What Our Business Students Have to Say

The Australian College of Commerce and Management has been delivering vocational education and training for 20 years. That's a very long time and over those years we have developed our training methods and materials to ensure that our students get the best possible training and great results. But don't just take our word for it...
Shaina-Lee - CIII in Business This subject really helped me understand customers more and gain more confidence in providing and pointing them in the right direction.
Anita has been amazing and patient with me along the way which I'm very very grateful for.
This module [Assist Customers with Products and Services] has been my favourite because it shines a light on assisting customer needs.
Alia - Certificate IV in Business I had a great experience with the college. Suzie was my contact and she was amazing, always available for a chat and to help out with any questions or queries I had.
It really felt like she was there to help me succeed and with her help I managed to finish the course a lot earlier than anticipated.
As you can see I am still employed with Kells and am coming up on 7 years of employment.
The people are really what make the college and if I were choosing to do more courses I would definitely look to the college first.
Great people, great nationally recognised qualifications and generally just a great experience.
Alex - Certificate III in Customer Engagement
Being lucky enough to have gone through Australian College for my Cert III for Customer contact while newly employed within a health Insurance company in 2015, was a great opportunity.
The course itself allowed me to successfully finish it within a fair time frame within work hours. I had a great contact base with my Trainer Debra Wieland, who was always available when I needed clarification on questions.
The course it self helped me understand more about the company I was venturing into, even though I had many years experience within the customer service industry prior.
The course was helpful in my role as a customer service officer, from how I would deal with problems, achieve my goals and all round improve in customer service.
I also like the fact that this is a known certificate course recognized within the Customer Service environment.
I believe this course and what I had learnt from it helped me move into a Managers role within my existing health insurance employment.
Thank you Australian College for helping me progress in my career…
Amber - Certificate III in Customer Engagement
My name is Amber, I have recently completed my certificate III in Customer Engagement with the help of the college. My experience with the trainers at the college was amazing, not once did I have trouble contacting them and whenever I was in need of support they were there to give me advice.
I am very thankful to the college and especially My college trainer Danielle as she supported me through everything.
I am currently in the same job I was in when I started the course which is a contact centre consultant as I am now starting my certificate IV in Business which is also through the college, I am very excited with studying again and starting off my career with the college.
Thank you for all the effort and support I have been provided from the college and I am looking forward to studying with you again.
Brigette - Certificate III in Business
I started my Business & Administration Traineeship back in September 2014 where I was to complete a Certificate III in Business. With little understanding about the aspects of a Business and what was required, I was a bit nervous to start studying something that was fairly new to me!
However, the Australian College ensured that I could select certain topics that was relevant to what I was doing and learning in the workplace. Each assessment was easy to understand and the PDF work booklets that were provided were so helpful in regards to the questions as well as teaching me new things. Whenever I called the college to ask a question my mentor would always support me & assist me ensuring that I understood what was being asked, and even when there was a time that she was unavailable the receptionist would even offer to help me out with a question!
I completed my Certificate III even earlier than the expected time frame due to all the support being given, I had no difficulties at all and there were even parts of the assessment that I actually had so much fun doing! Due to the Australian College being so reliable, supportive and awesome, I have now chosen to do a Marketing Certificate IV with them & I'm currently completing that today. Because of completing my Certificate III in Business, I finished my traineeship which enabled me to get promoted through the company into another full time role. The knowledge I gained will stay with me throughout my career and I look forward to completing my Marketing Certificate IV and growing within my career!
I have and will keep continuing to recommend the Australian College of Commerce & Management to all my friends & family.
Thanks guys! :)
Carolyn - Certificate IV in Business/Diploma of Business/ Diploma of Human Resources
In 2011 I was researching opportunities for junior staff members to further their education when I was advised I was eligible to receive training as well, who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?
I am so glad that I pursued the chance to receive training as I never thought I could be so happy studying again. I have since completed a Cert 4 and Diploma of Business via government funding which enabled me to help other business owners through a Tradesman specific coaching company.
