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Group Training Organisation Support

Created Jul 23, Updated Jun 24

GTO's require Specialised Support

ACCM knows that being a Group Training Organisation requires strong support from your Training Provider.

Working with and through a Host Employer is an added layer of complexity and responsibility for you to manage.

ACCM College wants to help all parties succeed.

We have created this page to give you instant access to the information and materials we think you may need.

If there is anything else you’d like us to add, just let us know by writing to


Important News for GTOs
Check here for important Industry and VET Sector Updates

NSW Traineeships to remain Fee Free for now

NSW Training Services and the Department of Education have announced that Smart and Skilled Fee Free Traineeship and Apprenticeship program will remain in place until the end of the 2024-25 Financial Year.

​An announcement has not been made about the future of the Fee Free program in the 25-26 FY,, but we will do all we can to keep you posted of any pending changes.

​For now though, NSW Training Services is keeping the current program in place.


Federal Hiring Incentives change 1 July 2024

Unfortunately, as advertised, the qualification supported by ACCM College are no longer eligible for Federal Hiring incentives.

​The Strategic Review into incentives has finished taking public and industry submissions, so we hope for more information to be provided soon.

However, as it stands, new Traineeships in Business,  Finance, Information Technology and Supply Chain will not be eligible for Federal Hiring incentives.

​Please know that Trainees already enrolled/registered will not be impacted by these changes.  This only applies to Trainees that enrol after 30 June 2024.

Group Training Organisation - Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions we have helped with

  • What is ACCM's delivery method?

    ACCM College's delivery method is online/distance education.

    All of our learning and assessment materials are hosted on our internally designed and developed Learning Management System (LMS) called Webclass.

    Webclass is the culmination of 27 years of experience in distance education and incorporates the vital feedback from our stakeholders.

    Students and employers have raved about the quality, ease of use and strength of our online programs.


  • Do you offer face to face training or workshops?

    ACCM College's primary delivery method is online/distance learning.

    Where a face to face component is requested/required by an employer, please let us know.

    Traditional facilitator-led face to face learning does not align well with our online materials or delivery method.

    However, we have had fantastic success with periodic/scheduled coaching sessions for groups/cohorts via video session (e.g. Microsoft Teams or Zoom).

    Coaching sessions allow ACCM to provide:

    • opportunity to complete Skills Checks and Role Plays
    • overview of subjects and assessments prior to starting new material
    • ability to provide specific coaching or answering questions (individually or as a group).


    ACCM is always interested in finding the best solution with clients, so please let us know what is needed and we will help.


  • Trainees working from home

    Different States have different rules about trainees working from home (WFH).

    The concern is that a trainee in a WFH environment does not have any on the spot supervision or ready access to support. 

    Furthermore, the provision of the critical hands-on training and oversight that is at the heart of a traineeship is not present.

    Training Services NSW has not put forth specific guidance on this issue, however we have seen a dramatic increase in new (and existing) traineeships that are being rejected or closed due to the trainee not working in a workplace setting.

    Whereas Queensland Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training has made it clear that trainees must be in the same physical location as their supervisor, to provide the level of training and oversight required for a traineeship.

    We recommend the Regional State Training office is engaged to see if this will be allowed for each specific circumstance prior to sign up if the trainee is or may be working from home (or other location separate from direct supervision).



  • What is The Duration of a Specific Traineeship?

    The duration of a Traineeship varies based on:

    1.  The State or Territory it is offered in e.g. a BSB30120 Certificate III in Business is a 12 month Traineeship in NSW, but is 18 months in South Australia.

     2.  Advanced Standing

    Some qualifications will be shorter than the nominal Traineeship length if the Trainee is considered to have Advanced Standing.

    Normally, this will apply to Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications where the duration is reduced from 24 months to 12 months.

    Please note: NSW Traineeships with Advanced Standing will have a different VTO then the normal duration Traineeship. 

    For the exact VTO, see the list of all NSW VTOs further down this page.


    For more detailed information on each State or Territory nominal duration, check out the AA Pathway links at the bottom of this page!

  • Where Can I Find Information on Federal Incentives?

    As of 1 July 2024, Federal Incentives have been limited to specific qualifications.

    Unfortunately, the qualifications on offer by ACCM College are not currently on this list.

