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School-Based Traineeship Support

Created Jul 23

Successful School-Based Traineeships are a Team Effort

ACCM College understands that School-Based Trainees need the support of their Stakeholders.

That means the employer, parents, school VET coordinator, Regional SBAT representative and ACCM College.

We have created this helpful page to provide as much information and support as possible.

You can also visit NSW's own page for specific official guidance on School Based Apprentices and Trainees Process here

If there is anything else you’d like us to add, just let us know by writing to

Key Roles in the School-Based Traineeship
If everyone plays their part, the SBAT will succeed.

  • The SBAT employer

    The employer plays a critical role in an SBAT because the real world workplace experience is the heart of this opportunity.

    In NSW, trainees must complete at least 100 days (700 hours) of paid employment across a 2 year traineeship.

    They will learn the industry, workplace and teamwork skills that will help chart their future.

    ACCM strongly encourages all employers (and host employers) to visit this site provided by the NSW Government (it's full of really important information that will set you up for success).

    The FAQ section found here is especially valuable to understand many aspects of an SBAT!

    Supporting the Trainee

    Coaching and supervising SBATs comes with specific requirements to ensure they are well supported in the workplace.

    Visit this link for more information (especially understanding WHO can supervise the SBAT).

    Please look over this entire page, as it's literally full of useful and important information to set the entire traineeship up for success. 

    Employers have a Duty of Care for SBATs that differ from other staff members.

    See here for information that will help you take care of their safety and support needs.

    Traineeship Administration

    As the employer you will have a big role in determining "competence" that leads to the granting of the qualification.

    At the bottom of this page is a section called "Administrative FAQs", that will outline all you need to know.


  • The SBAT host employer (if applicable)

    In some cases the SBAT will be employed by a Group Training Organisation (GTO), where the SBAT will actually be hosted with a different employer who is supporting the traineeship program's work experience requirements.

    It is important to remember that the host is NOT the employer and is not responsible for many aspects of the traineeship.

    For example, the host does not pay or manage the employment of the SBAT. 

    The host also does not officially start or finish the traineeship paperwork.

    The host does provide the workplace training and on the job experience that is at the heart of the SBAT program.

    This also means that the host, by mutual agreement with the GTO, can complete the supervisory sign-off for each subject in the trainee's course. In many cases this agreement is made because the host has direct observation of the trainee's workplace competence.

    As the traineeship comes to an end though, the employer is still responsible for signing the completion paperwork that finalises the traineeship.

    ACCM College will always communicate with the employer directly, and only approach the host employer with permission.

    ACCM strongly encourages all employers (and host employers) to visit this site provided by the NSW Government (it's full of really important information that will set you up for success).

    The FAQ section found here is especially valuable to understand many aspects of an SBAT!


  • The school VET coordinator/career advisor

    The role of the school is vital in the success of a School-Based Trainee.

    The name of the VET support person varies from school to school (such as the career counsellor, career advisor or school VET coordinator as examples).  For the purposes of this section, we will refer to the role as the VET coordinator.

    The VET coordinator is a critical person with an important role, because they have direct contact with the SBAT on a near daily basis.

    The VET coordinator will need to organise for the student to be enrolled in the appropriate HSC VET course on Schools Online, but we will provide all the detail required for this to be as easy as possible.

    ACCM will include the VET coordinator in the monthly progress updates as well as providing access to online reporting that shows real time progress against the Units of Competency that will be undertaken by the SBAT for their relevant HSC Vet course.

    This online progress report is updated progressively throughout their training as each unit is achieved.

    ACCM works closely with the school to ensure that competency achievement for the trainee for their HSC VET course is achieved in the required time frame so that the school has the necessary information they need to populate Schools Online.

    Please note that ACCM College does not update Schools Online, this is a responsibility of the school.

    Traditionally, the VET coordinator is also responsible for:

    • ensuring SBATs are making regular progress in their studies.
    • working with key stakeholders to overcome challenges and roadblocks.
    • providing motivation and support to SBATs.
    • coordinating with parents as needed to support progress and completions.

    In some cases, the VET coordinator will also be responsible for working with the RTO to escalate progress concerns.

    This may involve issuing School Warnings (N Award Warnings in NSW only), contacting parents, arranging stakeholder meetings to discuss the way forward or other corrective measures.

    This is one of the most vital roles in the SBAT's traineeship, and without their strong support the SBAT is missing a key factor in their success.


