ACCM College is currently offering a 25% discount on all of our courses!

Enrolment Terms and Conditions

Reviewed Jun 2020, Updated Dec 2020, Jun 2021, Updated Dec 2021, Updated Mar 2022, Reviewed Jun 2022, Reviewed Jul 2023, Dec 2023

Standard Terms and Conditions Application and Quick Summary

The Standard Terms and Conditions apply to all enrolments. Then there are additional terms and conditions as appropriate to specific enrolment types (mostly associated with government subsidised or supported training programs).

Please Read this Quick Summary of Key Terms and Conditions

It's great that you have chosen to enrol with us. But (as always) we want to check that you fully understand the mutual obligations involved.

This is a legally binding contract that commits you to course fee payments and training participation. So please take the time to ensure we are a great match for your needs.


You are officially enrolled in your course with the Australian College of Commerce and Management when:

  • You have provided all the enrolment administration information required by ACCM College, this will also include state and federal information required for your program (such as a USI or certified identification)
  • Your on-boarding requirements have been completed satisfactorily and you have been assessed as suitable for your qualification and online delivery (this includes your Initial Skills Assessment and Induction)
  • Any additional requirements needed to ensure suitability have been met and ACCM College has notified you in writing (such as successfully completing a portion of a subject to demonstrate suitability for the qualification or verifying that ACCM College is able to meet any special support needs you may require).

Payment obligations and Refund Rules if you change your mind:

  • Partial refunds are available based on the proportion of time or subjects commenced. Our Refund Policy gives examples of how this is calculated. Generally if you are on a payment plan, you would not be eligible for a refund as you are paying progressively up until the time you withdraw.
  • A minimum $50 Administration Fee will be retained once you are approved for enrolment, unless you have been waived from this in accordance with the terms and conditions.
  • Any upfront course payments made by Credit Card will not be refunded directly to a bank account except at the College’s sole discretion. In the event a refund is required for Students who will not continue their enrolment, they will be advised to contact their Credit Card company and request a charge back.    
  • Let us know immediately by email if you decide to withdraw. We will confirm receipt and process your cancellation immediately, including cancelling your payment plan and processing refund requests.

You have agreed to start your course straight away and make consistent progress:

  • If you are after a study program that you can leave until the last minute, and try and do it all at once, we ask that you wait until you are actually ready to study before you enrol. Otherwise, we do require you to actively do your course from the time you start (we know the dangers of procrastination!)
  • The time given is the maximum time to do your course. We allocate that time as it easily allows completion based on our required study participation each week, and allows extra time for holidays and other commitments. Fees apply if we do decide to give you more time to do your course. See the Incidental Fees List.

We are friendly and relaxed but we do have minimum behaviour standards:

  • We know that everyone has bad days and gets frustrated, but as a business college one of our roles is to ensure graduates can communicate and interact in a way that would be expected in a workplace. So we ask that you interact with us in a professional way.
  • We also commit to you that you will always receive a professional level of service and communication from our team. Our Complaints and Consumer Protection Policy allows you to raise any concerns and have them investigated promptly.

Sharing Your Information:

  • We do not provide your information to other parties so they can try and sell you things or use your information for unrelated purposes.
  • We do provide your information to parties that have a legitimate need for the information in order to facilitate the course, any traineeship contract or funded program. Our Privacy Policy outlines the ways we use and share your information.

We think it's important to be open about expectations. We have great success with our students, but if we don't sound like a good fit for you - please let us know straight away that you don't wish to proceed with your enrolment application.

Otherwise - we look forward to helping you achieve your goals, and don't forget to read the legal bits below...

Standard Terms and Conditions

  • Your Legal Agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Fees

    1. This document confirms receipt for an application to enrol at the Australian College of Commerce and Management: RTO ID 1441

    2. By applying to enrol you agree to be legally bound by the following terms and conditions as applied under the laws of New South Wales, Australia. Any agreed variations to the these Terms and Conditions including Fees, Payment Terms and Refunds must be in writing authorised by a Director of the College.

    3. You agree to comply with College Policies, Code of Conduct, the College Website and Webclass Terms of Use and, where payment is made by Direct Debit, the Direct Debit Service Agreement.

    4. Where you are applying for enrolment in a government subsidised training program, you agree to the specific program additional terms and conditions as applicable to that specific program, as updated during the term of your enrolment. You agree that you are responsible for ensuring your (or your employees) eligibility to the program. The program additional terms and conditions are available at:

    5. You agree to the Fees, Fees Policy and Refund Policy. You declare that you have been provided with details of the fees chargeable, the refund policy, rules and process, and are aware that Qualifications or Statements of Attainment will not be issued until all outstanding fees are paid.

    If you or your employee is subsequently not eligible for a subsidised program that was applied for, you agree to pay the standard fees applicable for the course.

    All invoices are issued on strict 14 day terms.  Non-payment of invoices can result in the cancellation of the course.

    5a. If you are paying your fees under an Ezidebit payment plan, you agree to the Ezidebit Terms and Conditions available at

     You also agree that if you default, you may be charged a fee by Ezidebit and/or your financial institution. 

     You acknowledge that in the event that Ezidebit changes their terms and conditions, their updated terms and conditions will apply.  

    6. You declare that you have been provided with specific policy and procedural information prior to the enrolment application being submitted including: Information on RPLAbout Deferring or DiscontinuingConsumer Protection and Complaints ProcessesTraining and Assessment Strategy and Processes and Access to Support Services.

