places) you will be refunded any monies paid. Also if the funding options, places or fees have varied - we will give you more up to date information or the opportunity to cancel without penalty.

    A PDF copy of your Enrolment Application and the Terms and Conditions that you have agreed to will be emailed to you within the 2 hours of applying to enrol.

    This includes notifying the relevant government Department of your details and your request to enrol in a subsidised program. The Enrolment Terms and Conditions include your consent for the College to do this. When we undertake this step depends on the program and any documentation needed.

    Once you apply to enrol you will receive an "Enrolment Application" email that has Webclass login details. You must then log in to Webclass. Webclass has instructions to enable you to complete key items such as ID Documents; USI and Initial Skills Assessment. Your enrolment cannot be approved until these are completed. You are emailed Webclass login details within 2 hours of enrolment so check spam/junk if you haven't received them.
    The required forms of ID include a Drivers Licence and Medicare Card. If you do not have either form of ID, please call the College on 02 4221 9881 to discuss. 

    ACCM College's Service One Team will onboard you. They will normally call you on the business day that you enrol to guide you and to book a time for your formal induction call. You must have access to Webclass on a computer or laptop during this call. A key part of the induction is to determine your suitability for the course (having considered your Initial Skills Assessment, your goals and items discussed with you). Note that before this can be done – you must complete the Administrative items on Webclass. 

    A Training Plan or Outline will be developed that confirms the content of your course and the dates that assessments are due to be completed. It will also summarise any agreed support and assistance needed to support your individual learning needs. Students that are registered as Trainees are required to have the Training Plan signed by their employer and themselves.

    At this stage your enrolment is approved. Approval is subject to meeting requirements not already fully met, agreed payments made on time, and meeting the College Student Participation Standards

  • Course Entry Requirements

    All ACCM College courses are delivered in the English language and require average literacy levels. Specific entry requirements for each course are listed on the Course page for that qualification on our website Here

    The Course page will also explain the specific vocational outcomes that each qualification offers, and what qualifications you could progress to upon completion. 

    In some cases, you may be required to work in an environment that allows you access to equipment and/or work experience to apply your skills. ACCM College may ask for evidence that you meet the entry requirements. 

    Refer to the full Student Selection and Admissions Policy on the ACCM College website here. 

  • Controlling Enrolment Numbers

    ACCM College allows enrolments throughout the whole year.

    In courses where a fixed student enrolment number applies, the ACCM College will enrol students on a first in basis, subject to students meeting any entry requirements.

    For specific government-funded programs, entry may be restricted to the specific target group specified

  • Recognition of Prior Learning

    You may be granted exemptions or credit against particular parts of the course if you have undertaken prior relevant studies or you can demonstrate you already have and use the required competency

    Automatic exemption (Credit Transfer) will be given if you have undertaken a unit of study before and have a Statement of Attainment which details the exact Unit Code. Your course fees include the costs of processing this form of Recognition.

    You may request recognition of existing skills and knowledge acquired through your past activities and experiences. In this instance there are very strict guidelines that apply:

    • You must be able to provide evidence of your current competency
    • Multiple forms of evidence are required against each unit of competency
    • Your evidence and skills must be current i.e. up to date, and
    • ACCM College must be able to validate and verify the authenticity of the evidence

    If you think you will not need to do a subject because you already have that skill or have studied it in the past – you may be able to apply for an exemption.

    If you are considering applying for RPL – please talk to your ACCM College Student Adviser.

    You can visit our website for more information here:

  • Choosing Course Electives

    At the time of enrolment and induction, if there are any elective choices required for your qualification, you will be asked to select them.

    Most programs do not require electives to be selected.

    If applicable, and you aren’t able to tell us your elective choices at the time, we will select the most commonly studied subjects for you.

    These can be changed at a later date. 

    You can simply contact your Student Adviser to request the change. They will advise you in detail about the content and difficulty of each subject.

  • Subject Due Dates

    WebclassM clearly shows your individual subject due dates as well as the scheduled course completion date. 

    For most courses, you may request adjustments to Subject Due Dates. Contact ACCM College to request an extension. 

    The maximum course duration is specified in the terms and conditions at enrolment.