  • Regional SBAT Team (NSW only)

    The SBAT team plays a major role in ensuring successful outcomes for SBATs.

    For public schools, the Regional Public Schools SBAT team is there from the start to ensure all the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted.

    For non-government schools (e.g. Catholic schools), please visit here for more information. 

    Information for independent schools can be found here.

    Regardless of which agency is performing the service, their support includes:

    • verifying the SBAT is eligible to be enrolled in a traineeship
    • ensuring the Training Plan meets the Qualification and NESA Unit of Competency requirements
    • SBATs are progressing in their studies
    • problems, challenges and roadblocks are addressed and resolved.

    The SBAT team also comes with a broad range of experience and expertise in overcoming problems.

    Their advice and assistance can often make the difference in the SBAT achieving their goal.

  • Training Services NSW

    Training Services NSW has responsibility for overseeing all apprenticeships and traineeships in NSW.

    Simply put, they administer the traineeships, which includes:

    • registrations
    • suspensions
    • extensions
    • cancellations
    • completions
    • progress concerns.

    In most SBAT programs there is minimal direct contact with Training Services NSW, especially if everything is going smoothly.

    However, Training Services NSW also exists to ensure successful outcomes of traineeships. 

    If there is a challenge, problem or roadblock to a full qualification resulting from a traineeship, it is their role to step in and assist.

    Training Services NSW will step in where:

    • progress has stalled in a Traineeship
    • a Traineeship's outcome is in doubt
    • the Trainee's welfare is at risk
    • the Trainee is not being given time in their course.

    Under ACCM College's Smart and Skilled contract, we are required to inform Training Services NSW within three weeks if we believe the traineeship will not end in a qualification.

    We will always work with SBAT stakeholders to resolve issues impacting progress and completion, and Training Services NSW.

  • ACCM College (the RTO)

    ACCM College provides the learning and assessment materials the SBAT undertakes to earn their nationally recognised VET qualification.

    Our materials meet the requirements of the national regulator ASQA 

    A short list of the services ACCM provides for the support of a School-Based Trainee:

    Administrative support for government compliance includes:

    • SBAT sign up, induction and onboarding
    • management of learning materials and online portal Webclass
    • support, coaching and mentoring of SBAT
    • monitoring of SBAT progress
    • involvement of stakeholder to promote progress
    • issuing of completion paperwork and qualification/testamur.

    Most importantly, ACCM College will do all we can to enable a successful SBAT outcome.

    We just need to know how we can help.

  • The Apprentice Connect Australia Providers

    The Apprentice Connect Australia Providers are the official “go-between” for the employer, Training Services NSW and ACCM College.

    Your Provider will help with questions, registration, submitting the Training Contract (versus the Training Plan) and processing the employer's federal incentive claims.

    Providers are also committed to the success of the SBAT and can help resolve potential challenges and roadblocks.

School Based Traineeship - Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions we have helped with

  • How do you establish a School-Based Traineeship in NSW?

    Everyone involved in the process is happy to help you get started with setting up a School-Based Traineeship.

    The process can seem complicated at first, but with the right support you will see it's actually very straightforward.

    Follow this link from the NSW Government - Department of Education here.

    Look for the pdf download called: Establishment process for SBATs in NSW.

    The latest version is from 2022 and can be accessed directly here.

    You can also find information on this page for:

    • SBAT Guidelines in NSW
    • SBAT Application to Establish
    • SBAT Employer Questionnaire


    Remember, there is an entire team of professionals who want to help if you have any questions.

  • How long does a School-Based Traineeship go for (and when does it end)?

    School-Based Traineeships traditionally go for 1 or 2 years, culminating in Year 12.

    Although SBATs may enrol at different points throughout the year...they almost always end at the same point.

    The end date for NSW SBATs is traditionally the 31st of December, regardless of their Training Contract end date.

    This is the date all study (their qualification) and work hours (100 hrs for a 2 year program) must be completed by.

    Every effort is made to ensure SBATs finish well before this date.


  • How does ACCM support the SBAT?

    ACCM College has been supporting distance learners for more than 27 years.

    In that time we have learned how to support our online/distance learners to gain strong outcomes.

    However, supporting SBATs requires greater flexibility in our approach and also securing help from other stakeholders.


    SBATs are directly supported by:

    • 24/7 access to study materials from any web-enabled device (which does include mobile-phones).
    • ACCM Student Advisers who reach out to SBATs regularly via phone and email.
    • Ability to offer coaching on-the-spot or scheduled (just call ACCM to arrange).
    • ACCM will work with the School Coordinator to arrange support and schedule times when we can directly talk/coach the SBAT.