Due to illness I stopped work for a year however I decided to seek further self-funded education to expand my knowledge and career options. After discussing my situation with Chris Czarnosz, he encouraged and supported me to complete Diplomas in Management and HR which enabled me to re-enter the workforce with renewed confidence.
It was an absolute privilege being a student of the Australian College of Commerce and Management, I have enjoyed the opportunity to further my education and look forward to more study in the future.
Cody - Certificate IV in Frontline Management
Since completing my qualification I have made a career change from Human Resources to Health and Safety. I am now a Health, Safety and Environment Advisor who sits on the lead team of my business. My role involves influencing Operations/ Branch Managers to ensure minimum WHS legislation is met and to empower them to lead with a safety focus.
The qualification helped me to feel confident in this new role. The safety module was helpful for a basic understanding of safety as well as the communication and leadership modules which help with my day to day activities. I face challenges in successfully influencing these managers who have many competing priorities and definitely feel that my Certificate IV in Frontline Management has played a big contributing factor to my ongoing success in this role.
I look forward to further challenges in the future where I can draw from my knowledge gained in attaining my qualification through the Australian College of Commerce and Management.
Thank you for all your support throughout.
Debbie - Certificate IV in Business Sales
I completed my Cert IV in Frontline Management and Cert IV in Business Sales with your College in 2010 & 2011 it was an absolute pleasure due to the excellent support received from Staff at the College and the group workshops were so enjoyable well done to All and please pass on my thanks.
Harnah Jane - Diploma of Business/Diploma of Business Administration
Hi all I would like to tell people about my experience with the Australian college. I have/am studying diploma in business, certificate IV bookkeeping and diploma of administration. I have had the most exceptional support from all trainers guiding me through these courses and meeting some lovely people along the way. I personally wouldn't study with any other college again experiencing what this college has to offer and what lengths the trainers go to, to guide students through the courses. I never completed year 11 or 12 and never thought I could achieve such high level of education but I did and it thanks to this college who gave me the opportunity and on going support I received, easy online materials, fantastic easy to follow webclass and not to mention the lowest competitive cost they offer. I hope your experience with the college is as great as mine and good luck with your studies.
"You can do anything you put your mind to" a trainer once said to me and it's true
Jessica - Certificate III in Business Administration/Cerificate IV in Business Administration
When I first enrolled with Australian College of Commerce and Management, I was working as an Administration Support Officer at Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (BIITE). Since then, I have held two further jobs, and I'm currently working with a different NT Government Agency (Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services). Part of my success to date has been a result of what I have achieved with Australian College and Management. The staff members I have liaised with over the last 3 to 4 years have been very supportive of me ???
Thank you for all your support
Karen - Certificate IV in Marketing/Diploma of Business My experience has been an absolute joy.
I initially became involved with Australian College through a government initiatives program for Employers which gave employees the opportunity to upskill.
My company Micromax Pty Ltd offered it to all staff. At the time due to being in another building I was forgotten. When I found that this had been offered I approached my managers and asked to be included, a last minute run saw me enrolled just in time, before the cut off.
At the time most of my colleagues were doing Business related studies but I wanted to do something a little different.
Due to my involvement in producing newsletters and trying to expand a little division within TCS Instruments (A division of Micromax) called TCS Products, I opted to do Certificate IV in Marketing.
During the year that I was a “trainee” I found that I absolutely loved the course, it got my mind working and my enthusiasm for studying was renewed and I felt I was accomplishing something. I could not believe that I had waited so long to do something like this. I found that it helped me with marketing and customer service for TCS Products as well as in my day to day working life which is very customer service orientated.
Last year I was entered into the NSW Training awards by my company’s Business Manager and together with the help of my Australian College trainer I got through to the finals.
On a night filled with other inspiring fellow apprentices and trainees I was awarded Regional Trainee of the year for Marketing Certificate IV. I think I was the oldest “Trainee” ever but it was an amazing night.