  • Student and Employer Responsibilities
    Student Responsibilities

    Students enrolling agree to:

    • Make every possible effort to meet your course subject due dates
    • Make regular progress and complete the qualification within the agreed /contracted
      course time frame
    • Participate in any workplace training provided by your employer
    • Participate in any training or progress meetings with ACCM College
    • Notify your employer and ACCM College if you are having any difficulties completing the tasks or workbooks
    • Notify ACCM College if you leave your employer during the term of a traineeship. 


    Employer Responsibilities

    Employers enrolling their staff as students are responsible for:

    • Providing appropriate on-the-job training, support and supervision
    • Ensuring their employees have access to the full range of work that is required on-the-job to complete the assessment tasks
    • Notifying ACCM College of any work related barriers affecting their employee’s ability to complete the qualification. 
    • Complying with Traineeship requirements if applicable.
    • Sign all Workplace Verification Checklists, Assessment Submissions and Training Plans.

  • Student Contact Procedures and Requirements

    A key aspect of ACCM College’s online learning program is that we will proactively stay in touch with you for the whole duration of your course.

    The following is a guide to the types of contact you can expect:

    • Weekly phone contact in your first 4-6 week on-boarding period
    • Monthly phone contact if you are progressing well after your initial on-boarding
    • Fortnightly phone contact if we have concerns about your progress
    • Weekly or more contact if your progress means you may not complete on time
    • Emails are also sent if we are unable to get through to you and need to pass on important information
    • SMS is used where you are not responding to our urgent attempts to get in touch

    In instances where you are enrolled in a Traineeship or a course by your employer, your supervisor will also be contacted by phone and email where we have concerns about your progress or where the high quality of your work has been noticed.

    If you are progressing ahead of schedule - and don't wish to be contacted as much - simply let us know.

    Just remember - we are here to help and really want to provide all the assistance you need.

  • Student Participation

    Why are Participation and Progress standards necessary?

    a) These standards advise prospective students of the nature and level of interaction and
    progress involved to successfully undertake their course before they commit.

    b) Our experience shows that students who actively interact with ACCM College,
    and make regular progress on their course, have a greater level of course

    We also recognise that one of the dangers in "distance” or “online" learning is that people
    can procrastinate and incorrectly feel that they can "do it all in one go". This can lead to
    students loosing motivation.

    What happens if students don’t meet the participation or progress standards?

    a) The College, at its discretion, may discontinue a student’s enrolment at any stage,
    where they are not meeting the Student Participation Standards.

    b) Employers of students and trainees will also be advised where an employee / trainee is
    not meeting the Participation Standards.

    For more information visit our participation and progress policy here:

  • Progress Concerns and Employer Notifications

    For Traineeships and Employer Sponsored enrolments only.

    To help you reach your educational goals on time, ACCM College policy is to notify your employer via letter/email if you fall behind by 2 subjects, which is generally 2 months of no progress.

    If no progress is made after 3 months, ACCM College may be required to advise the appropriate authorities in Department of Education (this may be earlier in some states). 

Webclass and Completing Assessments
Please note there is a difference between Traineeships and other enrolment types

  • The Marking (or Assessing) Process

    Throughout your Subject, as you complete each Section, you will be demonstrating your competency by completing the assessment activities that we have designed for you.

    These assessment activities generally takes place by way of multiple-choice questions, written answers, role plays or skills checks and practical examples to demonstrate the specific skills and knowledge required by the Units of Competency that make up your formal qualification.

    You may suggest alternative methods of assessment if you believe they will still meet national standards. 

    Once these activities are complete, and you Submit your assessment, you will have entered the marking or “assessment” stage.

    Please note, you may request for your Subject to be submitted earlier to check your progress.  ACCM College may also submit for you to make sure you are on the right track and to help you keep progressing towards your goals.

    Your Results

    There are three possible results once we review your Assessment Tasks. They are: 

    Competent i.e. you have demonstrated knowledge of all of the criteria; or

    Partially Assessed i.e. there is still some work left to complete or revise. 

    If you are advised that an Assessment Task is “Partially Assessed” you will also be able to click ‘Review’ in Webclass, so you can see the specific feedback on which question need to be reviewed and revised.

    Then you can re-do or revise the required questions and resubmit them to us.

    There is no limit on the number of times you can resubmit (and there is NO additional charge for resubmissions), our courses are a learning process, and so getting questions incorrect is not a problem!

    You just review the feedback, and have another go! It’s all a part of the learning journey.

    Quality Check:

    ACCM College has a range of quality assurance processes in place.