    Any information you have been provided regarding our services, qualification choices, subject selection, learning programs and other types of information is not to be considered as advice.  ACCM College is solely providing factual information for our students, employers and clients to assist them in making their personal and professional decisions.

    To remove doubt, the information is available at the following website pages:

    Fee Information:

    Refunds Policy:

    Privacy Policy (which includes consent for use and disclosure of personal information):

    Information on RPL:

    About Deferring or Discontinuing:

    Consumer Protection and Complaints Processes:

    Access to Support Services:

    Training and Assessment Strategy:

    ACT Student Completion Reward of $300:

    All other Policies are on the Policies page:

    7. In accordance with the Electronic Transactions Act ACCM College will accept electronic signatures where indicated, including in the lodgement of this enrolment application. Where providing an electronic signature and/or submitting forms under electronic signature, you acknowledge that you are entering into a legally binding agreement as if you have personally signed that document. If determined as necessary in the circumstances, the College will seek confirmation of an electronic signature by, for example, sending an email to the sender. The College reserves the right to request a document that has been completed under electronic signature to be completed with a personal signature.

    8. You declare that you have honestly and accurately provided the information contained on this enrolment application form. You understand any offer or any subsequent enrolment in a government funded or subsidised training place made on the basis of false or misleading information may be withdrawn.


  • Your Agreement to the Course Duration, Participation Standards and Code of Conduct

    9. Enrolment is on a part time basis, unless specifically agreed to in writing by a College Director.

    10. The maximum period of enrolment is:

     Course level

     Enrolment Term

     Certificate II and III

     8 months

     Certificate IV

     12 months


     18 months 

     Statement of Attainment Courses

     Calculated pro-rata based on qualification level

    Some government programs may have lesser terms and specific start and end dates, and required participation standards that must be met, that will be communicated to you.

    Traineeships may allow a greater nominal term; but the formal college work will be scheduled to be completed in the above durations; allowing maximum opportunity for on-the-job skills development in later parts of the traineeship.

    You acknowledge that the enrolment term cannot be extended unless we agree that there were extenuating circumstances that prevented you from completing your course within the pre-determined time frames listed above.

    11. You acknowledge the following Participation Standards (based on part time study) needed to ensure completion of your course in a reasonable time frame:

    Certificate II or III Subjects

    • Contact us approximately every 2 weeks for 20 minutes

    • Submit a completed Assessment Task every 4-6 weeks

    • Set aside a minimum of 2 -4 hours Study per Week*

    Certificate IV Subjects

    • Contact us approximately every 2 weeks for 20 minutes

    • Submit a completed Assessment Task every 6-8 weeks

    • Set aside a minimum of 4-5 hours of Study per Week*

    Diploma Subjects

    • Contact us approximately every 4 weeks for 30 minutes

    • Submit a completed Assessment Task every 6-9 weeks

    • Set aside a minimum of 4-5 hours of Study per Week*

    * The estimated study time refers to an average time to complete the formal study requirements - You may require more study time depending on the subject.

    12. Subject Extensions and Course Deferrals. Where you are unable to meet the Participation Standards you agree to contact your College Student Adviser and negotiate subject extensions or a deferral from study for a period.

    The College may discontinue your enrolment (without refund) if you are not meeting the Participation Standards or have not obtained extension or deferral approval.

    13. You acknowledge and agree to meet the College Code of Conduct, and acknowledge the College may discontinue your enrolment (without refund) if you fail to meet the Code of Conduct.

  • Terms and Conditions about Refunds and Complaints Procedures

    14. Fees payable for the course will be based on the proportion of the course commenced or the time expired (whichever is the greater volume), with a minimum Administration Fee in accordance with the clause below.

    a) Refunds will apply for any amounts paid in excess of the fees payable and the minimum Administration Fee.

    • For example if a student has commenced only 25% of subjects within 10% of time allowed for the course, the fees owing for that course are 25% (based on subjects completed). If they have already fully paid for the course they will be allowed a refund of 75% ie 100% - 25% of the fees. The Administration Fee (below) is deducted from this refund amount.

    • Alternatively if a student has commenced only 25% of subjects within 50% of time allowed for the course, the fees owing for that course are 50% (based on time enrolled). If they have already fully paid for the course they will be allowed a refund of 50% ie 100% - 50% of the fees. The Administration Fee (below) is deducted from this refund amount.

    • If a student has not fully paid course fees, they will only be entitled to a refund of any amount already paid in excess of the fees owing at the time of cancellation.

    b) A minimum Administration Fee amount of $100, or $250 for employer and traineeship enrolments, will be retained from fees paid to cover enrolment administration costs. Full refunds are therefore not given after a student has been approved for enrolment. This applies regardless of whether the student cancels their course before downloading or commencing a subject, noting that significant administration effort occurs to establish the enrolment prior to that time.

    The only exception is where the student or employer /client was specifically given an offer in writing from a College Director that varied the refund policy or was under a trial period that waived the requirement for an initial fee deposit.

    c) Subject commencement means that the learning and/or assessment materials have been downloaded and/ or online activities commenced. Time expired means the number of months or part months past, as a % of the number of months allowed as the normal enrolment term for that qualification.

    d) Where a government subsidised program requires different refund rules these will be specified in that programs Additional Terms and Conditions and will override the Refunds Policy to the extent of any inconsistency.

    e) The Refund Policy outlines processes and full details.

