Industry Consultation Opportunity – Updated Accounting Qualifications

ACCM College is always working hard to ensure that our materials, qualifications and staff reflect what the industry needs.
Right now, we are currently working with PwC’s Skills for Australia, who oversees changes to the Financial Services Training Package (FNS) and we are providing some feedback and suggestions on the Training Package.
We’ve already reached out to some of our client partners for direct feedback, but wanted to make sure everyone has insights into some of the changes coming.
Two qualifications that would be of interest (if this is within your area of expertise), are some proposed changes to:
FNS30317 Certificate III in Accounts Administration
BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents
We think this unit should be removed as a Core requirement – and be made an elective.
This unit is effectively “word processing” and we believe it has little relevance to a modern accounts clerical role, which primarily uses system letters from their accounts software.
BSBTEC302 Design and produce spreadsheets
There is a great deal of discussion concerning whether this unit should be kept a core unit. Many businesses still use this useful application, but not all.
We believe that making this Unit an elective is more beneficial for all and provides great flexibility to students and employers.
Inappropriate Electives
While we believe that a range of electives is always a good thing in a qualification, we don’t see these four being appropriate for this Cert III qualification.
FNSRTS301 Provide customer service in a retail agency
FNSRTS302 Handle foreign currency transactions
FNSRTS304 Administer debit card services
FNSRTS307 Maintain Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) services
FNS40217 Certificate IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting
BSBTEC404 Use digital technologies
We are concerned that the new requirements for a Core Unit that mandates “zoom” / “document sharing” is a bit unusual for this qualification and is not suited as a Core requirement.
While it is very topical right now with COVID – it is not an ongoing need AND in addition - the unit is NOT what the name makes it sound like.
The unit is about recommending solutions to a business and not a good fit for this qualification or the Accounting industry as a whole
If you have something to say about these proposed additions/solutions and let us know your thoughts and feedback, we would love to provide it to the decision-makers shaping the future of these qualifications.
Just let us know your thoughts at ceo-contact @