I can’t say It had not been a gruelling and nerve racking lead-up over quite a number of months. Through questionnaires and panel interviews, I was on the edge of seat but it was so exciting. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before, Through it all I could not have done it without the support of Australian College, especially my trainer who supplied practical help for the application but more importantly her ongoing faith and confidence in me was very special.
The experience with Australian College was so good and opened my mind so much to what I could do, that when I was given a bonus for the higher sales achieved by TCS Products I had the choice of what I wanted to do.
I could have taken a cash bonus which who doesn’t need, but my option was for my company help me to again enrol in Australian college.
Now once again I am a student. This time I am doing the Diploma of Business but, again with the help of Australian College the course selections have been geared to modules with a Marketing feel where possible.
It has been more even more challenging, I am getting older still, but really stimulating . Of course again I have the support and help provided by my amazing trainer and all the friendly helpful staff of Australian College to get the best from the course and especially from myself.
Katie - Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical)
Going back 3 years or so I was doing my traineeship at a local medical practice in Wollongong.
I was working full time and trying to do every module in my spare time or when a doctors room was available to study in, which is near impossible in this place let me tell you!
It was quite challenging to start a new career and do the course, my brain was fried taking in all of this new mumbo jumbo!
I was most grateful of the girls that helped me along (Melissa in particular) they were absolutely fantastic, they were like having extremely encouraging friends just calling me every now and then just helping me along the path that I now know was the path I was meant to on all along.
What a great bunch.
I'm currently on maternity leave and have come to realise, now I have a little time to ponder, that I really wouldn't have been here without them!
Kirstie - Certificate III in Business
In all honesty, studying through the Australian College was a great experience! I studied a Certificate lll in Business. This is my first time studying since school, so in 3 years. I never liked studying at school, but the Australian College make it easy and they have ongoing support and I enjoyed it.
My student supervisor Nicole was so helpful, it didn’t matter what my query was, she was always there to help!
In a couple of weeks my traineeship officially ends with Summerland Credit Union, but I continue on in pretty much the same role, which I am very happy about! :)
So thank you Australian College my experience was fantastic and I would 100% recommend you guys to friends and family and if I choose to study again in the future, I will definitely come back!
Laura - Certificate III in Business Administration/Certificate IV in Business Administration
My experience with the Australian College has positively impacted me personally and professionally. I was nominated by the College for Trainee of the year in 2015, which was such a great achievement to just be recognised for my work and to be nominated. This has been my biggest achievement to date. The College has encouraged and motivated me to complete a Certificate III and IV in Business Administration and this has opened a world of opportunities for me. I never thought I would have achieved what I have and the College has made that possible. I can't commend Sharon Rich enough! I tell everyone about my experiences with the college and how outstanding Sharon is as an advisor and the thorough feedback I received on assessment tasks. I have recommended my employer use the College again for another trainee.
Thank you to the college for making that difference.
Maria - Certificate III in Business/Certificate IV in Business
I have completed my Certificate III in Business with the Australian College and I am now currently completing the Certificate IV in Business with the Australian College.
It is an enjoyable and treasurable experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life. During this period of time I have established my strengths and weaknesses. I learnt how to utilise my skills and how to achieve my goals for the near and far future. It truly is a great experience as it has helped expand my knowledge in the business industry. The assessments are quite extended although the people here are amazing as they will help, support and guide you with anything that you require even if it is not an area that they expertise in.
I would highly recommend the Australian College to my family and friends because it is not only a great way to gain the knowledge and experience that is required when entering the business industry but you will also get on the job training and meet some amazing people along the way.
Melissa - Certificate IV in Legal Services
I completed a Certificate 3 in Business Administration Legal as a trainee a year after graduating high school. I completed the course in 6 months thanks to the excellent work books and assessment tasks. The staff helped all the way through the course and were just a phone call away when i had a question. Since completing the course last year i have moved to a much larger law firm in Sydney CBD one of the largest in Australia and soon to become the largest in the world in the next few months. I have been presented with many amazing opportunities and am loving where my career is headed. I have enrolled into the Certificate 4 in Legal Services course with the college just recently and i am loving that course just as much. I will definitely continue to do my courses with the college. I love web class, the way the work books and assessments are set out and the staff are so friendly and helpful. I would recommend the college to anyone!
