Camden Council - The Power of a Traineeship

Camden Council - Leading By Example in Community Development
As part of their commitment to community development, each year the Council hosts a Traineeship program. The traineeship program aimed at exposing area youth to a wide range of experiences within the workplace, while supporting the Camden community. The Council are therefore leading by example in addressing issues of youth unemployment and skills development in their local area.
Camden Council’s goal was not just to provide a training opportunity for young people. Camden Council needed a tailored program that would truly align the Trainee’s workplace skills training with the core values, principles and strategic direction of the Council. From the program Council was also building a future capability of staff that could continue in roles within the Council.
Camden Council is one of the fastest growing Local Government Areas in NSW with a population of 63,000 that is projected to grow to over 300,000 within the next 25 years.
Camden Council is widely known for providing a range of exceptional services and programs to their community. Their long term goal is to enhance the lives of council residents by not just looking after their immediate needs, but by building a community, capable of thriving long into the future.
What The College Implemented To Meet Camden Councils Specific Needs
Camden Council and the Australian College worked closely to develop a training program which embedded the organisational culture and ethics of the Council. The program used a blended approach of face-to-face workshops and distance learning. The College’s delivery strategy ensured all content was customised to the specific context of Council policies and procedures and ethics.
The success of the program is reflected in the 100% on-time course completion for the Trainees. These stats, combined with glowing student and Council staff feedback, translate into a program that fully delivered the programs goals.
Apart from the wider community contribution, Council achieved an immediate return on investment with 10 newly employed council staff achieving a Certificate III in Business Administration while supporting Council’s vital goals!
Traineeship Program Outcomes
While some trainees have found permanent roles within the council, others have gone on to University and positions in other companies.
All of them have taken their positive Council and College experience as a foundation for everything yet to come.
This approach is an innovative way that a local government organisation can make a real impact of key community issues and set itself as a real role model in the community.
Let us Design, Develop and Deliver Your Tailored Program
The College is well known for creating strong courses that lead to strong results. In this case though, the College needed to fully understand the strategic goals and organisational culture of the Council. Our program linked the specific ability to perform workplace skills with the values and ethics required to deliver those skills to a community, dependent on the quality of those services.
Critical to that success, were the tailored face-to-face workshops used in course delivery. By using the Council’s own internal resources, procedures and documentation as part of the course materials, it allowed a seamless pathway from theory to application for the Trainees.
Are you after a training program that suits YOUR business? We understand that every company is different and developing a training program that is relevant to your business, is our business. If you would like to discuss how we can work together in developing a training program to suit your business needs, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
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