    This is not just a good business process, it is also a requirement of the National Standards that govern how Registered Training Organisations (RTO) operate.

    Assessed subjects are added to our quality assurance process for a wide range of reasons (including random chance!).

    This means there is nothing you have done wrong or need to do!

    This is an internal Quality Assurance check that may involve one or more of the following:

    • ACCM management review of our internal assessment practices (meaning we want to make sure our Assessor's have done everything right)

    • Secondary review of your Training Record Book / Performance Evidence Record to confirm Vocational Competence (a critical part of a Vocational Qualification)

    • Contacting your Supervisor to discuss your on-the-job performance of the workplace skills required for this Subject (a key component of completing a Traineeship)

    Upon completion of this Quality Assurance review, your Assessment results will be updated accordingly or you will be contacted if any additional information is needed. 

    Again, there is nothing to worry about and there is nothing else you need to do at this time, this is an important Quality Assurance step in the Vocational Training process.

    Please note, it can take up to three weeks, during busy periods, to clear the process.

    If there is a reason to expedite the process, reach out to us at for assistance.

    If you are still concerned, please just reach out to your Student Adviser and they will do all they can to help.


  • Training Record Books (TRB) and Practical Evidence Records (PER)
    Training Record Books (TRB)

    Learners enrolled as a Trainee (including Existing Worker Trainees) are required to keep and maintain each Training Record Book for the duration of their traineeship and to show it to their employer at regular intervals. You will download the Training Record Book at the beginning of every subject. 

    In most cases a log over a minimum of 30 days is required for each subject.

    In the Training Record Books, you will record the types of activities that you have undertaken at work with particular focus on the new tasks you have learned in each subject throughout your course.

    You should complete these details over the period of the subject (or a minimum of a month).

    Your options are to update it using a word processing program or printing and then scanning it as you complete it (or take photos if necessary).

    You will continue with the subject while maintaining your record book.

    You will upload the completed document as indicated at the end of the subject

    Practical Record Books (PER)

    Learners who are not a trainee, which include private students, government subsidised entitlement students, employer sponsored students and Short Course students will complete a PER for each subject

    In the Practical Evidence Record , you will be asked to explain how you have demonstrated various subject-related activities at work (this may include previous workplaces) or in your personal life.

    Your options are to update the PER using a word processing program or printing and then scanning it as you complete it (or take photos if necessary).

    You will continue with the subject while maintaining your record book.

    You will upload the completed document as indicated at the end of the subject

    Note for those NOT CURRENTLY working

    Practical Evidence can sometimes be obtained from later subjects, as well as activities in your personal life.

    Therefore, you may not be able to provide this evidence until you have completed later subjects.

    If this is the case, talk to your Student Adviser, and once your assessment has been completed, go ahead and upload it - and at a later date upload the PER document to complete the subject.

    If you are having difficulties

    If you are having trouble finding an opportunity to complete any of the activities contact your College Student Adviser for guidance.

    The activities listed in the TRB or PER are not the full extent of opportunities to demonstrate your competence.

    Your Student Adviser can help you close any gaps and find suitable alternatives.


  • Supervisor Support Packs (Trainees only)

    The support you receive from your Supervisor is critical to your Traineeship!

    Why?  Because they ensure you have mastered the on-the-job skills you need to thrive in your industry!

    At the end of each Subject, you will ask your Supervisor to complete the Supervisor Competency Agreement that confirms you have each of these critical workplace skills.

    The Supervisor Support Pack was designed to help your Supervisor determine workplace competency with confidence by offering suggestions on ways you can practice and demonstrate those industry skills to them.

    And remember, demonstrating workplace competence on the job to standards is the foundation of a VET Traineeship.

    Workplace competence means that you have completed each task or skill listed within the Checklist to their standards or organisational requirements. 

    Preferably in a range of contexts and shown over time.

    At the end of each Subject in the Supervisor Competency Agreement Section, you will see these Packs.  You should download them as soon as you start a subject and give them to your Supervisor.

    The instructions on the form will help, but we've added a bit more here for you to know as well.

    The first “line” of each skill in the Support Pack is taken directly from the Supervisor Competency Agreement and is often copied directly from the applicable Unit of Competency. 

    These are not always written for clarity or understanding by the authors; however, there is benefit in leaving them as originally written.

