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Key Steps in Effective Marketing

Key Steps in Effective Marketing

Key steps in effective marketing

Effective marketing starts with a clearly identified target audience;  your market segment.

In turn, this influences decisions on what, how, when, where and who will deliver messages to that group.

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  To design a mix that will appeal to the needs and wants of your target market, consider the following:

Determining your communication objectives

By analysing what are the reasons that that group buys – you can better understand what messages about your product will be important to your target audience.

Designing a message

The marketing approach of AIDA – Attention, Interest Desire Action is still a good model for ensuring the key communication aspects are included. Your communication objectives will guide the quality, content, structure and format of the message.

Choosing Marketing Methods

There are a wealth of options on how you communicate your messages; and in reality your marketing plan should have a range of complimentary methods. This may include personal communication channels; buzz and social media; print; television and radio; display media such as posters; online media; direct marketing; sales and public relations activities.

Collecting feedback

It is critical to gain feedback from the target audience members to ensure the message is received in the manner it was intended.  If not, adjustments need to be made, otherwise your expenditure is wasted.

Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix

A Strategic Plan defines a company’s overall mission and objectives.  For example, a basic strategy for a business may be to “become the largest provider of their products in NSW”. This is only a single basic element of a Strategic Plan, as most businesses have a variety of objectives that support their overall mission. The Marketing Strategy, in turn, plays a pivotal role in reaching those objectives.   Marketing Strategy involves two key questions:

  1. Which customers will we serve (segmentation and targeting) and
  2. How will we create value for them (differentiation and positioning)?


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Next, we go further into  designing a marketing program using its marketing mix (the 4 P’s) that delivers your intended value to targeted consumers

Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Cert IV business module, ‘Marketing Promotions’   For more information on how The Australian College of Commerce and Management can help you and your business with any training needs - Call 1800 111 700, email or visit –

Rachel Flannery