ACCM College is currently offering a 25% discount on all of our courses!

Course Fees

Updated Jun 2020, Reviewed Jan 2021, Reviewed Jan 2022, Updated May 2022, Updated July 2023, Reviewed Dec 2023

Course and Incidental Fees

Each Course Page has a Fee Checker to show the exact course price. 

The following information is a summary of Course Fees and provides details on Incidental Fees. 

Course Enrolment Fees

  • Private Enrolment Course Fees

    The following fees apply where a subsidised program is not available based on standard delivery: Online Delivery with Student Adviser phone and email support.

    2020 - 2021 Standard Course Fees

    Individual Students

    Certificate II

     $ 2900

    Certificate III

     $ 3750

    Certificate IV

     $ 5000


     $ 7500

    For private students a direct debit monthly instalment plan is possible; or by agreement invoices at agreed intervals with a maximum single instalment amount of $1500.

    The fees cover the required number of units to complete the qualification.

    For Credit Transfers and for enrolments in Short Courses e.g. specific units or subjects the applicable fee is the % of units to be studied compared to the number required for the award of the qualification.

    A minimum fee applies for the issue of a Qualification where Credit Transfers apply. See Incidental Fees.

  • Employer Programs - Course Fees

    The following fees apply for qualifications with our standard online delivery with Student Adviser phone and email support:

    2022  - 2023 Group Discounts 

    Individual Students

    Group Enrolments of 20+

    Certificate II

     $ 2 900

    $ 2 320

    Certificate III

     $ 3 750

    $ 3 000

    Certificate IV

     $ 5000

    $ 4 000


     $ 7 500

    $ 6 000

    Contact us to discuss larger group sizes.

    Invoices are issued at enrolment and invoicing terms are 14 days unless there is prior written agreement.

    Discounts may also apply where a subsidised program is available for which your employees are eligible and wish to enrol in.

    The fees cover the required number of units to complete the qualification.

    For Credit Transfers and for enrolments in Short Courses ie specific units or subjects the applicable fee is the % of units to be studied compared to the number required for the award of the qualification.

    A minimum fee applies for the issue of a Qualification where Credit Transfers apply. See Incidental Fees.

  • NSW Smart and Skilled Subsidised Training Courses

    ACCM College has a Smart and Skilled contract in NSW that subsidises most College qualifications across the state, with only the compulsory Enrolment Fee being payable by the employer or student.

    Fees are in accordance with the NSW Skills List with most courses attracting a 50% discount from our standard fees. 

    ACCM College allows you to pay the enrolment fee on a payment plan or you can pay in 2 instalments (however payments for private courses cannot exceed $1500 up front). Our goal is to make sure you have this once-in-a lifetime opportunity to upskill.

    There are fee exemptions and concessions.

    The fees cover the required number of units to complete the qualification.

    For Credit Transfers fees are reduced in accordance with Smart and Skilled rules.

    Refer to the Smart and Skilled page for details of subsidised courses.

  • NSW Fee Exemptions and Concessions

    If you are eligible for Smart and Skilled training and you're an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student, a student with a disability or an Australian Government welfare recipient, you and your dependants may be eligible for a fee exemption or concession when enrolling in a Smart and Skilled course.

    In NSW you will first need to meet the Smart and Skilled eligibility criteria:

    • An Australian citizen, permanent resident, New Zealand citizen or a Humanitarian Visa holder
    • Live or work in NSW
    • Over 15 and no longer at school

    Eligible concessions:

    If eligible, and places are available, the following fees will apply:

      Certificate III/IV Diploma
    Indigenous Australian $0 $0
    Person with a Disability $0 $0
    Australian Government Welfare Recipient $240 N

    Please note - If enrolling under a concession, you will need to provide a JP certified copy of your concession card or welfare statement. 

    People with a disability who are not receiving a Disability Support Pension will need to provide documentary evidence of support demonstrating a clear additional need as a result of the student’s disability.

    You can find out more about concessions and exemptions for Smart and Skilled approved courses by visiting their website.

    Visit the Smart and Skilled website to see their most Frequently Asked Questions

    Click HERE to view the Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy. 

  • ACT Skilled Capital

    Skilled Capital is an ACT Government training initiative, funded by the ACT and Australian Governments.