    15. While we will do our very best to meet your expectations, it is still important to offer you a simple process to raise any concerns and make a formal complaint.

    a) Our Complaints Policy outlines that process. We ask that you raise your concern in a professional manner and be open to solutions, and allow us an opportunity to address your concern as quickly as we can.

  • Consents Given By You About Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Information

    16. If you are under 18 you give the following consents and will act to obtain the same consents from your parent or guardian on your behalf.

    17. For enrolments where employer details are provided you are authorising the College to discuss your enrolment with your employer, including providing course status updates and obtaining personal information from them that is necessary for your enrolment or course. This authorisation is irrevocable for that enrolment.

    For enrolments where a traineeship program is being undertaken you are authorising the College to discuss your enrolment with your employer, host employer. Group Training Company, Australian Apprenticeship Centre, including providing course status updates, special support needs (such as LLN support or other needs driven by a learning, physical, mental or other medical need) and USI information. You authorise those parties to share information they have with the College in order to support your course and progression and traineeship. This includes sharing your USI details.

    For school based enrolments you are authorising the College to discuss your enrolment with your school and school officials, including providing course status updates.

    18. Privacy Act Consent: Nationally recognised training is governed by legislation requiring the College to collect, use and report data provided during the enrolment process and as you progress and complete your studies. You consent to the provision of your personal information as outlined in the Privacy Policy to various government agencies, parties to subsidised training programs, employers and apprenticeship centres as applicable, and other required agencies. Your personal information is not provided by the College to any third parties for the purposes of marketing.

    19. Unique Student Identifier Privacy Consent and USI Provision: You agree to obtain and provide your Unique Student Identifier (USI). You agree to allow the College to verify your USI and to co-operate with the College to rectify any issues with your USI. You agree to allow the College to apply for a USI on your behalf from the Registrar if you do not have one and will refer to their Privacy Policy to ensure you understand the Terms and Conditions of the USI Registry System.  You agree to other parties providing your USI to the College and the College providing it to other parties as needed. The provision of a USI is a mandatory requirement for providers of nationally recognised qualifications. You declare that you have read and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as outlined in the Unique Student Identifier Privacy Notice below.

    This consent allows for the collection and use or disclosure of your personal information by the USI Registrar and is also consent for the College to obtain and verify the USI details you provide on the USI website, amongst other actions. This involves confirming your personal information with the USI website.

    Privacy Notice: You are advised and agree that you understand and consent that the personal information you provide in connection with your application for a Unique Student Identifier (USI):

    • is collected by the Student Identifiers Registrar for the purposes of:

    • applying for, verifying and giving a USI;
    • resolving problems with a USI; and
    • creating authenticated vocational education and training (VET) transcripts;

    • may be disclosed to:

    o Commonwealth and State/Territory government departments and agencies and statutory bodies performing functions relating to VET for:

    •  the purposes of administering and auditing VET, VET providers and VET programs
    • education related policy and research purposes; and
    •  to assist in determining eligibility for training subsidies;

    • VET Regulators to enable them to perform their VET regulatory functions;

    • VET Admission Bodies for the purposes of administering VET and VET programs;

    • current and former Registered Training Organisations to enable them to deliver VET courses to the individual, meet their reporting obligations under the VET standards and government contracts and assist in determining eligibility for training subsidies;

    • schools for the purposes of delivering VET courses to the individual and reporting on these courses;

    • the National Centre for Vocational Education Research for the purpose of creating authenticated VET transcripts, resolving problems with USIs and for the collection, preparation and auditing of national VET statistics;

    • researchers for education and training related research purposes;

    • any other person or agency that may be authorised or required by law to access the information;

    • any entity contractually engaged by the Student Identifiers Registrar to assist in the performance of his or her functions in the administration of the USI system; and

    • will not otherwise be disclosed without your consent unless authorised or required by or under law.

    You can find further information on how the Student Identifier Registrar collects, uses and discloses the personal information about you in the Registrar’s Privacy Policy or by contacting the Registrar on The Registrar’s Privacy Policy contains information about how you may access and seek correction of the personal information held about you and how you may make a complaint about a breach of privacy by the Registrar in connection with the USI and how such complaints will be dealt with.

    You may also make a complaint to the Information Commissioner about an interference with privacy pursuant to the Privacy Act 1988, including in relation to the misuse or interference of or unauthorised collection, use, access, modification or disclosure of USIs.

    20. NSW Smart and Skilled Privacy Consent: By ticking the authorisation box about agreeing to these terms, or by, at any time, verbally or in writing requesting Smart and Skilled subsidised training you consent to the following consent for the use and disclosure of personal information.


    As part of your enrolment process you will tick a box in the Authorisation to Enrol section that indicates you have read the applicable terms and conditions.

    Your agreement to the following consent statement is mandated by the NSW State government as part of your enrolment process.  Your name, address and date of birth will be recorded in your Enrolment Form to show that you have agreed to the applicable terms and conditions.

    Please read the below carefully, as it pertains to how your personal information may be used and disclosed.

    This information has been drawn directly (word for word), from the NSW Operating Guidelines as required by our contract.

