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ACCM's Commitment to Online Learning

ACCM College has successfully delivered high quality distance education across Australia for over 25 years.

This page explains how we address key requirements of online learning to ensure compliance and learner success.

Although we have been providing distance delivery for a long time, as the capabilities of online technology and the needs of our students evolved, so has ACCM. 

But we have never changed our fundamental commitment to a quality education and ensuring our students are set up for success. 

Successful online training and assessment demands a non-stop quality focus to understand the strengths and limitations of our chosen delivery method and the suitability of our students to use it.

ACCM demonstrates our commitment to quality by ensuring:

  • Each student fully understands the Digital Literacy requirements of each qualification prior to enrolment
  • We measure each student's Digital Literacy and ensure suitability to online delivery prior to finalising their enrolment
  • Our online learning systems provide the most intuitive and straightforward user experience possible
  • Every single subject we offer is suitable for online delivery and quality assessment 
  • ACCM maintains an active feedback system to drive continuous improvements across our operations

Keep reading to learn more about Digital Literacy and how ACCM maintains our quality focus.

Webclass - ACCM's Online Learning Portal
Watch this video to learn how to use and navigate Webclass

Digital Literacy

What is Digital Literacy?

Simply put, Digital Literacy is the ability to identify and use technology confidently, creatively and critically.


But what does that mean?

Digital Literacy gauges how well a person:

  • Uses web browsers, search engines and email applications
  • Evaluates online resources for accuracy/trustworthiness of information
  • Shares and communicates information with others digitally (social media, email, blogs)
  • Understands and uses software applications (like Word or Excel) or other specialised programs
  • Uses the different functions of a computer or other technology (save files, open programs)

Normal Digital Literacy Requirements for ACCM

To be successful in one of our programs, potential students should be able to:

  • Open a computer application (such as your Web Browser)
  • Follow website "links"
  • Watch embedded videos
  • Navigate a website by following instructions
  • Enter required information into a website (such as your written answers)
  • Select the appropriate answers in a multiple choice field (click the correct option(s))
  • Download, save, edit and upload documents 
  • Write, edit, send, receive and save emails 
  • Use a word processing application (such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs)
  • Use a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets) depending on electives chosen
  • Use more advanced software applications if undertaking an Accounting or Information Technology qualification.

Digital Literacy and Online Learning

  • Understanding Digital Literacy and the DLS Framework

    Digital Literacy is a new concept, and is becoming a major focus for employers and educators who want to set people up for success.

    Most people know what Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) means and how that concept is used to make sure employees and learners have the right skills to succeed in a role or learning program.

    Recently, Digital Skills have been added to the list, creating LLND.  This was an important addition because digital skills are so critical to nearly every aspect of modern education and industry requirements.

    The Digital Literacy Skills Framework or DLSF (as it applies to education) sets benchmarks to help measure both the digital skill requirements of a course/qualification and the digital skills of the learner.

    At ACCM College, we have designed our programs to make our qualifications as accessible as possible to those seeking to complete their studies online. 

    But there are still minimum benchmarks for Digital Literacy to be suited for online learning.

    There are six levels of performance under the current model of the DSL Framework.

    While there are some variations based on content and subject choice within ACCM's qualifications, with the exception of our Accounting and Information Technology courses, our digital literacy requirements primarily fall within these two levels:

    Level of Performance Learner Support Required or Available Familiarity with Context of the Technology to be used Text Complexity Task Complexity
               2 May work with an expert/mentor where support on how to use technology is available if requested

    Familiar and predictable texts

    Limited Range of Contexts

    Simple familiar texts with clear purpose

    Familiar Vocabulary

    Explicit tasks involving a limited number of familiar steps

    Processes include identifying, simple interpreting, simple sequencing
                3 Works independently and uses own familiar support resources rather than outside support

    Range of familiar contexts

    Some less familiar contexts

    Some specialisation in familiar/known contexts

    Routine texts

    May include some unfamiliar elements, embedded information and abstraction

    Include some specialised technical vocabulary

    Tasks involving a number of steps

    Processes include sequencing, integrating, interpreting, simple extrapolating, simple inferencing, simple abstracting
  • How does Digital Literacy apply to Online Learning?