    To assist your Supervisor, a “plain English” explanation is also provided for the Competency criteria to minimise possible confusion, provide valuable context, and provide additional information as needed.

    Finally, your Supervisor will find some suggested activities you can complete, that is intended to create opportunities for your Supervisor to directly observe their workplace competence. 

    These may not be an exact fit for your workplace but should give your Supervisor a great starting point.

    If you or your Supervisor need any additional help finding opportunities that relate to your workplace and specific operating environment, please reach out to us straight away and we’ll do all we can to help you.

  • Special Requirements for Traineeships - Supervisor / Employer Signatures

    It is a government requirement for Traineeships that your employer signs off on your workplace / on-the-job competence for each Unit/Subject in your program.

    This means, that once you have completed each ACCM subject (also know as theory work), that you must be able to demonstrate those skills in the workplace.

    This is formally known as "workplace competency".

    For each Subject, you will need to download the Supervisor Checklist - Supervisor Competency Agreement and give this to your employer.

    This is found in the last section of each Subject, which normally begins with "Completing the".

    If you are working with a Group Training Organisation, check with your Field Officer on who should complete this important document as it varies from Host to Host.

    You may also need to print a hard copy of any assessment pages that require supervisor signatures.

    Once you have demonstrated competence to their satisfaction, ask your employer/supervisor to compete the competency checklist, provide a written signature and other listed details.

    Please note: your employer's signature must be a real signature or a digital signature. It cannot be a typed signature using a computer font.  This will be rejected by State Training and returned for correction.

    Once the document has been completed and signed, upload it into the appropriate question, then lodge it on WebclassM with your assessment. 

    Supervisors and Trainees must have signed all Supervisor Competency Agreements and the Training Plan before the Traineeship can be finalised.

  • Assessment Appeal Process

    Students have the right to appeal an assessment decision.

    If you are advised that a subject result is Partially Assessed, but you believe you have shown the required degree of competency, and you have provided reasonable proof of this to the ACCM College, you may appeal that result. 

    To appeal a decision, you should ask your Student Adviser to have your work re-marked by another Trainer/Assessor, or send this request via the Feedback page on our website. 

    The second assessor’s result will be the official result. 

    If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, you may appeal again. You will be asked to explain the reasons for the appeal. In this instance, ACCM College will ask for an independent assessor to review your assessment. 

    You will be advised if any costs will be applicable for an external review.

    Refer to the Academic Appeals Policy on our website for more information here:

Tips for Studying On-line
These proven suggestions will help you!

  • Self-Motivation

    This is key to online study.

    Online learning can be a challenge because the motivation and discipline all must come from you.

    One way to keep motivated is remember why you started your qualification; what are you working towards?

    Having your end goal in sight can help you keep on a steady path.

    If you aren't feeling motivated...reach out to your Student Training Adviser and they can help you reclaim your interest in your studies.

  • Be comfortable with Webclass

    As part of your induction process you will have been shown how to work with Webclass.

    While we designed it to be intuitive and easy to use, we want you to feel comfortable asking for help.

    Before you jump into your course work, get comfortable with the key features of Webclass and about online study with ACCM such as:

    • Using our online learning portal, Webclass
    • Accessing course materials as well as additional learning materials we provide to enhance your learning journey
    • Types of Assessment Methods and Skills Checks you will complete as part of your course
    • Access to a computer, internet and software relevant to your course
    • How and when to contact ACCM College for help
  • Realistic Study Goals

    Setting goals is a fantastic way to keep on track with your studies at ACCM College.

    Having an overall goal is a great way to aim high, however breaking that big goal into smaller, more manageable goals can help put you on a good pathway to success.

    It can also make that big goal seem more manageable and realistic!  

    In fact, you will notice that we designed our Subjects into manageable sections for a reason.

    These "bite sized" sections allow you to tackle one topic or aspect of the subject at a time.

    SMART Goals

    Setting SMART goals can also be very effective to ensure the goals you set are measurable, realistic and enable you to really see how far you’ve come!

    S – Specific: who, what, where, when, why

    M – Measurable: you can’t improve what you don’t measure

    A – Achievable: it may be challenging, but it shouldn’t be impossible

    R – Relevant: closely connected to your objective

    T – Timed: a completion date or timeframe holds you accountable and on track

    It is also important to ensure you set up your study time to suit your needs.

    Ensuring you create a study schedule that is regular and consistent, whilst taking into consideration your subject due dates and qualification end date.