    Consent to Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

    I understand and agree that, under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Provision Requirements) Instrument 2020, The Australian College of Commerce and Management is required to collect personal information (information or an opinion about me), collected from me, my parent or guardian, such as my name, Unique Student Identifier, date of birth, contact details, training outcomes and performance, sensitive personal information (including my ethnicity or health information) and other enrolment and training activity-related information (together Personal Information) and disclose that Personal Information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

    My Personal Information (including the personal information contained on my enrolment form and my training activity data) may be used or disclosed by The Australian College of Commerce and Management for statistical, regulatory and research purposes. The Australian College of Commerce and Management may disclose my personal information for these purposes to third parties, including:

    • School - if I am a secondary student undertaking VET, including a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship;
    • Employer – if I am enrolled in training paid by my employer;
    • Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies, including the NSW Department of Education (Department);
    • NCVER;
    • Organisations (including the Department) conducting student surveys; and
    • Researchers.

    Personal Information disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:

    • issuing a VET Statement of Attainment or VET Qualification, and populating Authenticated VET Transcripts;
    • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys;
    • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
    • administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

    I may receive an NCVER student survey which may be administered by an NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor. I may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

    The Department may disclose my Personal Information to other Australian government agencies, including those located in States and Territories outside New South Wales.

    The above government agencies may use my Personal Information for any purpose relating to the exercise of their government functions, including but not limited to the evaluation and assessment of my training, the determination of my eligibility to receive subsidised training or for any Fee Exemptions or Concessions. My Personal Information may also be disclosed to other third parties if required by law.

    I also acknowledge and agree that the Department may contact me by telephone, email or post, during or after I have ceased subsidised training with The Australian College of Commerce and Management  for the purposes of evaluating and assessing my subsidised training.

    I declare that the information I have provided to the best of my knowledge is true and correct.

    I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my Personal Information in the manner outlined above.

    - End of Consent Statement

    Again, your consent to this will be digitally recorded in the Authority to Enrol section of your ACCM College Enrolment form and will capture your name, address, date of birth and date of agreement.


    21. National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER) Privacy Notice and Consent:  Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012,  the College is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).


    Why we collect your personal information

    As a registered training organisation (RTO), we collect your personal information so we can process and manage your enrolment in a vocational education and training (VET) course with us.

    How we use your personal information

    We use your personal information to enable us to deliver VET courses to you, and otherwise, as needed, to comply with our obligations as an RTO.

    How we disclose your personal information

    We are required by law (under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) (NVETR Act)) to disclose the personal information we collect about you to the National VET Data Collection kept by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). The NCVER is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics about the Australian VET sector.

    We are also authorised by law (under the NVETR Act) to disclose your personal information to the relevant state or territory training authority.

    How the NCVER and other bodies handle your personal information

    The NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the NVETR Act. Your personal information may be used and disclosed by NCVER for purposes that include populating authenticated VET transcripts; administration of VET; facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage; and understanding the VET market.

    The NCVER is authorised to disclose information to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), Commonwealth authorities, State and Territory authorities (other than registered training organisations) that deal with matters relating to VET and VET regulators for the purposes of those bodies, including to enable:

    • administration of VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation
    • facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage
    • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information.

    The NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.

    The NCVER does not intend to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients.

    For more information about how the NCVER will handle your personal information please refer to the NCVER’s Privacy Policy at

    If you would like to seek access to or correct your information, in the first instance, please contact your RTO using the contact details listed below.

    DESE is authorised by law, including the Privacy Act and the NVETR Act, to collect, use and disclose your personal information to fulfil specified functions and activities. For more information about how the DESE will handle your personal information, please refer to the DESE VET Privacy Notice at


    You may receive a student survey which may be run by a government department or an NCVER employee, agent, third-party contractor or another authorised agency. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

    Contact information

    At any time, you may contact ACCM to:

    • request access to your personal information
    • correct your personal information
    • make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled
    • ask a question about this Privacy Notice

    Student Declaration and Consent - By ticking the authorisation box about agreeing to these terms:

    You declare that the information you have provided to the best of your knowledge is true and correct.

    You consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice above.

Additional Terms and Conditions for Government Subsidised Programs

If you are applying for enrolment in a government subsidised program, that government will have additional terms and conditions that apply. 

Enrolment Terms and Conditions:

By proceeding with your enrolment you declare that you have read and agree to those additional terms and conditions, and agree to any updates during the duration of your program as needed.

Some key points (but not all of these terms) are listed below:


NSW Smart and Skilled program participants are required to provide their consent to the Use and Disclosure of their personal information.  The precise wording for this consent is listed in point 20 above, and is also found on the ACCM College Privacy Policy here in the Privacy Policy Key Details section.  Your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions in the Authority to Enrol section indicates your agreement to this mandated requirement.

Approval for NSW Smart and Skilled Fee Free Traineeship Initiative Waivers (valid Jan 1, 2020 through June 30, 2024) is based on a mandatory Trainee eligibility check conducted at the time of enrolment and is not guaranteed.  ACCM College will contact employers of ineligible Trainees upon conclusion of eligibility check as needed.

The Smart and Skilled contact details for students with complaints can be found at and the phone number is 1300 772 104. The appointed consumer protection officer at the College is the CEO who can be contacted by emailing  These details are also published in the College ComplaintsGrievances and Consumer Protection Policy.

Refer to other additional terms in the NSW section below.


ACT trainees registered in a ACT funded program will be eligible to receive directly from the ACT government a $300 completion payment for those enrolled PRIOR to 1 Jan 2024.  ACT Trainees enrolled after 1 Jan 2024 are not eligible for the completion payment.

