ACCM College is currently offering a 25% discount on all of our courses! the new website features


One of the common reasons that clients and students choose to study with ACCM is that we believe in open communication. This means we have always been upfront about course fees, how long it will really take to earn your qualification, what the course entry requirements are and specialist information on specific courses. 

In late June 2016 we pushed live new website features that even better improve the experience and information available to website users. 

Downloadable Course Brochures 

On each course page downloadable and detailed Course Brochures are now available. These are now dynamic - so reflect the current course, fees and subjects on offer.

The first few pages offer a summary about the course and include a full Fee List for all states and enrolments under different subsidised programs.

Later pages provide full subject descriptions and course entry requirement recommendations. 

Print just the first few pages - or the whole brochure . Your choice ! 

Mobile and Tablet Usability

A key improvement needed on our previous site was in mobile and tablet usability.

This required major departures from our past design: but we have ensured that we have retained the same content and favourite pages.

This not only improves the viewing of pages on those devices but also improves the student enrolment processes on these devices.

Course Fees 

Course Fees are now live (and in real time) for all traineeships and non- traineeship enrolment types - on all course pages!

This means that students and clients can reliably look up current fee options without the need to check if they are up to date (or like for many of our competitors - have to endure a high pressure sales approach to simply find out the standard costs). 

Real Student Testimonials

Each course has a real student testimonial - giving students reassurance about the quality of what we offer. We now can add these regularly to ensure they are up to date and relevant.

And before you ask - unlike many of our competitors - all of our testimonials are from genuine students who have given us permission to publish their comments.

Client Examples

Our great range of client case studies and testimonials are now much more accessible in their own Client News page.

We have even gone into our Newsletter archives and brought those old success stories back into the digital era as a blog.

Over time we will build on this portfolio - to highlight the range of training services we offer and our key point of difference - our ability to meet client needs.

Specialist Finance Information

In the finance field we provide a whole website section on compliance / finance licencing obligations. This allows finance clients to look up and understand their ASIC compliance obligations and the training options.

Web Enquiry Forms and Live Chat

Web enquiries can now be submitted in a variety of places on the website and will be actioned promptly by our dedicated CourseConnect team.

We have also extended the live chat functionality to all website pages. This allows web users the ability to clarify any questions immediately via chat.

Brochures for Employers

Brochures on traineeships, Payroll Tax and specialist finance courses are also available online now.

Do You Have Any Requests

The purpose of our website is to provide clients and students with full information to answer their questions.

Please let us know if you are having trouble finding something or would like additional features. 

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Lisa Jones