    Goals can be as simple as completing a set amount of sections, or completing a subject by a certain date.

    To help with this, we have a weekly question goal that is worked out based on your qualification and the time remaining in your course.

    If you stick to this weekly goal, you will reach your qualification!  And that is what its all about.

  • Planning Your Study Sessions

    It is important to know how many hours you need to dedicate to your study.

    This all depends on two things. Firstly, the course you choose to enrol in and secondly... you!

    The following is just a guide, but it should give you an idea of how many hours a week you will need to dedicate to your formal studies:

    Certificate III - 3 to 4 hours each week

    Certificate IV - 4 to 5 hours each week

    Diploma - 4 to 5 hours each week


    Here are some other important factors to consider:

    Study Session Length 

    Would you prefer a bigger block of study time, or would it work better to break it up into smaller sessions? Remembering that it’s a good idea to give yourself a good amount of time to sit down, read through the learning materials to ensure you understand everything and complete questions and activities without rushing.

    Study Session Time

    Think about what time of day would suit your study needs. Are you a morning person and focus better first thing in the morning? Or would the afternoon help you study more efficiently.

    Type of Study

    The way we study varies from person to person. Some people learn by reading materials then summarising it by writing things down, others learn by watching then doing. We have a range of learning materials that suit various learning styles. Finding out how you learn is paramount and will ensure you make the most out of your study sessions.

    Please remember...

    ACCM also wants to support you with one-on-one coaching sessions over the phone or via video call.

    if you need assistance with a particular question, or you may just need to talk things out to look at the question with a different perspective, we are there to assist.

    Just reach out to your Student Adviser! They or another member of our team will do all we can to assist!

  • Getting Organised

    Having all the right tools from the start is key to making study as easy as possible.

    Making sure you have a reliable, high speed internet connection, a laptop, computer or tablet, access to the appropriate software needed for your qualification, and any stationary you require to help you with study.

    Also consider any software programs you may need access to depending on your qualification may include Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Xero or MYOB.

    Please remember that both the free trial versions of Xero and MYOB have expirations, so factor that into your work.  We would hate to see you lose any of your work when the trial period runs out.

    You should also consider setting up appropriate folders on your computer to safely save any Word or Excel documents needed for an assessment activity, then setting up an email folder for any correspondence you get from the College.

  • Reaching Out for Help

    Your Student Training Adviser will support you as you progress throughout your course, and can guide you with study ideas to help set you up for success.

    They can provide support via phone, email and video with:

    • Training and coaching support
    • Assessment revisions and clarifications
    • Applying your new skills on the job
    • Motivation and engagement

    Please make the most of this support and reach out whenever you need any assistance and we’ll help you.

    Traineeship Support in the Workplace

    It is also a great idea to know who you can go to in your workplace should you need help (especially if you are a Trainee or completing your qualification as part of your Employment).  

    Your Supervisor is a great place to start and has a significant role in your Traineeship success.

    We have also created Supervisor Support Packs which will help your Supervisor in how to best support you through your studies.

    This includes suggestions on how you can use various workplace activities and tasks that will help you demonstrate your on-the-job competence.

    If there are any concerns or questions relating to how you apply the skills you have learned in the workplace, please give us a call.

  • Reward Yourself

    It is super important to reflect on what you’ve learnt and your achievements throughout your study.

    Every time you achieve a study goal, whether this is completing a certain section or subject – reward yourself with something meaningful to you.

    It could be as simple as a chocolate, or a walk in the sun!

    This will motivate you to keep going, especially during those times when you don’t have much time to study.

    Remember, we have built this course so you can do it in small steps...that eventually reach your goal.

  • Keep in Regular Contact with ACCM

    ACCM is proactive about staying in touch with you.

    As part of your enrolment onboarding, you will have received a lot of information and support from our Service One team.

    You may also already have been introduced to your Student Adviser who will help you throughout your qualification.

    Which means you know we will be reaching out to you!

    You will continue to receive regular phone calls, emails and SMS to check your progress and offer help.

    If we see you falling behind we will even increase our efforts to contact you to ensure you are getting the help you need.

    But we really want you to know it's not just okay to call or write to us...we really want you to!


    You are studying online - not alone, and you will be supported every step of the way!

ACCM Key Policies

  • Accessing all of ACCM's Policies

    In this section we have tried to capture the most common policies that will impact or assist your studies.