Payment is subject to:

  • Completing the traineeship requirements within the allowed traineeship duration. This includes College work and on-the-job competence as agreed by your employer.
  • Completed the ACT issued survey that will be sent directly to you.


NOTE:  ACCM College is no longer offering positions under the QLD C3G or High Skills Program.  The following information is being provided for reference purposes only.

QLD Certificate 3 Guarantee enrolments acknowledge that you will no longer be eligible for a government subsidised training place under the Certificate 3 Guarantee once you complete a certificate III level qualification.

Queensland Certificate IV enrolments acknowledge that you can enrol and access the subsidy under the Higher Skills Program once.

You acknowledge that you have been provided with access to the QLD Fact Sheets linked above and on the College website.

You acknowledge that the College must apply all possible Credit Transfers to your course which may restrict the electives you can select.

Refer to other additional terms in the QLD section below.


Updated November 2024

Additional Terms and Conditions

  • NSW Smart and Skilled Additional Terms and Conditions


    The standard Terms and Conditions and the following additional terms and conditions collectively are the terms and conditions applicable to applications for enrolment under any Smart and Skilled Subsidised training program.

    As the Terms and Conditions relating to Smart and Skilled are determined or guided by the policies of that program the following terms and conditions have been cross-referenced to those NSW government issued policies. This cross referencing does not form part of the terms and conditions, but does offer guidance as to why the term or condition is in place. Cross referencing is indicated by [] brackets. The key is at the bottom of this document.




    1. Fees payable under Smart and Skilled are as specified by the NSW Government.  All providers must charge the same fees and apply the same fee exemptions and concessions and require the same evidence of eligibility of concessions and exemptions. 

    Fees, including exemptions and concession eligibility, are calculated when your provided student data is entered into the government Provider Calculator.

    Smart and Skilled Fees cannot be varied except in accordance with Smart and Skilled Policies as applicable to the year of your enrolment:

    Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy

    Smart and Skilled School Based Trainee Fee Administration Policy

    Smart and Skilled Skilling for Recovery Initiative

    2. Qualifications or traineeships not approved as subsidised under the NSW Skills List applicable at the time of enrolment are subject to commercial fees and these terms and conditions do not apply.

    3. Fees due are payable upon enrolment or where approved, within 14 days of enrolment.

    4. By ACCM College agreement the Fees may be paid by regular instalment. Failure to meet any instalment makes the remaining fee amount, plus any costs incurred, fully due and payable upon demand in accordance with the Recovery and Collections Action for Outstanding Fees and Costs provision in the Fee and Fee Recovery Policy. 


    1. You are required to provide evidence of identity and eligibility to a NSW Smart and Skilled subsidised training program. 

    2. You must provide your Unique Student Identifier (USI) as proof of identity and date of birth. You must allow the College to verify your USI and co-operate with the College to rectify any issues with your USI. Your enrolment cannot proceed until NSW Smart and Skilled agree that the USI is valid.

    3. You must provide your green Medicare Card or Birth Certificate or Australian or New Zealand Passport as evidence of citizenship or residency status.

    4. You must provide your NSW Drivers License or another identity document that shows that you live or work in New South Wales. 

    5. You agree that upon request you will provide JP certification of a copy of those identity and eligibility documents within 5 working days. 

    6. You acknowledge that you cannot apply to enrol in a Smart and Skilled subsidised training program where you are also receiving full or partial funding from another government source to enrol in that same qualification. You will be personally liable for the full costs of the training delivered if you do so.


    1. Fee exemptions or concessions require proof of entitlement as specified in the Fee Administration Policy.

    2. For Commonwealth benefit recipients this must be a Centrelink issued document that has the Centrelink Reference Number and shows entitlement to the benefit at the time training is to commence. 

    3. For dependents of commonwealth benefit recipients this must be evidence from Centrelink that recognises the person as a dependent of a benefit recipient. 

    4. For Commonwealth benefits administered by the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) the required evidence will be a benefit card or document for the relevant benefit. 


    1. You agree that where you have meet the eligibility requirements for a Fee Free Scholarship, the College can apply on your behalf for the Fee Free Scholarship.

    2. Where the Scholarship is approved you will be refunded any payments made towards your course.

    3. Where evidence of priority to a scholarship under "social housing" rules is needed you agree to provide a Statutory Declaration as evidence of eligibility before an application is made on your behalf. 


    1. Where a student cancels their Smart and Skilled course before commencing a subject, a minimum payment of $100 is payable to cover enrolment and administration costs in accordance with the Refunds Policy. Amounts paid in excess of this amount will be refunded in accordance with the Refunds Policy.

    2. Once a student commences their Smart and Skilled course the Fees are refundable in line with the Refunds Policy based on time enrolled or subjects commenced.


    1. Students may apply for a deferral/suspension as an option to withdrawal from their Smart and Skilled course.

    2. Advice of withdrawal from enrolment should be made in accordance with the Discontinuation Policy.

    3. Upon receipt of the withdrawal notice the College will issue your Statement of Attainment and updated Training Plan.


    1. You may defer studies under Smart and Skilled for a maximum cumulative period of 12 months. 

    2. Deferral requests should be made in accordance with the Deferral Policy.


    1. The College Complaints Policy outlines the process to advise us of any concerns. 

    2. Smart and Skilled also allow direct feedback to be provided via the State Training Services Customer Support Centre Phone: 1300 772 104 or via an on-line form at The appointed consumer protection officer at the College is the CEO who can be contacted by emailing  These details are also published in the College ComplaintsGrievances and Consumer Protection Policy. 

