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Initial Skills Assessment and LLND Policy

Reviewed Jun 2020, Dec 2020, Updated Jun 2021, Dec 2021, Jun 2022, Jul 2023, Reviewed Dec 2023

Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Policy and Initial Skills Assessment Policy Statement

ACCM College recognises the importance of ensuring that students are assisted to identify the most suitable course for their needs and that many potential students require assistance with the development of their English language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy (LLND) skills prior to or in conjunction with their enrolment.

ACCM College through the application of its Initial Skills Assessment (Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy) Policy will:

  • Accurately describe each qualification and its potential vocational outcomes
  • Provide prospective students with guidance on the recommended or required prior educational levels and the resources or work environment required for the course
  • Determine and publish minimum language, literacy, language and digital literacy requirements for various qualification levels using plain English descriptors
  • Determine and publish minimum LLND requirements that apply for specific qualifications and delivery methods eg correspondence learning
  • Establish a range of methods to assist students to measure their language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills
  • Implement effective and sensitive procedures which allow for the identification of individual student language, literacy, numeracy or digital literacy needs so that students are provided with advice and support services
  • Train staff in language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills gap identification as required within their roles.

LLN Policy and Procedure Details

  • Minimum English Literacy, Language, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Skills For Courses

    a) The College will regularly revise the minimum LLND levels needed to achieve its courses and will set a benchmark for each qualification level as well as identify specific courses that vary from this benchmark and when approving electives ensuring that the units are within that students LLN range.

    b) The minimum evidence of English LLND required for ACCM College entry at qualification level is:


    Qualification level

    English Language Skills

    English Literacy Skills

    Numeracy Skills

    Certificate II

    Basic English language skills i.e. sufficient to be able to be understood by a Student Adviser during Initial Skills Assessment phone call. 

    Basic English reading and writing skills, or higher. As a guide - you should have completed Year 10 schooling, or have proven workplace written communication skills. Completion of College Enrolment Forms and the Initial Skills Assessment form so answers are readable will also evidence this level.

    No numeracy skills are needed.

    Certificate III

    Basic English language skills i.e. sufficient to be able to be understood by a Student Adviser during Initial Skills Assessment phone call. 

    Basic English reading and writing skills, or higher. As a guide - you should have completed Year 10 schooling, or have proven workplace written communication skills. Completion of College Enrolment Forms and the Initial Skills Assessment form so answers are readable will also evidence this level.

    An average numeracy level eg completion of Year 10 maths and the ability to use a calculator.

    Certificate IV

    Good English language skills i.e. sufficient to be able to engage in a two way conversation with a Student Adviser during Initial Skills Assessment phone call. 

    Average English reading and writing skills, or higher. As a guide - you should have completed Year 12 schooling, or have sound workplace written communication skills. Completion of College Enrolment Forms and the Initial Skills Assessment form with the use of appropriate descriptive language will also evidence this level.

    An average numeracy level eg completion of Year 10 maths and the ability to use a calculator.


    Good English language skills i.e. sufficient to be able to engage in a two way conversation with a Student Adviser during Initial Skills Assessment phone call. 

    Strong English reading and writing skills, or higher. As a guide - you should have completed a formal course after having completed Year 12 schooling, or have proven workplace written communication skills. Completion of College Enrolment Forms and the Initial Skills Assessment form in an articulate and thoroughly manner will also evidence this level.

    An average numeracy level eg completion of Year 10 maths and the ability to use a calculator.

    Learners at all AQF levels should possess the following Digital Learning Skills:

    • Open and use a computer application (such as your Web Browser)
    • Navigate a website by following instructions and follow website "links"
    • Type and edit text eg for short answer assessment questions 
    • Select the appropriate answers in a multiple choice list (select the correct option(s))
    • Download, save, edit and upload documents or files
    • Write, edit, send, receive and save emails
    • Open and use a word processing application (such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs)
    • Open and use a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets) depending on electives chosen


  • Specific Course LLND Requirements

    a) The individual course page on this website will display the specific LLND (and other) entry requirements for each specific course.  


Initial Skills Assessment Procedures

  • Conducting an Initial Skills Assessment Prior to Enrolment Approval

    a) An Initial Skills Assessment will be completed with students within a week of receipt of their application to enrol. This Assessment include process/instructions to follow, accessing items using their computer skills, completing a written task, and conversing with ACCM College.

    b) This Initial Skills Assessment must occur and be finalised prior to students being able to submit any assessment material.

    c) ACCM Service One staff will utilise this information, and compare it to the requirements for the qualification to determine if the qualification suits the student's needs, if the student has the current level of required skills to undertake it, and if they need additional support.

    d) The Initial Skills Assessment will also inform ACCM Service One staff (or Student Training Adviser) as to which elective subjects may be outside the students current LLND capabilities.

  • Alternative LLND Assessment Methods

    At ACCM College's discretion, other methods for assessing a student's current LLND levels may be implemented.

    Options include, but are not limited to:

    • Trial completion of ACCM College subjects under a supervised environment
    • Formal assessment under alternative Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Assessment Tasks 
  • Not Achieved LLN Entry Requirements

    a) Participants who are unable to achieve the LLND entry requirements will not be granted enrolment but will instead be referred to external specialists to help them attain the necessary LLND proficiency required to complete the course.

    b) Where students are identified after course entry as having a LLND need that affects course progress, ACCM College will apply reasonable adjustment as possible.

    c) Where support needs go beyond what can be met with reasonable adjustment during the training and assessment process, and additional support is required, ACCM College will direct participants to an external government funded LLND specialist available.

    Course refunds will apply on a pro-rata basis for any units not satisfactorily completed due to LLND issues.

Other LLN and Initial Skills Assessment Details

  • ACCM College Staff Trained in LLN

    ACCM College Trainers and Assessors will complete TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills (or its equivalent predecessor TAELLN401) and undertake other professional development activities to enable them to identify LLND needs.