    Currently ACT is not offering funding for courses ACCM supports under Skilled Capital (current as of July 2023) 

    When funding is available, under this program, the ACT government subsidises a selection of ACCM College qualifications across the Territory. A compulsory Enrolment Fee applies, being payable by the employer or student. These are published on the relevant course pages.

    The College allows you to pay the enrolment fee on a payment plan (eg weekly or fortnightly) or you can pay in 2 instalments (however, up front payment cannot exceed $1500). Our goal is to make sure you have this once in a lifetime opportunity to upskill.

    The fees cover the required number of units to complete the qualification.

    For Credit Transfers fees are reduced in accordance with ACT rules.

    Refer to the ACT Funded Courses page for details of subsidised courses.

  • ACT Concession Fees

    If you are eligible for Skilled Capital training and an Australian Government welfare recipient, you may be eligible for a concession fee when enrolling into a Skilled Capital course.

    In ACT you will first need to meet the Skilled Capital eligibility criteria:

    • An Australian citizen, permanent resident, New Zealand citizen or eligible visa holder
    • Live or Work in ACT
    • Over 15 and no longer at school

    Eligible concessions:

    • Australian Government Health Care Card
    • Australian Government Low Income Health Care Card
    • Australian Government Pensioner Concession Card

    If eligible, and places are available, the following fees will apply:

    Skilled Capital Concession fees vary depending on the qualification. Please call the College to find out more.

    Please note - If enrolling under a concession, you will need to provide a JP certified copy of your concession card or welfare statement. 

    You can find out more about concessions and exemptions for Skilled Capital approved courses by visiting their website.

    Visit the Smart and Skilled website to see their most Frequently Asked Questions

  • QLD Certificate 3 Guarantee and Higher Level Skills Program Fees

    Under the QLD Certificate 3 Guarantee and Higher Level Skills Program rules, all subsidised students must be charged a co-contribution fee. We call this your Enrolment Fee. These fees vary based on the qualification and year of enrolment.

    Applicable student enrolment fees are displayed on each relevant course page under "Check Price". They represent a significant discount from the standard course price

    All student fees are inclusive of all aspects of training.

    Concession fees are available for eligible students.

  • Short Course Fees

    For enrolments in Short Courses i.e. specific units or subjects the applicable fee is the % of units to be studied compared to the number required for the award of the qualification.

    For example, to complete 2 units of competency in a qualification that requires 10 units of competency and costs $5000 - the fees would 2/10 x $5000 = $1000

    This fee applies where a Statement of Attainment has been issued. 

    A minimum fee applies for the issue of a Qualification where Credit Transfers apply. See Incidental Fees.

  • Why ACCM Can Offer Great Course Pricing

    The Australian College of Commerce and Management delivers high quality courses and qualifications at a very competitive price and possesses contracts to deliver government funded qualifications in most states.

    We are able to keep our pricing competitive because of our use of technology to control our business costs and we strongly believe in full disclosure of all costs.

    Please call us if you require any assistance or for more information, particularly for group based programs.

Traineeship Enrolment Fees

  • Traineeship Fees Payable By Employer

    Fees are invoiced to the employer unless an agreement is in place to directly invoice the trainee.


    Queensland only

    Queensland mandates a Student Contribution Fee as part of all Traineeship programs.

    Where the employer wish to have the Trainee pay this fee, please ensure ACCM College is made aware of this requirement.

    For more information on this Fee, please refer to the Queensland Accordion entry in this section.

  • NSW Traineeship Fees

    For Trainees registered under NSW Smart and Skilled, the fees are as specified in the NSW Skills List pricing schedule applicable at the date of enrolment for that qualification.

    As at July 2023 the standard Enrolment Fee for New Entrant Trainees remains at $0, but check this information using the Fee Checker on the relevant course website page.

    For a Traineeship not on the NSW Smart and Skilled funding list, or not within the College's funding allocation, fees will be as per the College published Employer Program price or as agreed with the client on a fee for service basis.

    The fees cover the required minimum number of units to complete the qualification.

    For Credit Transfers fees are reduced in accordance with Smart and Skilled rules (however where the fee is $0, Credit Transfers will not reduce the fee further).

    Refer to the NSW Skills List found here.

    Updated August 2023

  • Queensland Traineeship Fees

    Understanding Traineeships Fees in Queensland

    ACCM fully understands the below information can be difficult to follow.  If you have any questions regarding any of this information please reach out to us and we are more than willing to explain the below in detail.