Michelle - Certificate IV in Business Administration
I’ve completed a Certificate IV in Business Administration through Australian College of Commerce and Management. I was, and am still employed at Warnervale Gardens with Anglican Care as a Clerical Officer. The Course was fantastic, very informative and has definitely benefited me in my position. The College is run very professionally. Any question or assistance required was constant, whether it be a minor or major. I received a few nominations for my work and won an award for one of my subjects. This gave me extra incentive and push to complete my course. I would totally recommend using Australian College of Commerce and Management for future courses. Mohamadie - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your support and assistance with the qualification of front Line management Financial Services. The qualification helped me with my day to day contribution at my current job that I have been in since undertaking qualification with the Australian college. The experience is always a challenge that brings out commitment and hard work.
Rachel - Certificate III in Business Administration/Certificate IV in Business Administration
Well where to begin.
I moved to Wollongong from a small country town (900 people). My (ex) partner and I left with $1000, whatever we could fit in the car and hopes and dreams that we would never have to go back. We lived in a tent for a week and our car for 3 months. After a month in the car I was able to secure a traineeship at RAMS. I choose to proceed with the Australian College for my traineeship. My advisor Mel was the most helpful and wonderful person. She was never frustrated when I called for the most basic question and was very attentive and friendly. I was even nominated for student of the month (twice :)).
After I finished my course I chose to complete the next qualification as well to better my knowledge.
It's now almost 4 years since starting that traineeship. I now have a beautiful 7 month old daughter and an amazing fiance, and I owe it all to that traineeship! (I met my partner through work too). Some people say that happy endings aren't real. Well they are, sometimes you just have to take that leap no matter how scary it may seem. Life is more than worth it.
Rachel - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
My experience with the college has been outstanding. I have learnt so much as a person and have experienced things in the workforce I thought I never would of. The college has helped get my foot in the door with a career I have always wanted to pursue in. The staff at the college are always willing to help us succeed and are so friendly towards all students. Without the help of The Australian College I don’t think I would be where I am today and wouldn’t have the skills and knowledge that I’ve gained over the last year.
I am very grateful for all the help and assistance you have all given me and would recommend anyone to go through with the Australian College to get to where they have always wanted to be in life. You have made me realise anything is achievable if you give it a go so thank you.
Ramona - Certificate IV in Business Administration
I completed my BSB40507 Certificate IV in Business Administration in February 2013.
My Trainer/Assessor was Jason Famularo and my experience with The College of Commerce and Management was fantastic.
I had previously done a Certificate III in Business with a different RTO but they were not half as good or as professional as The College of Commerce and Management. This gave me the confidence to complete the course while knowing I had the best Trainer/Team behind me. Because of this I was able to complete my 2 year Traineeship in just 12 months.
In completing the Certificate IV I was nominated for Trainee of the Year Award. I completed my application and was short listed for the interview stage. I was then 1 of 6 people in the running for Regional Finalist. I was fortunate enough to win Trainee of the Year Award for Western Sydney. From here I was invited to attend the NSW Trainee of the Year Award ceremony which is where I was a state finalist. This was a great experience and an honour to represent myself, my workplace and also The College of Commerce and Management.
At the time of completing the Certificate IV I was working for Real Estate Training Solutions as admin/reception. In completing the training I was able to complete work task with confidence, speed and was also trusted with new tasks. 3 years later and I am still working for the same company but no longer as admin/reception. Due to my quality of work which was from my training I was promoted to the company’s Training Coordinator. This role comes with great responsibility, which due to my training, I am able complete tasks without any issues.