    ACCM's online programs offer an incredibly flexible, relevant and useful delivery method that offers:

    • 24/7 access to learning materials and assessment activities from anywhere with an internet connection
    • The ability to access their program from a computer, laptop, tablet or web-enabled mobile phone
    • User friendly and intuitive interfaces using the latest advances in online technology
    • A broad range of mediums to transfer knowledge and understanding (text, video, audio, pictures, etc)
    • Innovative, practical and meaningful assessment methods to gauge skills and ability

    However, online learning isn’t always the most suitable learning method for all students.

    There is a certain level of digital literacy required to be successful in our programs.

    ACCM College is committed to ensuring each learner’s Digital Literacy is suitable for our programs.

  • Ensuring Digital Literacy requirements are met

    ACCM makes every effort we can think of to ensure students know and meet the Digital Literacy requirements for each qualification. 


    • Digital Literacy requirements are clearly listed for each qualification we offer on their information page.
    • As part of the online enrolment process, potential students are provided information on Digital Literacy and asked to consider their skills against the published requirements of the qualification they seek.
    • Potential students are encouraged to contact ACCM to discuss any Digital Literacy concerns as part of the enrolment process.
    • Digital Literacy is evaluated during the Initial Skills Assessment as part of the induction process prior to accepting the enrolment.
    • Digital Literacy requirements are discussed and student suitability determined during the mandatory induction call prior finalising the enrolment application.
    • Student progress and feedback is reviewed to ensure Digital Literacy concerns are addressed.

ACCM's Materials are Suited for Online Delivery

ACCM has been successfully delivering distance learning for more than two decades. 

Part of that success is our evaluation of each Unit of Competence to ensure distance or online delivery is a suitable learning and assessment method for the strict requirements of that Unit.

For ACCM to offer a Unit via our online qualifications, we must be able to:

  • Ensure we can deliver the appropriate amount and type of knowledge required (quality and quantity)
  • Ensure all Unit requirements can be practically and effectively measured and assessed

Putting this another way, not every Unit or Subject is appropriate for online delivery.  Some Units are too complex, difficult or impractical to evaluate remotely or simply not suited for distance assessments.

For example, while the following Units were requested to be added to our programs by students and employers, we determined these (and others not shown) are not suited for online learning and/or assessment.

  • BSBWHS332X Apply infection prevention and control procedures to own work activities
  • BSBHRM416 Process payroll
  • BSBMED401 Manage patient record keeping system
  • BSBXDB501 Support staff members with disability in the workplace
  • ICTCYS401 Design and implement network security infrastructure for an organisation

ACCM is always happy to discuss adding new learning options to our programs, however we will, at our sole discretion, not add any Unit that does not meet the full requirements of the:

  • Principles of Assessment 
  • Rules of Evidence

To learn more about these standards, visit the ASQA website here

Assessments in Online Courses

  • What is Assessment

    Assessment is the process to award a student competency in unit/s of competency.

    For a student to be assessed as competent, we must ensure the student has:

    • Learnt and absorbed the required knowledge
    • Developed the skills (often progressively) and
    • Can combine the knowledge and skills to demonstrate:
      - An ability to perform relevant tasks in a variety of workplace situations (or accurately simulated workplace situations)
      - Consistency in performance and a consistent ability to demonstrate skills when performing tasks
      - An understanding of what they are doing and why, when performing tasks
      - The ability to integrate performance with understanding, to show they are able to adapt to different contexts and environments.
  • Online and Remote Assessment Methods

    We use a range of methods to gather evidence of competency i.e. evidence of your completion of the assessment activities.

    For typical question and answer activities you will type the answers into the online learning platform Webclass.

    Role Plays will be conducted by phone or video calls e.g. Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

    Many practical activities are evidenced by you completing simulations within the online learning system e.g. data input or completing a sample workplace form or spreadsheet.

    Some subjects require specific interactions. These may be addressed by email exchanges, a group video conference or use of a specific application e.g. IT Ticket System.

    Observations can be by live video or a recorded video where we can see the participant was you.

    In general, we have identified assessment methods that are suitable for remote assessment.

  • Assessment Practices in General

    Each subject will have a range of formative and summative assessment activities selected based on the units of competency.

    Common formative assessment methods used to assess foundation knowledge include written short answer questions, multiple choice questions and match the correct answer questions. These are typed into the online learning platform Webclass. Case Study scenarios are often used to give relevant context to these questions.

    The main or summative assessment activities are often more skill-based and practical activities such as:

    • Demonstrating skills like communication and service skills in role plays or skills checks
    • Practical activities like scheduling a meeting or completing a purchasing order
    • Completing accounting or IT activities (for those types of courses) in a Lab environment
    • Demonstrating safe manual lifting skills

    In higher level qualifications the summative assessments might include activities like:

    • Drafting policies or procedures
    • Investigating a complex scenario and identifying recommendations
    • Conducting complex verbal negotiations or discussions
    • Preparing project documents using specific project tools 
    • Writing detailed documents


    Instructions for all assessment activities are provided, along with information about what the expectation is to achieve competency.

  • Required Assessment Resources and Conditions

    Each subject will have specific Assessment Resources and Assessment Conditions based on the unit/s of competency.

    In general, we will provide the required assessment resources and establish the required conditions.

    These may typically include:

    • Sample workplace policies and procedures to apply eg complaints procedure
    • Sample workplace forms eg safety incident reports
    • Relevant and realistic scenarios eg a loan application 
    • IT labs where the specific troubleshooting, setting or networking activities can be undertaken
    • Having a group discussion or meeting with multiple participants
    • Accounting transactions to be processed


    Each subject will give you an overview of the summative assessment activities at the start; and specific activities will include or reference the required resources. The instructions will disclose any specific conditions to be applied.

    You will however be required to:

    • Have phone access to conduct required role plays/skills checks
    • Access specific computer applications where specified in that subject e.g. Microsoft Word for word processing, Microsoft Excel for spreadsheets,  XERO/MYOB for accounting courses, or specific IT applications 
    • Use a video conferencing tool eg MS Teams or Zoom and
    • For limited IT subjects - have specific hardware to be used


  • Authenticity of Student Assessments

    One of the challenges of online assessment is ensuring the student is the person undertaking the assessments. Yes, we know you would need to be pretty rich and desperate to pay someone to do your Certificate III course - but we do need to check.

    The ACCM process has a number of ways we do this, of which you should be aware of:

    • Online text allows the functionality to look for copied text whether that's from the internet or from another student.
    • Online also allows typing speeds and patterns to be captured and compared.
    • Webclass records the computer IP address being used. This alerts us if your work is now being done on a new device.
    • Answers that are selected can be randomised - so the correct answer is listed in different orders for different students.
    • Activities ask that you use your name or date of birth or other details in specific questions.
    • Different case study scenarios are allocated based on your surname.


    These processes may mean you are asked to identify yourself during the assessments e.g.

    • To use your name in documents.
    • To use your date of birth in calculations.
    • Answer specific case study scenarios from a designated pool of questions.
    • While online you may find a pop-up that asks you for information about your enrolment. This is triggered if our system identifies something unusual about your assessments.
    • In role plays you may be asked to identify yourself.
    • In recorded videos you will have instructions about how to show us your identity i.e. to see your face on screen talking or showing us your Drivers Licence.


    Lastly, and importantly, we ask your Workplace Supervisor (for employment related enrolments) to agree with us about competency before it is awarded.

Staying in Touch and Supporting You

A key aspect of ACCM online learning program is that we will proactively stay in touch with you for the whole duration of your course.

The following is a guide of the type of contact to expect:

  • Weekly phone contact in your first 6 week onboarding period. 
  • Monthly phone contact if you are progressing well after your initial onboarding period.
  • Fortnightly phone contact if we have concerns about your progress.
  • Weekly or more regular contact if your slow progress means you will not be able to complete on time.
  • Emails are also sent if we are unable to get through to you and need to pass on important information.
  • SMS is used where you are not responding to our urgent attempts to get in touch. 

Where you are enrolled in a course by your employer, your supervisor will also be contacted by phone and email where we have concerns about your progress or where the high quality of your work has been noticed. 

If you are progressing ahead of schedule and don't wish to be contacted as frequently, simply let us know.

If you would prefer a course where you can stop for large periods of time then please reconsider enrolling with us until you are ready to fully commit, as we have found large absences from coursework most likely end with a course that is not completed.