    Employment Related Enrolments

    1. For enrolments where employer details are provided you are authorising the College to discuss your enrolment with your employer, including providing course status updates. 


    Updated June 2022

  • Queensland VET Investment Plan Additional Terms and Conditions

    NOTE:  ACCM College is no longer offering positions under QLD VET Investment (C3G or High Skills Program).  The following information is being provided for reference purposes only

    The standard Terms and Conditions and the following additional terms and conditions collectively are the terms and conditions applicable to applications for enrolment under any Queensland VET Investment Plan subsidised training program including Certificate 3 Guarantee and Higher Level Skills programs.

    As the Terms and Conditions relating to Queensland VET Investment Plan are determined or guided by the policies of that program, the following terms and conditions have been cross-referenced to those QLD government issued policies. This cross referencing does not form part of the terms and conditions, but does offer guidance as to why the term or condition is in place. Cross referencing is indicated by [] brackets. The key is at the bottom of this document.




    1. Co-contribution Fees are payable under QLD VET Investment plan as specified by the QLD Government.  [C3P p4 HLS p2]

    Concession students are eligible for a partial fee reduction from the above Co-contribution Fee amount.

    For Queensland traineeship fees see the Traineeship Additional Terms and Conditions.

    2. All providers apply the same eligibility rules for concessions and exemptions. Evidence of eligibility must be provided.

    3. Other qualifications are not approved as subsidised under the College QLD VET Investment Plan contact and so are subject to commercial fees.


    4. Fees due are payable upon enrolment or (where approved) within 14 days of enrolment.

    5. By ACCM College agreement the Fees may be paid by regular instalment. Failure to meet any instalment makes the remaining fee amount, plus any costs incurred, fully due and payable upon demand in accordance with the Recovery and Collections Action for Outstanding Fees and Costs provision in the Fee and Fee Recovery Policy. 

    6. As training can be commenced immediately upon enrolment, full refunds are not granted.  Refunds are in accordance with the Refunds Policy.


    7. You are required to provide evidence of identity and eligibility to a QLD VET Investment Plan subsidised training program. [AER Appendix 1]

    You must provide your green Medicare Card or Birth Certificate or Australian or New Zealand Passport as evidence of citizenship or residency status.

    You must provide your QLD Drivers License or another identity document that shows that you live or work in Queensland.

    You agree that upon request you will provide JP certification of a copy of those identity and eligibility documents within 5 working days.

    8. You acknowledge that you cannot apply to enrol in a QLD Certificate 3 Guarantee subsidised qualification if you hold or are currently enrolled in a Certificate III or higher qualification [C3P p1]  Similarly, you cannot apply to enrol in a Higher Level Skills subsidised qualification if you are currently enrolled in a Certificate IV or higher qualification. [HLS p1].  You will be personally liable for the full costs of the training delivered if you do so. 


    9. You declare that the details provided about past qualifications attained are accurate and complete. 

    10. You acknowledge that you will no longer be eligible for a government subsidised training place under the Certificate 3 Guarantee once you complete a Certificate III level qualification [C3P p5]

    11. You acknowledge that you can enrol and access the subsidy under that Higher Level Skills Program once. [HLS p1]


    12. You agree that you have been provided with access to the government fact sheets. [PQSP 3E]

    Certificate 3 Fact Sheet

    Higher Skills Fact Sheet


    13. To qualify to be a concession student you must meet one or more of the below criteria:

    • Hold a health care concession card or pensioner concession card
    • Be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin

    When a Commonwealth Government agency (e.g. Jobs Services Australia Provider) is using Australian Government funding to pay student fees on behalf of the Participant, then no concessions are to apply.

    Fee concessions require proof of eligibility to be provided.[PQSP A1 K]


    14. You may defer studies under QLD VET Investment programs for a maximum cumulative period of 12 months.

    Deferral requests should be made in accordance with the Deferral Policy.

    15. Students are required to complete a training and employment survey within three months of completing or discontinuing subsidised training. [PQSP 5C]


    16. The College Complaints Policy outlines the process to advise us of any concerns. [PQSP 2G]

    17. Queensland have established a Training Ombudsman. For advice or to make a complaint, go to or call 1800 773 048.


    18. All possible Credit Transfers from prior studies must be applied to your course under this funded program. You acknowledge that this may restrict your choice of units and electives. You agree to provide the College with details of and Statements of Attainment for all past studies.


    C3P = Certificate 3 Guarantee Program Policy 2019-2020 effective 1 July 2019

    HLS = Higher Level Skills Program Policy 2019-2020 effective 1 July 2019

    PQSP = PQS Policy 2019-2020 effective 1 July 2019

    AER = PQS Audit Evidence Requirements effective 1 January 2020

    Updated Dec 2019

  • Smart and Skilled Fee Free Traineeship Initiative

    Under NSW Smart and Skilled, Trainees may be eligible for the Fee Free Traineeship Waiver Initiative from 1 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2025.