    The fee displayed on the Course Page is a cumulative fee that shows the Student Contribution Fee and if required an Employer Fee (explained in detail below) as a displayed total.

    Understanding the Student Contribution Fee

    For all state-subsidised Traineeships in Queensland delivered under Skills Assure, a Student Contribution fee applies.

    There may be an additional employer fee (explained below), however all Traineeship require the Student Contribution Fee, except as outlined in a further paragraph.

    The Student Contribution Fee varies based on the exact Units of Competency selected for the Qualification to be completed as part of the Traineeship.

    Each Unit of Competency is allocated a “nominal hours” fee (ie 20 hr, 25 hrs, etc) by the government that is tied to State-subsidised funding, and is not a factor in the length of time the Unit should take to achieve to complete.  It is purely part of a funding determination process.

    The QLD Student Contribution fee is currently $1.60 per nominal hour for all Units in the Qualification.

    The fees quoted on each specific course page in the Fee Checker are a nominative fee (placeholder fee) which will vary based on the actual Units of Competency chosen as well as any reductions/exemptions outlined in this section.

    To repeat, the nominative fee displayed is based on this preliminary Student Contribution Fee AND any potential employer fees.

    In most cases, the Employer chooses to pay the Student Contribution Fee on behalf of the Trainee, but not always. 

    This decision is made between the Employer and the Trainee, and is not part of the RTO’s oversight.


    Student Contribution Fee Reductions and Exemptions

    Under the User Choice Policy, a Partial Exemption of the Student Contribution Fees applies for certain categories.

    Per the QLD User Choice Policy found here

    2.6.2 Partial exemption - tuition fees

    The SAS (ACCM College) must charge 40 per cent of the student contribution fee where the participant falls into one or more of the following exemption categories:

    (a) The participant was or will be under 17 years of age at the end of February in the year in which the SAS provides training, and the participant is not at school and has not completed year 12.

    (b) The participant holds a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card issued under Commonwealth law, or is the partner or a dependant of a person who holds a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, and is named on the card.

    (c) The participant issues the SAS with an official form under Commonwealth law confirming that the participant, his or her partner or the person of whom the participant is a dependant, is entitled to concessions under a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.

    (d) The participant is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person. Acceptable evidence is as stated on the Training Contract and AVETMISS VET Enrolment Form.

    2.6.3 Full Exemption of Student Contribution Fee

    The SAS may apply full exemption from the student contribution fee where the participant falls into one or more of the following exemption categories:

    (a) Where payment of the student contribution fee would cause extreme financial hardship, then the SAS may waive these fees

    1. The fee waiver process should be in place at the time of the participant’s enrolment.
    2. For 2.6.3 (a) of this Fees and Charges section, the SAS must have a reasonable internal process to manage an appeal about the outcome of an application under financial hardship.

    (b) Where the Queensland Government, as represented by the departmental officer responsible for the User Choice budget, advises in writing that fees are optional. On receipt of such advice, the SAS may choose not to collect the student contribution fee. In this circumstance, any decision by the SAS not to collect fees does not create a liability for the department. The SAS may not apply for reimbursement by the department of fee revenue foregone.

    Refer to the User Choice Price List, as published on the department’s website, for information on where fee exemptions are applicable. The SAS must apply full exemption from the student contribution fee where the participant falls into one or more of the following exemption categories:

    (a) where credit transfer/national recognition has been applied to a unit of competency/module

    (b) the participant is a school-based apprentice or trainee

    (c) the participant is undertaking a qualification as part of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work – Work Skills Traineeship program.


    ACCM Required Employer Fee

    In some cases, where state-subsidies do not fully cover training costs, an additional Employer Fee will apply, these are includes in the quoted cost as shown on the Fee Tracker.

    This is allowable under the QLD User Choice Policy found here

    2.6.5 Additional charges

    Employer/industry The SAS may seek additional charges from the employer/industry. Any additional charges must be negotiated up-front and disclosed to the employer/industry prior to the participant’s enrolment.

    In cases where the Employer does not intend to pay for the Student Contribution Fee, please let ACCM College know and we will provide a detailed breakdown of costs to assist.


    Unfunded or non-State Funded Traineeships

    For a Traineeship not on the funding list, or not within ACCM's funding allocation, Traineeship fees will be as per the College's published Employer Program price or as agreed with the client on a fee for service basis.

