Australian College of Commerce and Management Blog


Providing Value Add Services to Apprenticeship Support Network Providers

Providing Value Add Services to Apprenticeship Support Network Providers

Apprenticeship Support Network Providers are key to ensuring the quality of apprenticeship and traineeship registrations.

Here at ACCM we recognise our role to provide value-add services to support their work, and so have committed to specific Service Guarantees and have implemented dedicated support systems.

Training Notification Turn Around - Same Day

In ACT they are called a Notification of Business; in NSW a Training Plan Proposal (TPP); in SA a Training Plan, in Tasmania a TPO....  

In all cases - we know that as soon as a traineeship has been referred - you need immediate action.

Our guarantee is that we will action all Training Notifications on the same business day as it is received.

This means we will contact the employer and get the student enrolled AND return the signed TPP or form back to you.

The same day!

If we cant get into touch with the employer - we will ensure that you know about the delay and it will be our priority for the next day.

Email Notice - Early Completion of Trainees

Trainees progress at different speeds and in many cases will complete Certificate 3 early, and be eager to progress to Certificate 4.

This leaves open the potential for you to have missed key contract visits and need to re-establishing contact with the employer.

To help you be aware of this possibility ACCM have implemented a new service for Apprenticeship Support Network providers. 

We now have an automated email system. The email will be sent when any trainee completes 80% or more of the formal part of their traineeship.

This will allow you to confirm that the required visits and contacts have been made. It also means that you can agree with the employer on the best completion timing and strategy for that student.

The email will contain their registration details and dates and also the original ASN officer.

Course Brochure Folders  

We provide a comprehensive folder of course brochures that makes it easy to discuss traineeship options with employers.

Let us know if you haven't received yours or would like updated brochures.

Trainee Enrolment Within 24 Hrs and In 7 Minutes

We are active in ensuring that trainees can get enrolled and start as soon as possible. Once we have spoken to the employers they will be sent an email that includes a button that allows their trainee to enrol online.

Enrolment takes less than 7 minutes and enables them immediate access to their traineeship course materials and assessments.

Employers appreciate that the online / email enrolment process means "no more paperwork", and they can get on with running their business. 

Specialist Customer Relationship Team

Deal with people who understand your needs and have knowledge of the traineeship process.

ACCM has a dedicated support team specifically to assist ASN Field Agents with: advice on the most suitable qualifications; options for available funding and subsidies; actioning Training Plan Proposals on the same day; providing you with brochures and information; and personally trouble-shoot any paperwork or registration issues you need dealt with urgently.


Training Plan Completion

At ACCM we discuss and agree with the employer and trainee on the subjects to be in their Training Plan in the first 2 weeks of enrolment. This ensures all traineeship obligations are agreed to early on.

Employers appreciate that we have a range of elective subjects (where permitted) which means they can select options that suit business and trainee needs. We are also flexible and able to change electives at any time during the traineeship.


Did You Know ? ACCM Completion Rates are the Highest in NSW !

We offer you the re-assurance that we do everything possible to successfully complete trainees. This shows in our industry benchmark Completion rates. Read about the Premiers Departments interest in the business processes we apply to achieve the best completion rate in NSW. We are proud of our success and that success translates into your clients and trainees being satisfied with the traineeship process.

Need Something Else?

Let us know if there are any improvements to our support services that you would like; or any other way we can help make your role smoother.




Lisa Jones