2024 Vocational Awards Program
It is the beginning of 2024, which also means the start of the VET Training Awards across Australia!
This means it is time to consider your potential nominations for the 2024 Training Awards in your state or territory.
Vocational awards are important
First and foremost, your trainees and vocational learners have put in the effort to build their skills and experience through a Traineeship and/or a nationally recognised qualification.
You played a big part in their success, and deciding to recognise those efforts through a nomination is the icing on the cake.
National recognition for the VET sector
Vocational awards also help ensure the benefits and opportunities of the VET sector receive a wide audience.
Hearing the success stories of nominees and winners helps everyone see the value in this important educational pathway.
The awards are open to trainees and vocational students who you supported to complete their qualification.
The annual awards give recognition to:
- VET in Schools Student of the Year
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander of the Year
- Vocational Student of the Year
- School Based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year
- Trainee of the Year
To learn more about eligibility and how to apply, visit our awards page here (additional links and information for specific states will be added as they are published).
NSW applications open January 15, visit education.nsw.gov.au for more information.