    ACCM will help the SBAT succeed by involving other parties

    • Monthly updates to the employer, host (if approved by employer) and school coordinator/career counsellor.
    • Working with the school where additional support is required or progress concerns exist.
    • Partnering with the employer to help drive progress and build motivation for course work.
    • In some cases, ACCM will contact or involve the parents to help SBATs progress their studies.
    • In extreme cases, after all other avenues have failed, ACCM will recommend an N Warning be given to the SBAT.




  • What can I do if the SBAT isn't progressing with their studies?

    ACCM College makes every effort to start SBATs off on the good foot.

    Regular contact, meaningful coaching and stakeholders that really care are normally enough to secure great outcomes.

    In some cases, SBATs need more help to make the required progress.

    We'll be doing all we can to help, but if you are looking for ways to help the SBAT, below are some suggestions.


    Employers/Host Employers

    • If time allows (maybe it's a slow day), give them time at work to focus on their course work.
    • Encourage them to use designated study time at school effectively.
    • Make sure they know the course work is just as important as the on the job skills they are learning with you.
    • Show how their course work relates to their on the job training (show them it all works together).
    • Talk to the SBAT about their course work and offer assistance/coaching if you can (show it relates to the role!)


    School VET Coordinator/Career's Counsellor

    • Ensure the SBAT is suitable for distance learning and the qualification - set them up for success from the start.
    • Let ACCM know if there are any LLN or learning challenges that we can assist with, or should know about.
    • Ensure the SBAT is using their school time effectively to progress their course work.
    • Treat their qualification as an actual subject in their daily timetable, one that they must progress with.
    • Keep the parent informed of progress and problems, and solicit their assistance as needed.
    • Review the monthly progress report sent by ACCM for each SBAT, and see if their progress matches what you are seeing.
    • Talk with ACCM about the student's progress, we can help more if we understand the challenges in their way.



  • How and when do the Trial HSC and HSC exams happen?

    NSW SBAT students undertaking training with ACCM College have the opportunity sit their examinations online on the DoE Moodle Platform -  Evidence Central.

    ACCM College will contact the school's Vet Coordinator to confirm if their SBAT needs to sit the exam or not, and the best contact to include in all of ACCMs Trial communications (approximate May-June of their Year 12).

    ACCM will provide links to past papers and the NESA quiz generator as well as what subjects cover the mandatory HSC content so that the student can prepare.

    Once known (and there is no set time when ACCM will be contacted each year),  ACCM College will communicate when the exam will be available so that the school can schedule their SBAT to sit the exam fully supervised (July/August).

    ACCM will support students to register for their HSC Trial and familiarize themselves with the use of the DoE Moodle platform. This ensures that SBATs are focused during their exam and comfortable, rather than confused by how to use the testing system.

    Once the trials period is over the online exam will be locked and marked. ACCM will then notify the student when they can access their results and feedback online (September).

    Note: DoE will submit the examination estimates to NESA.

  • What is ACCM's delivery method?

    ACCM College's delivery method is online/distance education.

    All of our learning and assessment materials are hosted on our internally designed and developed Learning Management System (LMS) called Webclass.

    Webclass is the culmination of 27 years of experience in distance education and incorporates the vital feedback from our stakeholders.

    Students and employers have raved about the quality, ease of use and strength of our online programs.


  • Do you offer face to face training or workshops?

    ACCM College's primary delivery method is online/distance learning.

    Where a face to face component is requested/required by an employer, please let us know.

    Traditional facilitator-led face to face learning does not align well with our online materials or delivery method.

    However, we have had fantastic success with periodic/scheduled coaching sessions for groups/cohorts via video session (e.g. Microsoft Teams or Zoom).

    Coaching sessions allow ACCM to provide:

    • opportunity to complete Skills Checks and Role Plays
    • overview of subjects and assessments prior to starting new material
    • ability to provide specific coaching or answering questions (individually or as a group).


    ACCM is always interested in finding the best solution with clients, so please let us know what is needed and we will help.


  • Trainees working from home

    Different States have different rules about trainees working from home (WFH).

    The concern is that a trainee in a WFH environment does not have any on the spot supervision or ready access to support. 

    Furthermore, the provision of the critical hands-on training and oversight that is at the heart of a traineeship is not present.