    For example, the TLI30321 Certificate III in Supply Chain is a funded Traineeship in Queensland, however it is not on ACCM's approved Traineeship list under User's Choice.

    ACCM is still able to deliver this as a Traineeship, however as we will not receive any state-subsidy, the fee will be the same as a private or Employer Program price.


    ACCM fully understands the aboveinformation can be difficult to follow.  If you have any questions regarding any of this information please reach out to us and we are more than willing to explain the below in detail.

  • Western Australian Traineeship Fees

    Course Fees are the published standard fees for Employer Programs, or as varied in a Client Services Agreement.


  • ACT Traineeship Fees

    ACT traineeship fees vary by the course undertaken.

    ACT subsidises most traineeship qualifications delivered by the College. 

    Each Course page has a Fee Checker that will allow the fee to be calculated.

    The correct fee will also display for your enrolment category and course when you apply on-line to enrol.

  • Tasmanian Traineeship Fees

    ACCM College has a limited Traineeship contract in Tasmania.

    Each qualification requires a specific application to be delivered as a Traineeship.  

    Where a contract is available, the specific course pages quote the traineeship fees in the Fee Checker.

    Course Fees for other traineeship qualifications are the published Employer Program standard fees, or as varied in a Client Services Agreement.

  • Victorian Traineeship Fees

    Course Fees are the published standard fees for Employer Programs, or as varied in a Client Services Agreement.

  • South Australia Traineeship Fees

    Course Fees are the published standard fees for Employer Programs, or as varied in a Client Services Agreement.


  • Northern Territory Traineeship Fees

    Course Fees are the published standard fees for Employer Programs, or as varied in a Client Services Agreement.

Help To Determine Your Traineeship Options & Fees

Given the range of options across Australia, it can be difficult to easily determine the best option for you and your staff. 

We really are here to help, so please just give us a call to get expert assistance with no-obligation.  

Call the College on 1300 515 321 or write to us at to get expert advice.


RPL and Incidental Fees

  • RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) Fees

    RPL Fees are payable in addition to listed course fees. Refer to Policy and Procedures on RPL Processes.

    Prior to students being charged the RPL Fee they will be given a quick verbal assessment of whether the RPL is likely to be successful based on the evidence they plan to submit.

    RPL Fees apply as RPL is often a personalised training activity and so there are limited opportunities to minimise costs through economies of scale. If the time taken to process the RPL is less that the time we have factored into our pricing below you will be given a proportionate refund (however please do not anticipate any refund as RPL assessment is time intensive).

    Course Level

    RPL Fees

    Certificate III

    $500 minimum or $200 per unit whichever is the greater

    Certificate IV

    $1000 minimum or $300 per unit whichever is the greater


    $1400 minimum or $400 per unit whichever is the greater

    Credit Transfers are exempt from this fee.

    RPL Fees for Individual Subjects/Units of Competency are calculated on the same basis and the minimum fee applies as above.

    RPL requests completed as part of a Traineeship or government subsidised program may be exempt from an RPL fee.  When discussing RPL with the College please ensure you notify us if this course is part of a subsidised program and we will discuss fees and potential fee exemptions.

  • Undertaking Additional Subjects

    All listed course fees are applicable for the minimum number of units of competency required to achieve the qualification.

    Additional units of competency can be added based on an additional fee of:

    • $300 per Certificate III subject
    • $400 per Certificate IV subject
    • $500 per Diploma subject
  • Minimum Qualification Testamur Issuing Fee

    Where the majority of a qualification is Credit Transfers from other RTOs or from another College course, an additional Qualification Issue fee is applicable. This is in addition to the course fees for the units undertaken in this course with the College, noting credit transfers attract no fee.

    The minimum total fees applicable will be $1500 for Certificate II or III, $1800 for Certificate IV and $2200 for Diploma.

    This minimum fee will be calculated by adding the pro-rata course enrolment fees for the subjects undertaken (i.e. those that are not Credit Transfer) and then a Qualification Issuance Fee such that the minimum amount payable is no less than listed above.

    Note the College will not normally agree to issue qualifications that involve all or the majority of units as Credit Transfer from other providers, so please enquire before enrolling and get a correct fee quote. 

  • Dual Qualification Testamur Fee

    Where enrolment in one course enables a student to also qualify for the issue of a second qualification a Dual Qualification Testamur Fee applies:

    • Certificate III level qualification - $1500
    • Certificate IV level qualification - $1800
    • Diploma level Qualification - $2200

    The above fees apply unless this has been waived under a specific promotion or in a Client Services Agreement. This fee is also applied if there is an embedded qualification. This is in addition to any additional subject fees.