    The below information ONLY applies to Traineeships that commenced BEFORE 1 July and were registered with a start date before that date.


    Under those guidelines, which can be found via the link below, the second Hiring Incentive payment is only payable six months after the first Effect Date payment (See Part D, Section 2.4 Claiming Payments and Section 2.5b Early Completions).

    This means that if a Traineeship completes prior to the second effective date (which will normally be at the one year point from the Traineeship Commencement date), the second Hiring Incentive payment (typically $1750 for full-time Trainees) will not be issued.

    This may not be a factor for many employers and their Trainees who will use the full term of their Traineeship (one or two years for full time Trainees).

    However, we have advised our employers to keep this in mind when working with the Trainee if an early completion is being considered that will occur prior to the one year point being reached.  

    Importantly, completing even a short time (e.g. 1 day) prior to the second Effect date will negate the Second Payment.

    We have also encouraged our employers to reach out to their Apprentice Connect Australia Providers with any questions or concerns, as we know you are the single best resource for them.

  • What is The Earliest an Employer Can Complete Their Trainees and Still Receive Their Full Incentives?

    For Traineeships that commenced prior to 1 July 2024 and are eligible for Federal Hiring Incentives, the minimum time frame is one FULL year from the sign up date.

    Please note, this does NOT apply to any Traineeship for qualification on offer by ACCM College that commence after 1 July 2024.

    This means that if a Traineeship completes prior to the second effective date (which will normally be at the one year point from the Traineeship Commencement date), the second Hiring Incentive payment (typically $1750 for full-time Trainees) will not be issued.

    This may not be a factor for many employers and their Trainees who will use the full term of their Traineeship (one or two years for full time Trainees).

    However, we have advised our employers to keep this in mind when working with the Trainee if an early completion is being considered that will occur prior to the one year point being reached. 

    Importantly, completing even a small time (e.g. 1 day) prior to the second Effect date will negate the Second Payment.

    We have also encouraged our employers to reach out to their AASS representative with any questions or concerns, as we know you are the single best resource for them.

ACCM College - An Introduction
Designed to help Employers get to know ACCM College



Please click on the picture above to download ACCM College's introductory information.

We put this together to provide some insight to who we are and how we support our clients and students.

Remember, if you have any questions or want additional information, just reach out to us.

Important Information on ACCM Services and Support
Single web-pages with useful info you can use or refer to...

ACCM College Course Catalogue



Please click on the picture above to download ACCM College's Course Catalogue

This useful document will provide valuable information on each course and ACCM itself.

Remember, if you have any questions or want additional information, just reach out to us.

ACCM - Host Employer Catalogue
Providing JUST Course Information to your Hosts

As a Group Training Organisation you need to provide information about available qualifications to current and future hosts.

However, we also understand that information regarding fees, incentives and other Traineeship related information isn't something that needs to be provided to Hosts.

This material ONLY provides course details (and duration) and useful information about ACCM's support services.

Just click on the above picture to download our latest Host Employer catalogue.

If you see something you'd like added (or potentially removed) just let us know.

Course Individual Brochures and Timetables

Image not found  Image not found


To download an informative and useful 2-page brochure (as shown above), just click on the links below.


Certificate III in Business Qualifications

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (General)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Business Administration)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Medical)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Records and Information Management)


Certificate IV and Diploma of Business Qualifications

BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (General)

BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (Business Administration)

BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (Leadership)

BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (Operations)

BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (Records and Information Management)

BSB50120 Diploma of Business


Human Resource and Project Management Qualifications

BSB40420 Certificate IV in Human Resources Management

BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resources Management

BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management


Information Technology Qualifications

ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology

ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (General)

ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking)


Accounting and Finance Qualifications

FNS30122 Certificate III in Financial Services

FNS30322 Certificate III in Accounts Administration

FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping


Leadership and Management Qualifications

BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management


Legal Qualifications

BSB30320 Certificate III in Legal Services

BSB40620 Certificate IV in Legal Services


Supply Chain Qualifications

TLI20421 Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations

TLI30321 Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations (Warehousing Stream)

TLI30321 Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations 


2024 ACCM College Scope Documents


National Subsidised Training Costing - 2024

To make things easier, here is ACCM's most current Course Scope document and fees for Traineeships.