    That said, we want you to have easy access to all of our policies.

    As a Registered Training Organisation the ACCM College must have in place and apply a range of quality practice policies. This information and our Policies are on the College Policies page at:

    Under most Government funded or subsidised training programs, students are required to be made aware of and acknowledge, important student information that is contained in these policies and to also be aware of the enrolment process.

    Please ensure that you are familiar with these policies before you enrol as outlined in the Terms and Conditions:

    • Fees Policy
    • Fees Chargeable
    • RPL Policy
    • Deferrals, Suspensions and Discontinuation
    • Refunds
    • Complaints and Consumer Protection
    • Standard Enrolment Terms and Conditions


  • Government Funded Programs

    Under most government funded or subsidised training programs students are required to be made aware of, and acknowledge, important student information that is contained in these policies and to also be aware of the enrolment process.

    For more information about these programs follow this link

  • Discrimination and Harassment

    ACCM College is committed to providing a fair and equitable environment for staff and students; one free of discrimination and harassment. 

    ACCM College does not discriminate based on gender, race, sexual preference, physical or intellectual impairment, age, ethnicity, marital status, pregnancy or religion. 

    Students with concerns in this area should contact ACCM College urgently. 

    Refer to the full Policy on the ACCM College website here 

  • Privacy Policy Statement

    Student information will not be provided to anyone else unless ACCM College has permission from the student, or is specifically allowed or required to provide the information by law. 

    For example, student information is only given to the following bodies where required:

    • Federal and State Departments of Education (State Training Authorities) 
    • Employers where the student is a Trainee
    • ASQA (The national RTO registering body) 
    • The Student Identifier Registrar (USI)
    • Or where the student has signed an Enrolment Form that authorises their employer to be given details. 

    All employer information obtained will be treated as “commercial in confidence” whether marked so or not. This means it will not be revealed to others without the employer’s permission. 

    Students may access all their records at any time by requesting copies of what they require from ACCM College. Fees may apply on a cost-recovery basis. 

    ACCM College will contact students by post, phone, fax, email and text. If contact by a specific means is preferred, please contact your Student Adviser to update your contact details. 

    Refer to the full Privacy Policy and the USI Policy on the ACCM College website here:

  • Student Complaints

    Customer or student complaints are an opportunity for ACCM College to gain feedback on our service performance and to identify opportunities for improvement in the future.

    If you have any feedback or concerns, please let ACCM College know immediately by: 

    • Phone: 1 800 111 700 - ask for a Training Services Manager or Director
    • Post: Unit 8, 36-42 Auburn Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
    • Send us an email to with subject line: Complaint

    Following the investigation of a complaint, the results of the matter will be conveyed to you in writing, giving full and open disclosure of the results. You will also be advised of your right to take the matter further.

    Refer to the full policy on ACCM College’s website:

  • Health and Safety

    ACCM College will meet its safety obligations by ensuring the safety of its employees, students and those who visit our workplace.

    We will ensure our staff and students are aware of and implement the safety procedures in place at their workplace, and any other workplaces that they visit.

    Students with safety concerns should advise their employer or their Student Adviser.

  • Student Disciplinary Procedures

    If ACCM College has any concerns about the behaviour of a student, including any breach of our Policies, ACCM College will fully and fairly investigate the issue. 

    The student/s involved will be given full details of ACCM College’s concerns and the opportunity to address and explain the issue prior to any decision about disciplinary action being taken. 

    ACCM College will then communicate to the student/s the outcome and consequences of its investigations. 

    Where disciplinary action is warranted, ACCM College may take action up to and including, withdrawing students from their course, without refund or a result being issued.

    The disciplinary action will reflect the seriousness of the misconduct taken by the student. 

    Appeals are allowed where the student disputes the disciplinary action. 

    For more information on this visit our website at: 

  • Course Fees

    Refer to our Website for current Fee Policy and information. 

    Fees are payable in accordance with your enrolment Terms and Conditions. 

    For more information, visit our website here

  • Entitlements to Refunds

    Refunds are in accordance with the Refunds Policy on the website. 

    In general, Course Fees are not refundable unless specifically allowed under the government-funded program or if offered in writing under a specific course promotion. 

    In line with our values on equity and access, special circumstances will result in this policy being more flexibly applied. 

    Refer to the full Refunds Policy on the ACCM College website here: