2019 NSW Regional Training Awards

One of the most important events in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) calendar is just around the corner and the anticipation is building.
The Regional NSW Training Awards recognises the hard work and commitment shown by Trainees and students across all levels of Vocational Education and Training.
These Awards also highlight the commitment from employers across NSW who provide opportunities for Trainees to gain essential workplace training whilst completing their Traineeships.
Finally, the awards are also an opportunity to highlight the importance of the VET sector and the role it plays in developing Australia's future workforce.
And that is no exaggeration! In 2018, over 83 000 Australians were enrolled in a traineeship or apprenticeship in NSW*.
When you see those numbers you truly understand the level of achievement and recognition that our finalists have reached.
This year, ACCM College is proud to announce that 17 of our students have been selected as finalists across the following NSW regions:
- Central and Northern Sydney (Bay 2 Bay)
- Western Sydney
- Hunter Region
- Southern and South Western Sydney
- Central coast
- Illawarra and South East NSW
Our finalists will be looking to take home the award for their nominated category. Award categories include:
- Trainee of the Year
- Apprentice of the Year
- Vocational Student of the Year
- School Based Trainee/Apprentice of the Year
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year
ACCM College student, Tayla, was nominated as a finalist for Trainee of the Year in the Hunter Regional Training Awards. Tayla completed a BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management with her employer, Hunternet and host employer, Roadhound Electronics. Tayla's dedication to her studies showed in the high level of work that she produced. It came as no surprise when she enrolled into a BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management.
ACCM caught up with Tayla to ask her about her nomination and what it means to her.
Why did you choose to complete a traineeship?
I chose a traineeship because I feel it is a great way to learn. You are working full time, getting paid and also studying for a qualification.
How did it feel when you found out that you are a finalist in the NSW Regional Training Awards?
To be honest I was shocked, because I never thought I would of been in a position for being a finalist. I am so grateful & thankful that I am in this position and it is all because of the training and support I have received throughout the last couple of years.
How would you describe your experience studying with ACCM?
My experience studying with ACCM has been amazing. They are always helpful, supportive and guide you if needed. Really easy to get a hold of and answer your questions without hesitation. They also provide excellent feedback on your assignments and are timely in marking and returning them.
Regional Finalists
ACCM Student Adviser, Julia, nominated Accounting and Bookkeeping student, Kate Delman for the Vocational Student of the Year at the Southern and South Western Sydney Awards. Kate was surprised when she found out that she had made it through to the finals and described the feeling as "absolutely amazing'.
Tara Templeton is another ACCM student nominated for Trainee of the Year. Tara is employed by the SCE group and has been nominated due to the hard work and dedication she has shown towards her studies in the BSB50215 Diploma of Business.
Before commencing her traineeship, Tara studied a Bachelor of Business and Commerce at university. After 18 months, Tara realised that university wasn't the path she wanted to go down. When asked about her traineeship, Tara said "I have found my traineeship to be a nurturing environment where I can ask questions, gain knowledge, make mistakes and learn from them, while all the time having support from both my college and employer".
If successful at the awards, the winners are invited to complete an interview to make it through to the State Finals. Winners of the State Finals will then make their way to Brisbane for the Australian Training Awards in hope of being crowned National winner of their category.
We wish all finalists the best of luck.
*Retrieved from: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) https://www.ncver.edu.au/research-and-statistics/publications/all-publications/apprentices-and-trainees-2019-march-quarter-australia/apprentices-and-trainees-2019-march-quarter-state-and-territory-comparisons