    NSW trainees, including school based trainees, whose traineeship qualification is funded under Smart and Skilled and who commence subsidised training on or after 1 January 2020 are eligible. This includes:

    1.  Trainees who commence subsidised training for the first time on or after 1 January 2020.

    2.  Trainees whose traineeship is cancelled and subsequently recommence a traineeship in the same vocation with a different employer, and recommence subsidised training on or after 1 January 2020.

    3.  Trainees whose traineeship is cancelled and subsequently commence a new traineeship in a new vocation with the same/different employer, and commence in subsidised training on or after 1 January 2020

    4.  A trainee who has completed a traineeship, is undertaking a subsequent traineeship and is commencing the subsidised training in the subsequent traineeship on or after 1 Jan 2020.


    Specific trainee exclusions from eligibility

     A NSW Trainee who commenced subsidised training prior to 1 January 2020 and subsequently, on or after 1 January 2020 recommences their subsidised training:

    A) with the same provider, and is employed by the same employer and in the same vocation, or

    B) changes provider and remains party to a training contract with the same employer and in the same vocation

    Is not eligible for fee free training.

  • Traineeship Additional Terms and Conditions

    The standard Terms and Conditions and the following additional terms and conditions collectively are the terms and conditions applicable to applications for enrolment under any Traineeship subsidised training program.

    As the Terms and Conditions relating to Traineeships are determined or guided by the policies of that program the following terms and conditions have been cross-referenced to those state government issued policies. This cross referencing does not form part of the terms and conditions, but does offer guidance as to why the term or condition is in place. Cross referencing is indicated by [] brackets. The key is at the bottom of this document.





    1. Fees payable under subsidised Traineeship programs are as specified by the applicable state government.

    2. Traineeships not approved as fully subsidised under the state Traineeship program are subject to commercial fees.

    3. State Specific Fees for Subsidised Traineeships are on the Fees Page:

    a) NSW Traineeship Fees

    All providers must charge the same fees and apply the same fee exemptions and concessions and require the same evidence of eligibility of concessions and exemptions. [CTC clause 17.1]

    Fees, including exemptions and concession eligibility, are calculated when your provided student data is entered into the government Provider Calculator.[FAP p2]

    NSW Traineeship fees cannot be varied except in accordance with Smart and Skilled Policies:

    Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy v2.3

    Smart and Skilled School Based Trainee Fee Administration Policy v2.3

    b) ACT Traineeship Fees

    All providers must charge a minimum of $350. [ACTS clause 2.3.5]

    College fees are listed on each course page.

    c) Western Australian Traineeship Fees

    All providers must apply the same Fee Rate and the same Nominal Hours for units of competency studied within each calendar year. [VFCP clause 6.1]

    Subsidised existing worker traineeships are not eligible for concessions.

    An itemised invoice showing the fee calculations based on agreed starting subjects is issued. Adjustments for variations to subjects are completed at the end of the qualification.

    d) Queensland Traineeship Fees and Credit Transfers

    All providers must apply the same Student Co-contribution Fee and the same Nominal Hours for units of competency studied within each calendar year. [QLDUC clause 2.6]

    For User Choice Priority One subsidised courses no other fees apply. For User Choice Priority Two and Priority Three subsidised courses “gap” additional fees apply to employers as quoted. [QLDUC clause 2.1.1]

    An itemised invoice showing the fee calculations based on agreed starting subjects is issued. Adjustments for variations to subjects are completed at the end of the qualification.

     All possible Credit Transfers from prior studies must be applied to your course under this funded program. You acknowledge that this may restrict your choice of units and electives. You agree to provide the College with details of and Statements of Attainment for all past studies.

    e) Tasmania Traineeship Fees

    Tasmanian User Choice Funding is to subsidise the cost of the training and is not treated by Skills Tasmania as a full payment for the training. As such Contribution Fees are charged. 

     This Fee includes one face to face site visit. Additional face to face site visits incur an additional contribution fee. The College does not charge a Student Fee. An Employer Contribution Fee is charged to employers of trainees. There are no fee exemptions as the Contribution fee is charged to the employer of the trainee.


    f) Victorian, South Australian, Northern Territory Traineeship Fees

    These traineeships are not approved as subsidised under the state Traineeship program and so are subject to commercial fees.


    1. Fees due are payable upon enrolment or where approved, within 14 days of enrolment.

    2. By College agreement the Fees may be paid by agreed instalment. Failure to meet any instalment makes the remaining fee amount, plus any costs incurred, fully due and payable upon demand in accordance with the Recovery and Collections Action for Outstanding Fees and Costs provision in the Fee and Fee Recovery Policy. 

    3. The Fees will be paid by the employer except:

    a) Where award arrangements allow the employer to require the trainee to pay the fee.

    b) Where government policy requires the trainee to themselves pay the fees; and

    c) The employer instructs the College to invoice the trainee; or

    d) Where state policy directs invoices for School based trainees be paid by the School or Department of Education.

    4. Fees paid are not refundable as they are charged to cover the administrative establishment of the enrolment and related items.


    1. Trainees are required to provide evidence of identity and eligibility to a state subsidised traineeship program. [FAP Appendix 1 and 3]]

    2. Trainees must provide their Unique Student Identifier (USI) as proof of identity and date of birth. [FAP Appendix 3] Trainees will allow the College to verify their USI and assist with the College to rectify any issues.

    3. Trainees will provide a state driver’s license, green Medicare Card, Birth Certificate or Australian or New Zealand Passport as evidence of citizenship or residency status. [FAP Appendix 3]

    4. Where an entitlement to a fee exemption or concession applies, the trainee will provide the required evidence of eligibility.