Just click on the picture above to download our latest Scope Document


Course Information and Pre-Requisites You Need to Know

  • BSB30120 - Is the Cert III in Business (Business Administration) the same as the old Certificate III in Business Administration?

    The BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Business Administration) is quite different than the older BSB30415 Certificate III in Business Administration.

    The older version was a great vehicle for delivering training on Word Processing, Business Writing, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint, Schedules and other useful "business administration" topics.

    The new Business Administration stream is quite different and requires these far less traditional subjects as required under Business Administration.

    • Purchasing Business Resources
    • Workplace Mail
    • Organise Schedules

    While it is possible to add Spreadsheets and Word Processing to this version, there are still a number of subjects that might not be a great fit for all roles.

    In our experience, using the straight BSB30120 Certificate III in Business allows the most flexibility to build a qualification that meets the specific needs of the Trainee.

    We are always happy to discuss! Just give us a call and we'll do all we can to help.

  • BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management

    Trainees must have completed the following units (or equivalent units) prior to enrolment:

    • BSBHRM411 Administer performance development processes
    • BSBHRM412 Support employee and industrial relations
    • BSBHRM415 Coordinate recruitment and onboarding
    • BSBHRM417 Support human resource functions and processes

    Or have two years recent full-time relevant work experience in a human resources role that has addressed similar work activities to the prerequisite units.

  • TLI2041 Certificate II and TLI30321 Certificate III in Supply Chain

    These courses can only be taken by trainees working in a warehousing environment to undertake on-the-job supervised workplace assessment activities. 

    Please note! These courses do NOT offer ticket/licencing options for forklifts, working at heights, EWP or any platforms.  

    The units of competency offered are limited to what is feasible and practical for us to deliver and assess and as such please discuss your specific needs with us prior to enrolment.

Employer Dashboard
Keeping you informed

Employer Dashboard


ACCM knows engaged employers will want to know how their investments are progressing.

Our experience has shown your involvement is key to your employee's success.

However, to be effective you need the most current and accurate information.

ACCM's web-based Employer Dashboard gives you that visibility 24/ real time.

  • Daily questions completed
  • Overall Course progress
  • Course Start and End Dates
  • Full course timetable and due dates
  • Live Assessment results
  • Log-in times/dates

Webclass - ACCM's Online Learning Portal

NSW Supervisory Roles and Responsibilities

Being a Supervisor to a Trainee is a big job, and the more you know the better you can support them.

While the specific Supervisor requirements vary from State to State, the basics found here in this video created by Training Services NSW provides a fantastic overview of what you need to know.


Traineeships and the Apprentice Connect Australia Providers

The Apprentice Connect Australia Providers are the official “go-between” for you, the government and ACCM College.

Your Provider will help with questions, Traineeship sign ups, registrations, submitting the Training Contract and processing your federal incentive claims.

As a Traineeship progresses, they can also help with suspensions if your Trainee needs to pause their program for a range of reasons.

If you don't already have an Apprentice Connect Australia Providers partner, let us know and we will refer you to some government provided information that can help you decide which Provider is right for you.

Just give us a call or write to for assistance

For more information on how the Apprentice Connect Australia Providers support Traineeships, visit this website.


Administrative FAQs
To learn more about our processes

  • The Enrolment Process

    ACCM will send you an email that has within it a URL link.

    This link is to a webpage enrolment form that is associated with the chosen program. It may have the employer details pre-loaded.

    Just forward that URL link to the staff member you have approved to enrol.

    That URL link takes your staff to the specific course enrolment webpage.

    The student enters name and address details and the government compulsory “AVETMISS” statistics.

    They also are asked for their government issued USI (but they can enrol still if they don’t have this at the time).

    Once they have completed this – an enrolment confirmation email (including the enrolment terms and conditions (in an attached PDF) will be sent to:

    • the student and
    • the nominated employer person (see the Reports section).
  • Student Administrative Requirements

    Once they finish the enrolment process, the Student will receive an enrolment confirmation email with their Webclass username and password details; and a link to Webclass.

    Once they log in to Webclass they will be asked to provide or complete the following documents:

    • ID Documents
    • Initial Skills Assessment


  • Student Starting a Qualification Course

    In WebclassM, students will have access to their course/s.