I think The College of Commerce and Management is a great RTO that looks after the best interest of their customer / students. I have and will continue to recommend persons wanting to complete any training that your College offers.
Sarah - Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical)
It is my absolute pleasure to say that I am one of the 20,000 students who has gained a nationally recognised qualification with the college. I completed a Certificate III in Business (Medical) with ACCM in 2014, of which I can only provide positive feedback. The level of student support was well above and beyond average. I received phone calls on a regular basis to check up on my progress and see if I had any questions. I was provided with great resources, and any questions I did have were always answered efficiently and professionally.
My business carer begun with ACCM, and certainly provided a solid grounding for my job as a medical receptionist at the time. I have since changed carer paths to real estate administration. But the great thing about this course, was that though it was medically based (and therefore very relevant at the time), the overall content was applicable to all areas of administration work.
I would definitely recommend ACCM to family and friends, and should I chose to complete another business course in the future, I would not hesitate to choose the college. Sidney- Certificate III in Customer Engagement
I started working with Datacom as a customer service representative for one of the main government agencies of Australia. When I completed my 3 months probation with the company, I was given the opportunity to study Certificate III in Customer Contact Centre. I did not think much of it at first but it was offered by the company free of charge and seemed like a gateway towards moving up the corporate ladder within the company. As I started to complete the course chapter by chapter, I was positively surprised by the relevance of the course to my duties and the impact it had on my ability to communicate and serve others.
The course was divided into 7 modules, which were not only holistic but was also designed in a methodological way tailored to the needs of a customer service officer. It was fascinating how relevant the course was for the tasks that I encountered daily in the contact centre. When I first started I was sceptical and concerned about how a theoretical based course could assist me in a practical based job but as I completed each module, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that a section was actually designed for a practical assessment that captured the essence of the job at hand.
It was also really encouraging to receive such speedy response from the markers. I was particularly pleased by the support, guidance and encouragement of Deborah Bostanci. It was apparent from the feedback that I received that she did not simply skim through every question I answered but read every line I wrote. It was nice to know that someone cared enough to put an equal amount of effort in marking as I did in answering the modules, resulting in me desiring to submit my modules well in advance before the due date enthusiastically and eagerly awaiting the marker’s feedback which I knew was not only going to be positive but was also constructive.
The modules were tailor designed to cover the most important aspects of working in a contact centre. Studying about each of these aspects in greater detail helped understand the core principles of what makes a contact centre successful and assisted with developing stronger skills when it came to providing customer service excellence. This has had a large positive impact on the way I performed my duties within the organisation and assisted me with progressing from not just being one of the best Representatives for the organisation achieving high Quality Assurance scores of above 95% and obtaining of Work Force Manager, but also propelled my career into an Operations Manager and a Processing Officer for the Department of Family and Community services within 5 months of finishing the course. The experience and knowledge I have gained while completing the course has changed my life and holds responsibility for the position that I am in today.
Suzanne - Certificate IV in Human Resources
On behalf of myself and WCD Workers Compensation, I would like to extend my warmest of thanks and appreciation of your dedication and work you put into my Cert IV in HR.
I would also like to thank you for providing me with education, friendship, and patience as it has taken me nearly 3 years (Part time) to complete. My experience has been filled with encouragement and Support and I would like to say many thanks to Megan Mireylees and Pauline Farrugia. If it wasn’t for their support, determination and believing in me I don’t think I would have completed the course.
Victor - Certificate IV in Frontline Management
I found the experience very self-satisfying in that the course I was doing (Cert IV in Frontline Management) gave me a great insight in how I need to approach staff directly and indirectly in day to day communication. I believe it has added a level of maturity into my thinking before responding which I need to make sure of in my job position. The qualifications have also placed me in our company’s “management team” for the company. All the staff that I communicated with at the College were very helpful and friendly. Thankyou Australian College of Commerce and Management!
Please note - All testimonials are written by students of the Australian College of Commerce and Management. All of the students that provided testimonials have given the Australian College of Commerce and Management the approval to publish the testimonial.