    5. Trainees will provide JP certification of a copy of those identity and eligibility documents within 5 working days of any request to provide this. [FAP p24]

    6. Employers will act to ensure these requirements are met.

    7. Where states apply a limit or specific application process for a subsidised traineeship place the enrolment is not approved until the funded place is approved or the employer agrees to a commercial fee for service basis.

    Limits at this time apply in Western Australia and Tasmania. 


    1. Employers are required to provide the full range of on-the-job work to support the completion of the traineeship, and appropriate on-the-job training, support and supervision to ensure the safety of their trainee and the development of their on-the-job skills. 

    2. The employer complies with traineeship requirements by allowing work time for completion of their correspondence studies and workplace practical activities. This will be equal to 3 hours per week averaged over a four week cycle.

    3. The employee supervisors will be asked to verify and sign the trainee’s Assessment Submission to confirm that, to the best of their knowledge it is the original work of the trainee, and that in that field of work, the trainees on-the-job performance has been competent. The College is authorised to use this verification as confirmation of the employers authorisation for the supervisor to indicate employer satisfaction with on-the-job competency and competency completion where applicable.

    4. Employers and supervisors should monitor the trainee’s progress, including as advised in the College provided monthly progress reports, and ensure trainees submit the required assessments to the College by the timetable dates. 

    5. The employer or trainee must notify the College if the required work will not be submitted on time and provide an estimated submission date or seek assistance as appropriate.

    6. Employers should notify the College immediately if there are any matters affecting the trainee’s ability to complete the qualification or if there are work related barriers.

    7. The Employer will update and sign their copy of the trainee’s Training Plan as the employee completes an assessment with the College and will provide the College with the updated and signed Training Plan on request and at the completion of the trainee’s enrolment.

    8. If the Employer does not believe that a trainee has the necessary on-the-job competence for their traineeship level they are to advise the College of their concerns.

    9. Employers will facilitate trainees enrolling using the College’s on-line process.

    10. Employers will ensure their employees provide the required identification documents, initial skills assessment and Unique Student Identifier at the time of enrolment.


    1. The trainee and employer agree to the College releasing information to other related parties as required to facilitate the traineeship. This includes, but is not limited to the following disclosures.

    2. The College is obliged under their applicable State contract to advise the relevant Department of Education (or equivalent) if a trainee fails to progress in their course, or the terms of the Training Contract, including study release time, are breached.

    3. For School-based Traineeships, the College will regularly advise the trainee’s school and Regional VET-Coordinators of the trainee’s progress and obtain their assistance in resolving any student progress issues.

    4. The College is required to provide student statistical and enrolment data that is provided in the Enrolment Form and subsequently throughout the enrolment to the relevant state and commonwealth Education Departments and related government departments and agencies.  The College Privacy Policy outlines the requirements. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the student is consenting to the provision of this information.

    5. Apprenticeship Support Centres and Job Network Providers and other related parties will be advised about trainee participation, progress and completion and any other matters necessary to facilitate their activities


    1. The employer and trainee can request through their Apprenticeship Support Centre a suspension or extension of the training term. Employers will inform the College if this is the case.

    2.  Employers will notify the College immediately if the Trainee ceases employment and complete the appropriate cancellation paperwork provided by the College.

    3. Where the College believes appropriate it will advise the relevant Apprenticeship Support Centre or Department of Education that the trainee has cancelled, left employment or changed employment status.


    1. You acknowledge the following Participation Standards (based on part time study) needed to ensure completion of your course component of your traineeship in a reasonable time frame:

    Certificate II or III Subjects
    • Contact us approximately every 2 weeks for 20 minutes
    • Submit a completed Assessment Task every 2 weeks
    • Set aside a minimum of 2 hours Study per Week*
    Certificate IV Subjects
    • Contact us approximately every 2 weeks for 20 minutes
    • Submit a completed Assessment Task every 6 weeks
    • Set aside a minimum of 2 hours of Study per Week*

    * The estimated study time refers to an average time to complete the formal study requirements - You may require more study time depending on the subject. 

    2. Where you are unable to meet the Participation Standards you agree to contact your College Student Adviser and negotiate subject extensions or a deferral from study for a period. 

    3. The College may discontinue your enrolment (without refund) if you are not meeting the Participation Standards or have not obtained extension or deferral approval.


    1. The College Complaints Policy outlines the process to advise us of any concerns. [OpG clause 3]


    1. The College is authorised to vary these Terms and Conditions at any time, including retrospectively where necessary to facilitate state government subsidised funding and traineeship conditions. 

    2. By enrolling, you the trainee agree to these Terms and Conditions.

    3. By authorising your trainee to enrol, you, the employer agree to these Terms and Conditions.




    FAP = Fee Administration Policy Version 1.4 released October 2017

    SBTFAP = School Based Fee Administration Policy Version 1.2 released October 2017

    OpG = Operating Guidelines Version released 31 October 2017

    CTC = Contract Terms and Conditions  released 31 Oct 2017 

    CPS = Consumer Protection Strategy released July 2016

    ACTS = ACT Standards for Delivery of Training v3.2 released December 2016

    VFPC = VET Fees and Charges Policy 2018 v1.0 effective 1 January 2018

    QLDUC = Queensland User Choice 2017 - 2020 effective 1 July 2017

    Updated 1 May 2019