    The subjects will be listed under their qualification.

    Once they speak to ACCM's Service One (as part of the onboarding Initial Skills Assessment phone call) they will agree on any electives.

    Once electives are chosen the course is broken into “semesters”. Each semester will have one subject.

    Once the subject in a semester has been completed*, the next semester of work will be made available (even ahead of the planned start date) for a maximum of two open Subjects.

    Students will review their learning materials and complete assessment activities within ACCM's WebclassM Learning System.

    Most subjects require a skills assessment. In the majority of subjects this is completed by a phone call role play with an ACCM Student Training Adviser.

    In summary, students require periods of internet access to complete course work and must have phone contact with their Student Adviser.

  • Choice of Electives

    A few courses offer elective choices.

    For traineeships and employer funded programs, at the start of the course, the workplace supervisor will be asked about any preference for electives as they relate to the student's role (or projected role).

    If they do not have any requests the student will be allowed to choose.

    If ACCM College is unable to contact the supervisor we will send the draft Training Plan that shows electives and they will then have the opportunity to request changes or approve those chosen by the employee.

    Electives can be changed at later stages of the course as possible.

  • Training Plans

    Trainees and their employers will be issued a State mandated Training Plan.  This shows the subjects / units agreed to and the order and timeframes for completion.

    Training Plans must be returned signed by all parties. The College will follow up outstanding Training Plans by email and phone call.

    Copies of signed Training Plans will be emailed to the employer (Training Plans person) and the student; and will also be available on Webclass for the student.

  • Subject Assessment and Feedback

    When an assessment is submitted, the assessor will normally provide a result and detailed feedback within 2 – 5 days. 

    Students will receive an email that tells them their result and prompts them to login to Webclass to review the feedback, and if applicable, to revise some answers.

    If the subject is graded as Competent, great, the student can move onto the next subject.  If the result is parts assessed or PA (meaning only some parts of the assessment were done or require revision), the student will be provided with lots of feedback on what they need to do for their resubmission.   

  • Subject Completion

    Each subject will require the student to provide examples of how they have used the skills and knowledge involved with that subject. This is called Part P – Practical Skills Demonstration.

    Students enrolled through an employment arrangement will require their workplace supervisor to verify that they have seen these competencies implemented in the workplace. This is included in Supervisor Competency Agreement, which also contains a checklist of skills to be demonstrated in the workplace (on the job).

    In addition, supervisors of Trainees indicate that they have signed off the relevant units of competency as completed on that trainee's Training Plan.

    The Supervisor must sign this part of the document and it gets uploaded to WebclassM by the student.

  • Course Completion

    Once the last subject has been approved as competent by the College and if applicable, the employer, the course can be completed.

    The employer is sent an email that includes a list of each of the subjects/units and completed dates. They are to sign this and return it to formally complete the course. This will also formally complete any traineeships if that course is a traineeship program.

    If the supervisor feels that the course should not be completed e.g. if a trainee needs more work based experience, this completion is delayed. It means a subject remains formally as incomplete.

    The course must be finalised by the contracted completion date with the applicable State Training.

  • Employer Notifications and Reports

    Employers advise the College of key personnel they want to get specific documents.

    The College reporting system is set up so these occur automatically.


    College Label Main Documents Sent Other Documents
    Invoices Invoices Payment Reminders
    Reports Access to Student Reports System Escalated emails from Student Advisers about Issues or Progress
    Training Plans
    • Enrolment Confirmation
    • Traineeship Training Plans
    • Completion Training Plans
    • Statement of Attainment / Qualification Issued by Email
    Employer Completion Survey
    Supervisor Initial contact about progress issues  
    Main Contact   Main program contact for issues about the agreed program terms
    Administration Contact   Contact for administrative issues not listed above

    We recommend that the nominated people set up an inbox rule if it would be helpful to keep these emails together. 

  • Websites and Emails to “White List”

    White Listing is the process of allowing your staff members to access these sites as part of their studies, this requires your IT Department to make adjustments to your Firewalls or Security settings to allow this access.



    College Policies       

    Enrolment pages:  






    Student Advisers   

  • Issuing Statements of Attainment and Qualifications

    The student and employer will be sent an email PDF copy of the documents.

    The student will be posted a hard copy of the document once they confirm their current postal address.