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Student Admissions and Enrolments Policy

Updated Jun 2020, Dec 2020, Reviewed Jun 2021, Dec 2021, Updated Jun 2022, Reviewed Jul 2023, Dec 2023

Student Admissions and Enrolment Policy Statement

ACCM College, through the application of its Student Selection and Admissions Policy, will:

  • Treat all students and prospective students fairly
  • Ensure student admission and selection procedures are based on merit principles and are open, fair and transparent
  • Provide a framework for the selection and admission of students who are capable of success in their chosen field of vocational education studies 
  • Comply with the entrance criteria for government funded programs
  • Comply with limits or caps on enrolments in government funded programs.

Student Admissions Policy Details

  • Right to Refuse Enrolment or Re-enrolment

    Like any service provider, ACCM College is under no legal obligation to enrol anyone (subject only to complying with anti-discrimination laws).

    ACCM College is under no obligation to advise why it decides to refuse enrolments, and as a policy decision will not give reasons.

  • Determining Entry Requirements

    a) Minimum qualification entry pre-requisites will be applied as specified in the relevant national Training Package or specified as part of a government funded course.

    b) In setting other additional entry requirements for courses, the College will identify the minimum skills, knowledge, resources, work environments and work experience necessary for student success in that vocational education program, in each offered delivery pattern. This will include determination of minimum English language, literacy and numeracy skills as specified under the College LLND Policy.

    c) All students applying for entry into the same course/funding combination will be assessed for entry to study through the same published entry requirements and through the same processes.

  • Limitation of Course Places

    a) ACCM College may apply limitations on the number of enrolments approved in any specific course/funding combination. This may be as a way of ensuring that it can maintain staff to student ratios, or for other reasons.

    b) Current Limited Enrolment Courses: Project Management and Human Resource Management course places are currently limited. 

    c) In the event that an ACCM College course has a limited number of allowed students, students will be admitted on a "first in" selection model subject to minimum entry requirements.

    This model provides a fair playing field for those who may have encountered past social or educational disadvantage as they are not required to compete against those who have had greater advantage.

    d) "First in" will be measured by date and time of successful completion of all administrative items and the Initial Skills Assessment.

    e) Students not successful in selection due to maximum course numbers being exceeded will be advised by email within 5 working days.

  • NSW Smart and Skilled Entitlement Program Cap Management - Cessation of Enrolments

    NSW Smart and Skilled programs apply a "cap" of allowed financial commitment for student enrolments. To manage this cap ACCM College may stop new enrolments in courses from time to time.

    Students will have access to be placed on a wait list for if/when cap funds become available.

    If funds become available the waitlisted people will be advised and allowed to apply to enrol as a priority. Their enrolment will be processed on the standard first in process.


  • ACT Skilled Capital Limited Places - Application Process

    ACT Skilled Capital have limited places in each qualification.

    They require students to apply to enrol with us and provide their USI before we can apply for a place on their behalf.

    Places are not guaranteed.

    Currently ACT is not offering funding for Course's ACCM Supports under Skilled Capital or Job Trainer (current as of 1 March 2023) 

  • Specific Course LLND Requirements

    a) The individual course page on this website will display the specific LLND (and other) entry requirements for each specific course.  


  • Alternative LLND Assessment Methods

    At ACCM College's discretion, other methods for assessing a student's current LLND levels may be implemented.

    Options include, but are not limited to:

    • Trial completion of ACCM College subjects under a supervised environment
    • Formal assessment under alternative Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Assessment Tasks 
  • Ways to Lodge a Complaint

    Contact can be by:

    • Phone: 1 800 111 700 - ask for a Training Services Manager or Director
    • Post: Unit 8, 36-42 Auburn Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
    • Send us an email to with subject line: Complaint

Enrolment and Admissions Process

  • Applying to Enrol

    Please follow these key steps when applying to enrol


     Step 1: Ensure you have the Right Course:

    • Carefully review the course information page including entry requirements
    • If you are unsure of what course suits your needs - call us to talk about the options before applying to enrol


    Step 2: Understand the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment including:


    Step 3: Apply to enrol

    • You can apply to enrol online using the online application forms.
    • This does not approve your enrolment but if your enrolment is not approved any deposit paid is refunded


    Step 4: Log into Webclass to progress your application

    • You will receive an email that has your Webclass user ID and initial password.
    • Login and complete and administrative requirements like uploading ID.
    • Complete and submit your first Subject, Initial Skills Assessment
    • ACCM's Service One welcome team, will contract you call you to schedule your ACCM College Induction. The answers and discussion will be used to assess that you have the necessary language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills for that qualification, as well as confirming that the qualification will meet your needs.
    • Your Service One contact will also confirm that you are aware of the key Terms and Conditions about enrolment.


    Step 5: Approval for Enrolment

    You are officially enrolled in your course with the Australian College of Commerce and Management when:

    • You have provided all the enrolment administration information required by ACCM College, this will also include state and federal information required for your program (such as a USI or certified identification)
    • Your on-boarding requirements have been completed satisfactorily and you have been assessed as suitable for your qualification and online delivery (this includes your Initial Skills Assessment and Induction)
    • Any additional requirements needed to ensure suitability have been met and ACCM College has notified you in writing (such as successfully completing a portion of a subject to demonstrate suitability for the qualification or verifying that ACCM College is able to meet any special support needs you may require).


    Unless additional suitability or support for special needs has been identified as requiring further actions, you will tell that the enrolment has been approved as the "subject" Initial Skills Assessment will show the result SATISFACTORY (SAT).

    Please note, if ACCM College has identified the need to complete a sample of your course work or our ability to support your specific learning needs, a SAT on your Initial Skills Assessment does not constitute acceptance.

    In those situations, we will provide written approval of your acceptance when all areas of suitability have been addressed.

    Note that from this point onwards you are liable for the Administration Fee if you subsequently cancel. So if unsure - advise Service One to place your course application on hold.



  • Approval for Enrolment

    You are officially enrolled in your course with the Australian College of Commerce and Management when:

    • You have provided all the enrolment administration information required by ACCM College, this will also include state and federal information required for your program (such as a USI or certified identification)
    • Your on-boarding requirements have been completed satisfactorily and you have been assessed as suitable for your qualification and online delivery (this includes your Initial Skills Assessment and Induction)
    • Any additional requirements needed to ensure suitability have been met and ACCM College has notified you in writing (such as successfully completing a portion of a subject to demonstrate suitability for the qualification or verifying that ACCM College is able to meet any special support needs you may require).


    Unless additional suitability or support for special needs has been identified as requiring further actions, you will tell that the enrolment has been approved as the "subject" Initial Skills Assessment will show the result SATISFACTORY (SAT).

    Please note, if ACCM College has identified the need to complete a sample of your course work or our ability to support your specific learning needs, a SAT on your Initial Skills Assessment does not constitute acceptance.

    In those situations, we will provide written approval of your acceptance when all areas of suitability have been addressed.

    Note that from this point onwards you are liable for the Administration Fee if you subsequently cancel. So if unsure - advise Service One to place your course application on hold.



  • Not Approved for Enrolment

    If you are not approved for enrolment you will be told the reason.

    Where feasible you will be given other opportunity to be re-assessed in that area eg by conducting a more detailed LLND test.

    Any deposit paid will be refunded in full.