Australian College of Commerce and Management Blog

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Whats New with our 2019 Courses

New For 2019

2018 was a busy year - with us updating many courses ready for an even bigger 2019.

Key achievements with improved curriculum include: 

These updates were prioritised as a direct result of client and student input; and we would like to thank the students, clients and industry experts who assisted us in validating our updated course content in these areas.

In addition we made many other changes due to updates to national units of competency and qualifications:

Diploma of Human Resources Update Summary

The latest version of this qualification is BSB50618.

ACCM College have updated the one unit/subject that was the main change to this qualification and are accepting enrolments into the newer qualification.

The updated "Manage Employee Relations" subject includes the latest content on the National Employment Standards including the new leave type: Family and Domestic Violence Leave.

This qualification is subsidised under the NSW Smart and Skilled program and enrolments are open for those with some existing HR background or the Certificate IV qualification  who wish to progress to the next level. It is also available as a funded traineeship for those eligible.


Diploma of Leadership and Management Update Summary

The updated Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB51918) being offered by ACCM College incorporates the updated unit BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence.

This unit is in our Effective Team Management subject. The updated subject has new content on workplace and situational triggers that may cause an emotional response and ways to recognise the impact that cultural behaviours and beliefs may have on workplace interactions.

Awareness of the importance of emotional intelligence and ways to develop and improve these skills are now key strategies to developing leadership skills.

This latest leadership Diploma qualification is subsidised under the NSW Smart and Skilled program and enrolments are open for those with some existing leadership experience or a relevant Certificate IV qualification who wish to develop their leadership skills.

Certificate IV in New Small Business Update Summary

The updated qualification is BSB42618

The major change was making the "Plan business finances" unit an elective (it was core) and making the updated unit "manage business finances" the new core unit. This is a better fit for students (and we had always encouraged students to take the manage business finances unit as an elective anyway.

In addition some elective choices changed.

Coming up in 2019

We are already working on IT and Insurance and Finance potential unit and qualification updates ... and are actively engaged in consultations with Skills Service Organisations.





Lisa Jones