2016 ongoing – Win a $50 eGift Card
Entry restrictions: The competition is open to previous College students who have completed a qualification with the Australian College of Commerce and Management and who are residents of Australia aged 16 years or over.
How to enter: For your chance to win, simply send us an email with the subject heading “50 Feedback” to feedback@accm.edu.au and tell us about your experience with the Australian College of Commerce and Management
Start Date: 1st December 2016 at 00:00:01 (AEDT)
End Date: Ongoing – month to month
Prize: One $50 Gift Card
Prize Value: total of 1 $50 eGift Card
Prize Collection: eGift card will be sent to the winners via email
Winner Notification: Within 10 business days of the draw
Winners: Kirstie Taylor, Javier Gonzalez, Kaelee Dilevski, Jai Ferguson, Jayashree Madala, Brooke Templeton, Dean Austin, Emily Huth, Jessica Stucke, Miranda Webster, Shelby Campbell, Ashleigh Douglas, Jack Forbes-Walker, Karlie Wilkinson, Kayla Correia, Rachel Camilleri, Brett Kingsley, Tamera Stephenson, Debbie Shepherd, Tayla McIntyre-Baker, Kate Martin, Sarah Stewart, Natasha Hillis, Marlia Weribone, Elisabeth Degen, Makenzie Towson, Joel Boorman, Katherine Loupos, Ana Tau, Jordon Russell, Georgina Rosso, Shalina Asiata, Maddison New, Louise Bartolo, Carol McIlhagga, Skylah Urbahn Moyce, Ryan Driver, Karen Jolly, Tiffany Allen, Jeanette Trewern, Chelsea Stagg, Emma Field, Chelsea Harper, Saige Wolfenden, Kate Bennett, Hannah Rush, Emma Buttigieg, Nathan Langley, Karen Ferguson, Conor Hicky, Rongze (Zoe) Zhang, Catherine Robertson, Dean Austin, Brooke Templeton, Yayashree Madala, Jai Ferguson, Kaelee Dilevski, Javier Gonzalez, Kristie Taylor, Patricia Blair, Nerida Brown, Candice Sutton, Katrina Lander, Naomi Watson, Tracy Peduto, Michelle Simmons, Jasmine Cannon, Lynnda Lim-Huynh, Kaili Meredith, Albert David.
Judging Criteria: Entries will be judged on their creativity and content.
Judging will take place at 12.00pm on the 3rd of each month at 8/36 Auburn Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500. Winners will be notified by email.
This is a competition of merit/skill. The best entry will win and chance plays no part in determining winner/s. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Special Terms Agreed to Upon Entry: By submitting an entry, the entrant grants the Australian College of Commerce and Management permission to reproduce, adapt and communicate the content including photographs across marketing channels, including in a testimonial format. This includes the distribution of the content on our websites, social channels and marketing materials. You will not be added to any marketing email lists from any third parties.
2016 ongoing - Win a $50 eGift Card Certificate Selfie Competition
Entry restrictions: The competition is open to previous College students who have completed a qualification with the Australian College of Commerce and Management and who are residents of Australia aged 16 years or over.
How to enter: For your chance to win, simply follow @theaccm on Instagram, take a selfie with your certificate and upload it to Instagram including the hashtag #ACCMStudy
Start Date: 1st December 2016 at 00:00:01 (AEDT)
End Date: Ongoing month to month
Prize: One $50 Gift Card
Prize Value: total of 1 $50 eGift Card
Prize Collection: eGift card will be sent to the winner’s via email
Winner Notification: Within 10 business days of the draw
Winners: Simone Dwyer, Elly Buttacavoli, Kelsie Stewart, Sherilee McManus, Claire Wilkinson, Maddison Ryan, Rachael Lake, Alixandra Mead
Judging Criteria: Entries will be judged on their creativity and content.
Judging will take place at 12.00pm on the 3rd of each month at 8/36 Auburn Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500. Winners will be notified by email.
This is a competition of merit/skill. The best entry will win and chance plays no part in determining winner/s. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Special Terms Agreed to Upon Entry: By submitting an entry, the entrant grants Australian College of Commerce and Management permission to reproduce, adapt and communicate the content including photographs across marketing channels, including in a testimonial format. This includes distribution of the content on our websites, social channels and marketing materials. You will not be added to any marketing email lists from any third parties.