  • Extension of Enrolment Term Fee

    This fee applies where the extension period approved exceeds the maximum published enrolment term, or traineeship term, or a student is discontinued by the College for failure to meet Student Participation Standards, and requests to recommence.

    $500 applies for each further 6 month period.

    This is payable in advance. Extension approvals are subject to qualification currency. The College is not obligated to approve an extension.

  • Transition to Newer Qualification Fee

    Qualifications are regularly updated. The replaced qualification is called a superseded qualification and has a "transition date" by which all enrolled students must be completed, or be enrolled in the newer qualification (if offered by ACCM College).

    The following Transition Fee applies to transitions to newer qualifications:

    • $500 Certificate II and III
    • $600 Certificate IV
    • $800 Diploma

    This fee also applies where students request to be transitioned before the transition date, when they may (in the College's judgement) otherwise have completed the superseded qualification within the time frame.

    ACCM College may waive the Transition Fee at its discretion and will waive the fee for students who were not given at least 6 months notice of the requirement to complete before the transition date.

    Trainees are exempt from this fee.

    NSW Smart and Skilled enrolments are exempt from this fee where the transition is approved by Smart and Skilled.

    Students and trainees past their original course completion date may also be asked to pay the course Extension Fee for each extension period in addition.

  • Administration Fee Component in the Enrolment Fees

    The Administration Fee is $50 for private students (which includes student undertaking studies as part of a Government Subsidised program such as NSW Smart and Skilled Entitlement Program) and $250 for employer and traineeship enrolments.

    This fee is deducted from Enrolment Fees paid in the following circumstances.

    The Administration Fee will be retained from fees paid to cover enrolment administration costs in the event that an enrolment does not proceed or is cancelled e.g. due to the lack of provision of required ID or a USI or for any other reasonable reason that an enrolment is cancelled. 

    The Administration Fee will not be retained if the College does not approve an enrolment application for which fees have already been paid. In that event a full refund is applicable.

    Full refunds are however not given after a student has been approved for enrolment. This applies regardless of whether the student cancels their course before downloading or commencing a subject, noting that significant administration effort occurs to establish the enrolment prior to that time.

  • Optional Qualification Testamur Certificate Presentation Folder

    Qualification Testamur Certificates are posted for free within Australia by standard post.

    You have the option to have your Qualification posted/provided to you in a Presentation Folder. These fees include Registered Post within Australia.

    Presentation Folder Certificate

    $80 per certificate in a presentation folder

  • Document Copy Requests

    Original Certificates are issued at completion of your qualification for free. This fee applies for duplicate copies requested.

    Reissue of Certificates - email only

     $20 per certificate or Statement of Attainment re-issued by email

    Reissue of Certificates - email and printed

     $60 per certificate or Statement of Attainment re-issued by post and email

    Other documents requested under Privacy Policy

     $60 per hour

  • Late Payment and Dishonour Fees

    The fees are only incurred if the payment due dates are missed.

    They are payable to The College in addition to any fees charged by any third party direct debit provider and banks.

    Late payment of invoice or instalment

     $50 per late payment

    Direct Debit dishonour fee

     $50 per dishonour

    Cheque Dishonour Fee

     $50 per dishonour

    Credit Card Dishonour Fee

     $50 per dishonour

  • Important Disclaimer about Incorrect Fees

    Where the Fee is set under a funded program and we apply an incorrect fee for any reason we will be required to adjust and apply that fee. You have the option to instead cease your enrolment and be refunded as per our Refunds Policy.

    Where the Fee is a discretionary fee we will discuss with you what a fair arrangement is based on the circumstances. 


Refer to our Refunds Policy and your specific terms and conditions.

  • Students please note that eligibility to any refund amount is based on the date we receive (and acknowledge) notice of your withdrawal. Delays in advising us of your withdrawal will impact eligibility to any refund. 
  • Students may ask for a deferral/suspension that, where approved, will maintain your right to a refund calculated from the start date of the suspension if you later withdraw.
Refunds Policy

Fee Collection Procedures

Our Fee and Fee Collection Policy outlines how we invoice and follow up on outstanding payments.

Fee and Fee Collection Policy