    Training Services NSW has not put forth specific guidance on this issue, however we have seen a dramatic increase in new (and existing) traineeships that are being rejected or closed due to the trainee not working in a workplace setting.

    Whereas Queensland Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training has made it clear that trainees must be in the same physical location as their supervisor, to provide the level of training and oversight required for a traineeship.

    We recommend the Regional State Training office is engaged to see if this will be allowed for each specific circumstance prior to sign up if the trainee is or may be working from home (or other location separate from direct supervision).



NSW SBAT Courses
Please note not all SBAT programs provide an ATAR

ACCM College offers the following SBAT courses.

You will also find a link to more information about these qualifications on the Training Services NSW site (link provided).

BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills (non-ATAR)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business

ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology

TLI20421 Certificate II in Supply Chain (non-ATAR)

You can also find information on these courses in our 2023 SBAT Course Catalogue below.

ACCM College SBAT Course Catalogue


Please click on the picture above to download ACCM College's SBAT Course Catalogue.

You will find valuable information on each course, fees, Apprentice Connect Australia Providers support and ACCM College.

Remember, if you have any questions or want additional information, just reach out to us.

Course Information and Pre-Requisites You Need to Know

  • TLI2041 Certificate II and TLI30321 Certificate III in Supply Chain

    These courses can only be taken by trainees working in a warehousing environment to undertake on-the-job supervised workplace assessment activities. 

    Please note! These courses do NOT offer ticket/licencing options for forklifts, working at heights, EWP or any platforms.  

    The units of competency offered are limited to what is feasible and practical for us to deliver and assess and as such please discuss your specific needs with us prior to enrolment.

  • BSB30120 - Is the Cert III in Business (Business Administration) the same as the old Certificate III in Business Administration?

    The BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Business Administration) is quite different than the older BSB30415 Certificate III in Business Administration.

    The older version was a great vehicle for delivering training on Word Processing, Business Writing, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint, Schedules and other useful "business administration" topics.

    The new Business Administration stream is quite different and requires these far less traditional subjects as required under Business Administration.

    • Purchasing Business Resources
    • Workplace Mail
    • Organise Schedules

    While it is possible to add Spreadsheets and Word Processing to this version, there are still a number of subjects that might not be a great fit for all roles.

    In our experience, using the straight BSB30120 Certificate III in Business allows the most flexibility to build a qualification that meets the specific needs of the Trainee.

    We are always happy to discuss! Just give us a call and we'll do all we can to help.

Employer Dashboard
Keeping you informed

Employer Dashboard


ACCM knows engaged employers will want to know how their investments are progressing.

Our experience has shown your involvement is key to your employee's success.

However, to be effective you need the most current and accurate information.

ACCM's web-based Employer Dashboard gives you that visibility 24/ real time.

  • Daily questions completed
  • Overall Course progress
  • Course Start and End Dates
  • Full course timetable and due dates
  • Live Assessment results
  • Log-in times/dates

Webclass - ACCM's Online Learning Portal
Watch this video to learn how to use and navigate Webclass

NSW VTO Codes for ACCM SBAT College Courses

  • Certificate II and III Business Courses
    BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills  7364
    BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (No Specialty)  7365
  • Supply Chain Courses
    TLI20421 Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations 7862
  • Information Technology Courses
    ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology 7278
    ICT40120 Certificiate IV in Information Technology (General) 7279
    ICT40120 Certificiate IV in Information Technology (General) - Adv Entry 7280
    ICT40120 Certificiate IV in Information Technology (Networking) 7765
    ICT40120 Certificiate IV in Information Technology (Networking) - Adv Entry 7766
  • Accounting Courses
    FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping 7923

Administrative FAQs
To learn more about our processes

  • The Enrolment Process

    ACCM will send you an email that has within it a URL link.

    This link is to a webpage enrolment form that is associated with the chosen program. It may have the employer details pre-loaded.

    Just forward that URL link to the staff member you have approved to enrol.

    That URL link takes your staff to the specific course enrolment webpage.

    The student enters name and address details and the government compulsory “AVETMISS” statistics.

    They also are asked for their government issued USI (but they can enrol still if they don’t have this at the time).

    Once they have completed this – an enrolment confirmation email (including the enrolment terms and conditions (in an attached PDF) will be sent to:

    • the student and
    • the nominated employer person (see the Reports section).
  • Student Administrative Requirements

    Once they finish the enrolment process, the Student will receive an enrolment confirmation email with their Webclass username and password details; and a link to Webclass.

    Once they log in to Webclass they will be asked to provide or complete the following documents:

    • ID Documents
    • Initial Skills Assessment


  • Student Starting a Qualification Course

    In WebclassM, students will have access to their course/s.

    The subjects will be listed under their qualification.

    Once they speak to ACCM's Service One (as part of the onboarding Initial Skills Assessment phone call) they will agree on any electives.

    Once electives are chosen the course is broken into “semesters”. Each semester will have one subject.

    Once the subject in a semester has been completed*, the next semester of work will be made available (even ahead of the planned start date) for a maximum of two open Subjects.

    Students will review their learning materials and complete assessment activities within ACCM's WebclassM Learning System.

    Most subjects require a skills assessment. In the majority of subjects this is completed by a phone call role play with an ACCM Student Training Adviser.

    In summary, students require periods of internet access to complete course work and must have phone contact with their Student Adviser.

  • Choice of Electives

    A few courses offer elective choices.

    For traineeships and employer funded programs, at the start of the course, the workplace supervisor will be asked about any preference for electives as they relate to the student's role (or projected role).

    If they do not have any requests the student will be allowed to choose.

    If ACCM College is unable to contact the supervisor we will send the draft Training Plan that shows electives and they will then have the opportunity to request changes or approve those chosen by the employee.

    Electives can be changed at later stages of the course as possible.

  • Training Plans

    Trainees and their employers will be issued a State mandated Training Plan.  This shows the subjects / units agreed to and the order and timeframes for completion.

    Training Plans must be returned signed by all parties. The College will follow up outstanding Training Plans by email and phone call.

    Copies of signed Training Plans will be emailed to the employer (Training Plans person) and the student; and will also be available on Webclass for the student.

  • Subject Assessment and Feedback

    When an assessment is submitted, the assessor will normally provide a result and detailed feedback within 2 – 5 days. 

    Students will receive an email that tells them their result and prompts them to login to Webclass to review the feedback, and if applicable, to revise some answers.

    If the subject is graded as Competent, great, the student can move onto the next subject.  If the result is parts assessed or PA (meaning only some parts of the assessment were done or require revision), the student will be provided with lots of feedback on what they need to do for their resubmission.   

  • Subject Completion

    Each subject will require the student to provide examples of how they have used the skills and knowledge involved with that subject. This is called Part P – Practical Skills Demonstration.

    Students enrolled through an employment arrangement will require their workplace supervisor to verify that they have seen these competencies implemented in the workplace. This is included in Supervisor Competency Agreement, which also contains a checklist of skills to be demonstrated in the workplace (on the job).

    In addition, supervisors of Trainees indicate that they have signed off the relevant units of competency as completed on that trainee's Training Plan.

    The Supervisor must sign this part of the document and it gets uploaded to WebclassM by the student.

  • Course Completion

    Once the last subject has been approved as competent by the College and if applicable, the employer, the course can be completed.

    The employer is sent an email that includes a list of each of the subjects/units and completed dates. They are to sign this and return it to formally complete the course. This will also formally complete any traineeships if that course is a traineeship program.

    If the supervisor feels that the course should not be completed e.g. if a trainee needs more work based experience, this completion is delayed. It means a subject remains formally as incomplete.

    The course must be finalised by the contracted completion date with the applicable State Training.

  • Employer Notifications and Reports

    Employers advise the College of key personnel they want to get specific documents.

    The College reporting system is set up so these occur automatically.


    College Label Main Documents Sent Other Documents
    Invoices Invoices Payment Reminders
    Reports Access to Student Reports System Escalated emails from Student Advisers about Issues or Progress
    Training Plans
    • Enrolment Confirmation
    • Traineeship Training Plans
    • Completion Training Plans
    • Statement of Attainment / Qualification Issued by Email
    Employer Completion Survey
    Supervisor Initial contact about progress issues  
    Main Contact   Main program contact for issues about the agreed program terms
    Administration Contact   Contact for administrative issues not listed above

    We recommend that the nominated people set up an inbox rule if it would be helpful to keep these emails together. 

  • Websites and Emails to “White List”

    White Listing is the process of allowing your staff members to access these sites as part of their studies, this requires your IT Department to make adjustments to your Firewalls or Security settings to allow this access.



    College Policies       

    Enrolment pages:  






    Student Advisers   

  • Issuing Statements of Attainment and Qualifications

    The student and employer will be sent an email PDF copy of the documents.

    The student will be posted a hard copy of the document once they confirm their current postal address.